Amanda Pov

I was sitting at my desk working on a case file. My phone kept going off. I finally answered my phone and it was Kim. But before I could answer, she was walking into the squad room. I got up and walked over to her before anyone saw her.

"Kim, what are you doing here?" I asked her

"I wanted to come see my big sis." she told me with a smile

I looked back and saw Fin, Nick, and Olivia looking at us.

"Okay, I'm going to take back to my apartment and you can stay their for while." I told her

I walked over to my desk and grabbed my purse.

"Rollins, is everything okay?" Fin asked me

"Yeah…. it's some family stuff. I'll be back in 30 mins." I stated then left

Mia Pov

I was sitting on the floor in the living room with Christian working on homework when the apartment door opened. I looked up from my textbook and saw my mom walk in with a woman that looks just like her.

"Mom, what are you doing home? Is everything okay? Who is this?" I asked her getting up from the floor.

"Everything is fine. This is my sister Kim." She told me

"Ohh" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

I look back at Christian and then said " We are going to go finish studying in my room."

"Mia, you know the rules." She said to me

"Really mom" I said to her

I walked into the kitchen area and grabbed something to drink.

"Do you have to go back to work?" I asked her while walking back to sit next to Christian

"Yeah, I just came to drop of Kim, she will be staying with us for a few days." She explained to me

I looked up at her like 'are you serious'.

"Mom, I talk to you for a minute in my room?" I said walking into my room

When she walked in she closed the door.

"Mom, you can't be serious?" I said pacing back and forth.

"Mia, I don't want to fight with you about this right now." She said

"I don't even know her and you want me to be left about with her. Are you out of were mind mom?" I asked her still pacing

"Mia, please I will explain everything tonight just please do this for me." She told me grabbing my arm to get me to stop pacing

"Fine,but you owe me big time." I told her then walking back into the living room

I went and sat down next to Christian again when my mom left the apartment. As Christian and I were finishing our homework Kim was on the phone with someone. Every so often I would look over at her to see what she was doing. I was working on mt math with Kim said "Mia, I'm going to have a friend over for a minute."

"I don't think that is a good idea." I told her looking up from my math

"Why is that?" She asked me

"Well for starters I don't know who the hell you are or your friend so I'm don't going to let a stranger in my house that I don't know." I explained to her

"Well don't you have a mouth on you don't you?" She said crossing her arms

I was about to get up when Christian grabbed my arm to keep me down next to him.

"She isn't worth it Mia." he told me in my ear then wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me there.

I tried to calm down then said "Your don't having anyone over."

She went quiet for a few minutes when there was a knock on the door I went to open the door. I saw like 10 people standing there with beer and some drugs. They started pushing their way into the apartment. I ran and grabbed Christians arm then pulled him into my room.

I started to pace back in forth trying to figure out what to do without having to call my mom. I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard something crash to the floor. I run out of my room and she these guys fighting on the round, I tried to break it up but I got hit and push out of the way. I hit my head on some glass when I fell. I got up and ran to my room and called my mom.
Amanda's Pov

I was in the squadroom with Nick, Fin, and Olivia when my phone rang. I looked at it and saw Mia's picture on the screen. I answered the phone.

"Mom you need to come home." Mia said into the phone

In the background I could hear people screaming and things breaking.

"Mia what goin on?" I asked getting worried. I could feel Nick, Fin, and Olivia's eyes on me

"Kim, she invited people over after I told her it was a bad idea and not too. Can you please come home I don't know what to do." She said and I could hear the fear in her voice.

"Baby, I'm on my way now. is Christian still with you?" I asked her getting my coat on and grabbing my gun, badge, and keys.

"Yeah his it right here."

"Okay I will be there soon." Then she hung up

When I looked up I saw them looking at me.

"Rollins, what's goin on?" Olivia asked me

"My sister threw a party when Mia told her not to and now thing got out of control and Mia is freaking out..." Before I could finish my phone ran again and it was Mia

"Mia I will be there soon." I said

"It's Christian, Mia just passed out and I don't know what to do." He said into the phone

"I will be there in five minutes just try and wake her y=up.' I said then hung up I was not running out of the squadroom when Nick yelled "What happened?"

"Mia passed out." I yelled back

That's when I heard foot steps behind me. When we got to the apartment I ran upstairs and opened up the door I saw Kim making out with some guy and two guys fight.

Fin yelled "NYPD"

I ran to Mia's room and found her on the floor still unconscious. I yelled "WE NEED A BUS"