Prologue: Loving with Ginerva Molly Potter

"Mum, I think there is something about Lily." Ginny looked down at her tea. She was pretending the steam coming off of it was more interesting than the conversation.

"Is she alright? Do we need to bring her to St. Mungo's?" Molly halted her bustling to turn concerned eyes to her red headed daughter. Ginny waved a hand.

"No, nothing like that." she let out a breathe, "I'm pretty positive Lily is a squib. There hasn't been any accidental magic going on."

"Oh, well, have you thought of taking her to St. Mungo's? Maybe they can run some tests. We need to know now, right? I believe Harry once said that muggle children start school as early as four." Molly continued with preparing lunch as if Ginny had told her it was raining.

"Yeah, we've discussed that." the younger witch eyed her mother cautiously, "Aren't you going to tell me to get rid of her?"

"Ginerva Molly Potter, if you so much as have a notion to drop that child off at some orphanage, I will blast your name from our family books! So help me child!" Molly had turned back around and was pointing an accusatory finger at her daughter. Ginny paled. The 'mum voice' still had an effect on her.

"No! She is my daughter! I would never think about that!" Ginny felt her own mother bear instincts kick in, "I love her. I just wanted to ask your opinion on the matter." she felt foolish that she suspected her mother of being anything but kind and understanding.

"She is my granddaughter and I would love her even if she were a troll." Ginny scrunched her nose and Molly laughed, "Maybe not a troll, but you understand." Ginny nodded her head.

"Will the rest of the family love her?" Ginny's voice was soft and sounded miserable. Molly took a step forward and gently took her daughters face between her soft hands.

"Ginny love, if anyone from my family has anything negative to say about anyone from my family, I will be the first and last person they talk to." Ginny shivered. Molly was downright scary.