I don't know why, but I feel like writing a dark fic, or semi-dark. The beginning is the most dark, the rest is just the aftermath. The first few chapters will have abuse and such, and afterwards it's going to take place after the Giant War...


Percy likes to keep his past a secret. He likes it when people think his past is nice. Percy also hides his true, broken, scared, and depressed self behind a mask. No one believes he isn't happy on the inside. The only way you can tell is by his eyes. No one seems to notice the dark, dullness in his eyes. You have to have sharp eyes to notice. Only the twin archers seem to notice. They try to get his past from him and try to heal him so he is the same on the inside and on the outside. Will they be able to do it? Or will Percy forever be a broken boy?

Disclaimer: I only own the plot

A five year old was sitting on his bed, curled up in a ball. He was trying to keep out of his step-fathers way. If he does he won't get beat that night.

He started getting beat when he was three or four, he doesn't remember. All he remembers is he tried to get one of his step-fathers chips(he was hungry) and then his step-father found out. The first time he only got punched in the gut until he passed out, and sadly that was the best beating he ever got. The boys name is Percy Jackson, and his step-father; Gabe Uglino, abuses Percy when he does something Gabe doesn't like. Which sadly is more times than anyone should go through. Gabe doesn't like Percy's grades; "He's too stupid", when Percy takes some of Gabes food; "Get your own food!", when he tells his mom about the beatings; "You told her you piece of shit!", and a lot more.

That night Percy went to bed without supper, his mother; Sally Jackson, is working late that night. Percy knows better than to try to take some of Gabes food. He learned that the hard way, as said before. Percy didn't have anything to eat that day. Maybe he won't notice if one slice of pizza is gone, Percy thought.

Percy quietly snuck out of his room and into the living-room where Gabe and his friends where playing poker, drunk. Percy crawled to one of the many pizza boxes, meat supreme, he grabbed the smallest piece and tried to get to his room without being caught. Percy was almost at his door.

Unluckily for Percy, Gabe noticed one less slice of pizza. "Hey! Who took my pizza!" Gabe demanded. Percy gulped. He ran to his room and put the pizza under his pillow. Percy then curled up in a ball once again. Gabe went to Percy's room. "Bastard, did you take a slice of my fucking pizza you little shit!" Gabe demanded. Percy shook his head no. "When I speak to you, answer back to me!" Gabe shouted.

"N-no sir!" Percy stuttered, not wanting to be caught. Hopefully if he does, it won't be that bad. Gabe sniffed the air.

"Why do I sniff pizza in your room then?" Gabe demanded, as he grabbed Percy's hair.

"I-I don't know-" Percy couldn't finish because Gabe yanked his hair, causing Percy to cry out in pain.

"Don't. Lie." Gabe growled in Percy's ear. Gabe then punched Percy in the gut, making Percy cough up blood. "You know the punishment for lying. Or are you stupid enough not to know?"

Percy didn't answer he only cried. Gabe then went and grabbed something and hid it behind his back. "N-no do-don't do it!" Gabe looked at him with pure rage in his eyes.

"Did. You. Just. Talk. Back. TO ME!" Gabe screamed, as he showed Percy a whip. The type of whip people used on slaves long ago. In Gabes other hand he had a size 13 shoe. "Your choice, whip on your back, shoe up your ass, or both." Gabe said, already knowing what he was going to do.

"Sh-Shoe up m-my ass." Percy said between tears. Percy knows that will hurt a lot, but he doesn't want his mom to see scars, or wounds.

"Don't fucking swear!" Gabe shouted. "Now you get double punishment!" he grabbed Percy, and yanked down his pants and underwear. He pushed Percy so he was on the ground and Gabe grabbed the shoe and shoved at far as he can in Percy's ass. Percy screamed at the pain of the shoe, and tried to make it more comfortable. Before Percy could make it comfortable, Gabe brought the whip down on his back. Percy screamed even louder if it was possible. The whip kept hitting Percy's back until his whole back was red and his skin was mostly off, dangling barely on his back. After that Gabe went back to his poker game. After the game Gabe finally took the shoe out of Percy's ass as Sally got home. "Remember if you tell your mother about this, it will get worse." Gabe hissed at Percy, forgetting about the pizza under Percy's pillow. Percy didn't even eat the slice of pizza before passing out under his blanket, as Sally looked in his room. There was barely any light, so Sally didn't see the blood on the floor. She gave Percy a sad smile.

"I put up with him for you," Sally whispered to her sleeping son before she went to her room. Luckily she doesn't share with her husband, she only puts up with to protect her son.

When Percy got up the next morning he, saw his mom walk to her work. He waved to her, but she didn't see, and she didn't see the tears in her sons eyes. He decided to take a shower, that always calmed him, and made him feel better. Thankfully Gabe sleeps in late.

By the time Percy got out of the shower, there was barely any scares on his body. The time of scares that never fade. They weren't only physical scars that was left because of Gabe, but mental scars as well. Thanks to Gabe he won't tell a single soul, living or dead. He promised himself. Percy wanted to have fresh air so he went and walked to the park and brought a book he vowed to read before he came back. He wanted to prove to not only Gabe, but also his mom, that he can read a whole book. He went to his room and grabbed the hardest looking book to read; a five hundred page book Gabe said Percy would never be able to read. Percy will read it, even if it takes a week. Percy will gladly stay the week in the park. No Gabe to beat him.

Percy went to the door and snuck out with a bag full of food and water that would last a week, his book, and a flashlight for nighttime. Once he left the apartment building he ran to the park; it was the closest, but it was also in the opposite direction from his moms workplace.

(I think this is a made up park, or at least in New York City!) Percy loved that park. There was a small forest, one kilometer by one kilometer, in the middle. Grassy fields surrounding the forest, benches all around, a playground for kids; even though it seems like teenagers have a fort there, and a place for couples to go for a romantic time. No one goes in the forest but children, teens, and people who are brave or stupid. He's the only one who knows about the small pond in the middle because no one goes that far in. Percy feels alive in that forest.

Percy decided to read by the pond. By the time the first page was done it was already dark. I'll never finish the book, Percy thought. That thought just brought tears to his eyes. Percy doesn't remember what happened but the next morning he was on his bed, in his room. It was as if he didn't go to the park.

I hope you enjoy this fic so far!

P.S. I will do a separate fic on how each character found out about Percy's abuse! HAPPY NEW YEAR!