Final Chapter: A Heroine was Born…

Shulk rushed Lucina to the Smash Hospital as fast as possible, and as soon as they arrived, Dr. Mario noticed her condition, and he rushed her to the emergency room. News spread about the baby about to be born in the Mansion, and all the Smashers appeared in the Waiting Room with toys, balloons, and gifts for the baby.

Eight hours later, and the Doctor came into the Waiting Room with the announcement:

"It's a girl!"

The first one who rushed in the room was Shulk, eager to see his newborn daughter, and when he arrived, he saw Lucina resting with the bundle of joy in her arms.

"Lucina…" Shulk whispered, assuming that the baby was fast asleep.

"Hey," Lucina greeted quietly, holding her baby daughter lovingly.

The other Smashers entered, and as soon as they saw the newborn, excitement was heard all around.

"She's so cute!"

"What a precious baby!"

"Can I hold her?"

Shulk hushed the crowd, explaining that the baby was probably sleeping. He then turned to Lucina, and he whispered, "Can I see her?"

Lucina nodded, and Shulk approached her quietly. He looked down at the small child. She was a fat little thing, and she was apparently awake. Looking closer at the child, he noticed the Brand of the Exalt on her right eye.

"She's got your brand." Shulk said, smiling.

Lucina giggled. "She's got your hair…"

Shulk apparently didn't notice the hair. He looked closer at the baby, and despite how dark it was, it was definitely not blue.

"What should we name her?" Shulk asked.

Lucina hadn't thought of this apparently. She began to think… but nothing came to mind.

"How about…" Shulk suggested, "Kali?"

Lucina smiled at the name. "I think it's beautiful."

Shulk looked down at the child, trying to hold back tears.

"Can… can I hold her?" Shulk asked.

Lucina nodded. "Of course." She then gave him the baby gently.

Shulk looked down at his newborn daughter, and happy tears began to fall.

"Welcome to the world… Kali."

"I will be back… one day, heroes…"

Whew! What a story!

Yup! This is the end of the story!

THANK YOU to all of my readers for reading this, and thank you for all of my reviewers for giving me great suggestions and some nice comments. And thank you all for faving and alerting this story.

But most of all… thanks to my two good friends and beta readers: ProcrastinationIsMyCrime and Zulera301 for looking over the chapters and giving me some good suggestions to make this story much better.

Until then… good night friends :)

Beta Reader: Zulera301