A/N: hey guys, so I wrote a similar one shot to this just early today, it's a one tree hill one though naley central of course since they're my favourite. It's kinda short but I didn't want to make it too long and boring.

So I decided to sort of change the story around and re work it for linstead, hope you like it


"Alright everyone you got one minute to find a partner and pucker up! It's almost midnight!" Adam Ruzek yelled from the bar at Molly's.

Erin desperately tried to move away from the drunken pervert that seemed to have no understanding of personal boundaries. "You heard the dude. Pucker up" he slurred, his words blending together slightly.

Erin pushed him away. "Look 'dude' there's no way in hell that I'm kissing you tonight, so honestly even think about it." Erin replied before turning to walk off.

"Look honey" he grabbed her arm "you and I both know you want it, so just give into it baby" he replied leaning in closer to her.

"I'd step away from my girl before she takes away your ability to procreate" they heard a voice behind them and turned around. Erin smirked. Trust jay to one to her rescue.

"Since when was she your girl?" Drunken pervert auditioned cockily.

"Seriously dude, back off!" Erin yelled. She was starting to lose her cool and jay noticed it too. Luckily time seemed to be on his side.

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1! Happy new year!" The bar erupted in cheers and people kissing to the new year, jay quickly grabbed Erin just as the drunken idiot was about to lean in, and kissed her.

Erin gave in to the kiss, furthering it deeper, trying to convince herself it was just part of the act they were putting on. Her and jay wee just partners, right? Sure they'd flirted here and there, but they both knew that "one day" had yet to come, hadn't it?

They both pulled away breathless and turned to look at the drunken pervert, only to notice his tongue down some poor girls throat. Erin laughed slightly and spoke trying to ease the tension.

"Well, if I had known all i had to do to get rid of him was kiss you, I would've done it an hour ago when he first approached me." She smirked

Jay laughed in response "I was surprised you hadn't decked him within the first minute considering how 'hands on' he was."

"Well...I guess it was good I kept him around huh? We both know you've been dying to do that for a while" she joked referring to their earlier kiss.

"Oh and you weren't?" He replied, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Well I guess we'll never know will we?" She smirked before picking up her purse and heading towards the door.

Jay just sulked back to the bar and called for another beer, before feeling someone kiss hi, on his cheek.

"Happy new year halstead" Erin whispered in his ear.

"One day Lindsay. One day" he yelled at her retreating figure.

Erin stopped, turned to face him and smirked

"Oh definitely!"

A/N: hope you guys have a happy new year, I hope 2015 will be everything you want it to be :D