I own nothing. Just a recap and filler to make that final chapter of " My love is gone" make more sense. And hopefully clear up some confusion some of you had about the prophecy. Thank you to all of you that enjoyed the first part of the series. I hope you enjoy this one. The story after this will be called A Rose Reborn. So I hope the trilogy will be as great as others.

"You two boys have pushed our Roza for the last time. " Olena was beyond pissed off and was about to take the two grown men over her knees. "Now, as the guardian of the prophecy, let me explain the full hidden story of Anna and Vladimir. A story our family has kept secret for hundreds of years. Had Roza not been changed Sonya would have been trained as the next prophecy guardian."

"Wait a minute momma, you mean to tell me… Ok first off you said son and nephew and then you're a guardian?" Dimitri was so confused and Ivan was just the same.

"How am I his cousin? I always called Yeva grandmother as a sign of respect." Ivan replied simply.

"If you would please shut up both of you I will explain. When Anna and Vladimir was alive, there was another man in Anna's life. His name was Josef and he was Vladimir's best friend and brother. Well Anna was torn between both men. She loved them both equally, however she had a choice to make. Anna loved Vladimir like a brother and was shadow kissed to him. Yet she loved his brother Josef as a wife to a husband. Yet her hands were forced. There was a tyrant that claimed he loved her and tried to kidnap her. Vladimir and Josef saved her by using their magic. However because of the laws about the moroi and dhampir marriages, Anna was never allowed to marry Josef. When Vladimir died and Josef died Anna was heartbroken. The tyrant threatened to turn her strigoi like him. He wanted her to become his mate. Now the legend says the darkness drove Anna to kill herself. That's not true. With her children fully grown and the tyrant after her she protected the world from herself. She died before he could make her strigoi. On her death she decreed her and Vladimir would one day return through their grandchildren. She would one day re walk this earth and wipe out the tyrant that would be king of the strigoi. That day has come and now I am facing the reincarnation of not only Vladimir but Josef as well." Olena shook her head sadly and walked around the room. "I don't know which one of you is which but that doesn't matter. What matters is what will happen to Roza. The two of you have done the number on her and if you both love her you will give her space. If she makes it back."

"Wait a minute Aunt Olena. What do you mean if she makes it back?"

"She left to go rescue a moroi that means a lot to this family and once meant a lot to the both of you. In fact deep down I think to one of you she still does." Not giving anything else to them she started to walk out and head to Rose's room when she stopped. "By the way you to pin heads. Your cousins because of a genetic defect that our family and the Hathaway's families have been hiding from the Moroi court for the last 800 years or so? Also you are my brother's son from when he had a brief affair with your mother." She walked off dejectedly as she went to help Janine pack the bags Rose asked about.

Ivan closed his eyes as he thought of all of this. He walked in on Tasha and the rest of his 'clan' now having a conversation. Olena and Wildcat was right he thought. He had to put the past to rest. Hearing Tasha get hysterical was enough to set him on edge. He cleared the room just so he could talk to her alone. She was being ridiculous about Wildcat. I had just walked up to the door way when I heard Babushka from within the hallway.

"Roza" Yeva started "Is demanding that no decisions be made without her knowledge. We are all to stay here at the estate and not leave until she returns. She is going to find out if he has any living relatives. If not then she will decide what to do next. "

Getting angry Tasha stood up only to collapse on the bed. "SHE IS NOT GOD!" Tasha roared "I WILL LEAVE WHEN I WANT AND WITH DAMIEN! BEFORE SHE GETS BACK IF I have to!"

I walked into the room and stared at a pale faced Tasha Ozera. "NO! You will not leave Lady Ozera. First we need to talk about our engagement and then when Wildcat I mean Rose returns then you can leave." Tasha started to stand again to see if I was real, only to pass out in Dimitri's arms. "Nice Ivan Nice!" Vika smirked.

"Hello Vika. I see you're not passing out like our new unexpected guest."

"Nah, Ivan I knew beforehand you were alive. Rose saved us the trouble. I am just going to go and help Sonya get the kids settled in."

"Rose brought all of you to the estate?" I was surprised, I turned just to see Babushka nod.

"Yes, Roza received information that the strigoi are now hunting guardian families. She has left less than an hour ago to go to court."

"SHE WHAT!" Dimitri and I shouted at the same time.

"I see my Kiz has left you two out of the loop for a second time tonight eh?" Zmey smirked with pride.

"Well these two wouldn't stop trying to piss on her leg. Can you blame her? She was actually turning to me for a break. Me the one who wanted to suck her dry when I first met her!" Nathan smarted off in front of all. "Besides she is taking a dangerous chance go to court the way she looks but she as a defecting murderous bitch's ass to kick."

"What are you talking about Badica?" Janine walked in on the middle of the conversations.

"Let's just say that a certain little bitch is about to see the new and improved Rose Hathaway Mazur with new shining black eyes." He then left to retire to his rooms. It's been a long ass day to him and he wanted to watch some movies and chill.

I went to the weight room again and looked closer. Sure enough more of her weapons I designed for her and her most decorative chest plates were gone as well. "Ivan what are you doing in here?" Olena asked as she lowered her tired body to a weight bench. "Remembering that the woman I love is gone and I don't know if she will be back." I whimpered as I stared off into space thinking of Wildcat.