This is my VERY FIRST Modern fanfic I have ever written. I already have the story planned out in my head, so any suggestions will probably not be used in this particular fanfiction. I have, however, also decided that there will be a sequel to this one once I finish this and a few other stories I have ideas for. I hope you like this. Reviews are appreciated, but don't feel pressured. There's no "I won't update unless I get XXX reviews per chapter" or anything like that. Have fun with chapter 1! :D

She smashed into him, quite literally, on the sidewalk back to her house. A short, auburn hair boy, emerald green eyes, covered in freckles.

"Oww!" Astrid shouted, pulling back and rubbing her head. "Why don't you watch where you're going?"

"I'm sorry, miss," the boy apologized quickly. He was holding a guitar case in one hand, a notebook in the other, hypster-looking glasses on his face. He was wearing a simple red t-shirt with light grey sleeves, jeans, and sneakers. He had a backpack shouldered by one strap, as if he had put it on in a hurry.

"I really didn't mean to crash into you," the boy rambled on.

"Forget it, it's fine," said Astrid. "Who are you, anyway?"

" name is Hadley," the boy said.

"Hadley?" Astrid actually laughed.

The boy glared and frowned. "It's a family name," he said. "Most people call me Hiccup."

"And that's...better?" said Astrid.

Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Laugh all you want, but I'm stuck with it," he said. "What's your name?"

"Astrid," said Astrid.

"Well, sorry I totally knocked heads with you," said Hiccup. "Normally I'm not as...clumsy."

"Okay," said Astrid. "Really, it's fine." She hesitated. "I haven't seen you here before," she said. Hiccup nodded. "Are you new here, or something?" said Astrid.

"We just moved," said Hiccup. "My Mom and I, that is. We're at the house at the very end of the neighborhood." He gestured with the hand holding his notebook, and Astrid looked.

"Huh, you're right across the street from my house," said Astrid. She gestured to his guitar case. "Do you play?"

"A little," said Hiccup. "Not much, really."

"Oh," said Astrid. "Well, you should show me sometime."

"Yeah, maybe I should," Hiccup said as he readjusted his glasses.

"What about the glasses?" said Astrid.

"Excuse me?" Hiccup asked.

"Like, are they fake?" Astrid asked. "I know some people at school who wear hipster glasses just for show."

"No, Astrid, I need them to see, thank you very much," said Hiccup. "I should probably be..." He gestured to his house. "Yeah."

"Okay," said Astrid. " you ever want me to show you around the neighborhood sometime, I mean...I can. Maybe tomorrow, or something? Where do you go to school?"

"My Mom homeschools me," said Hiccup. "I can meet you outside my house, or something tomorrow, and you can show me around. That is, if it isn't a problem, or anything-"

"Oh, no, no problem at all," said Astrid. "Actually, if I'm completely honest, I like showing new people around this place. It's fun."

"Okay, thanks," said Hiccup. "So...I guess I'll see you tomorrow, or something? Maybe around three or four in the afternoon?"

"Yeah, I guess so," said Astrid. With that, they both went their separate ways.


Astrid couldn't wait to get school over with that next morning. Tomorrow was the beginning of Winter Break, and she was totally excited about it. Plus, not to mention showing Hiccup around the neighborhood. It was going to be fun.

As soon as the last day of school ended, Astrid collected her things, and then headed back to her house. She found Hiccup outside his house, sitting on the small wall surrounding his house, playing guitar, humming along with it.

Astrid ducked for cover, hoping he didn't see her. For some reason, she liked sneaking around. She listened to him play, unable to determine the song, but tapping her foot along with it without hardly thinking about it.

As soon as Hiccup finished the song, Astrid showed herself.

"That sounded really cool," she said.

Hiccup jumped and nearly dropped his instrument. "Oh, hey, Astrid," he said. "You ready for that tour now?" He got up and started to put his guitar away, when Astrid stopped him.

"Do you know 'Peppermint Winter' by Owl City?" she asked.

"Um...yeah, why?" said Hiccup.

Astrid moved over and sat down on the wall. "Can you play it?" she asked.

"Uh...yeah, sure," said Hiccup. He sat down again, repositioned the guitar in his arms, gave Astrid a smile, and started playing. Astrid listened to the music intently, smiling to herself, and then Hiccup started singing along with his guitar.

At first, Astrid was shocked, because he sounded good. Not too fancy, not putting too much effort fourth, just simply playing and singing, his instrument louder than his voice. He wasn't exceptionally good, but still, he wasn't bad at all. He continued on with the chorus of the song.

Astrid didn't know why, but when he came in with the second verse, she sang along with him. She found herself smiling subconsciously as she continued with the song. She didn't know all the words, but hiccup did. He was lead while she was backup. For some reason, she loved it.

She smiled, and Hiccup smiled back at her, his eyes still focused on his strumming. They sang the last verse and chorus together, not caring if anyone else heard them or not.

Hiccup strummed his guitar dramatically at the end of the song, and then they both broke out laughing.

"That was amazing," said Astrid. "How long have you played?"

Hiccup shrugged. "Roughly two years? I don't know," he admitted.

"You're great," said Astrid.

"Well, thanks," said Hiccup. "Do you play any instruments?"

"Does the radio count?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup laughed, stood, and put his guitar back in its case before leaning it against the wall of his house. "Ready for that tour now?"

"Ready," said Astrid.