"Missy Song…"

Summary: Of all the timelines in all the universes, They had to walk into Hers…er, Theirs.

Disclaimer: Who me? No commercial interest or infringement intended whatsoever…

Part I…

The Nethersphere…

Rather, the dying Nethersphere… Nearly fifty billion dead consciousnesses reloaded temporarily after their Cyberbodies had burned in Earth's upper atmosphere but soon to be scattered across the Cosmos, the damage to the Galifreyan hard-drive beyond repair by its AI systems…

Not a particularly grim scenario for those in the know, rather eager in fact to move on to whatever fate awaited them but a bit frightening to those confused souls still clueless as to the nature of this "afterlife"…And terrifying…If they could yet feel terror…To its original constructors, likewise trapped again within…

"Cyber systems malfunction!" a Cyberman croaked, floating about the Promised Land garden section… "Regain manual control…" "Damage cannot be repaired…The system is beyond Cyber technology." Another flatly pronounced. "Galifreyan systems require Time Lord servicing…Locate Time Lords available…"

"The Doctor…Unavailable…Impossible to contact, negotiation unlikely…Other…Currently booting the Hybrid…Warning…Systems failure imminent…Systems…"

"Eh?" a voice called. "What you lot up to?" Danny Pink suddenly appearing, floating as well.

"Human consciousness…You will be…" pause as the true Cyber consciousness speaking considered its options.

"Nothing…I know you can't harm me here, boys." Danny smiled. "What? The Lady betrays you and takes over and now the whole roof's and sides' are fallen in? Too bad, folks. It was your lot's last throw, eh?"

"Only for our existence…Our timestream…Others will restore Cyber Empire…You will be destroyed. Your fellow humans upgraded." Insistent tone.

"Not destroyed…" Danny beamed, "Thanks to you and your crazy friend, we all know now, nothing and no one really dies, not completely…We'll be scattered but not gone, no. But you, you poor sots…When your Cyber stuff blows out, that's it. The people you were will be freed, their souls anyway. Like it or not."

"We are the originals of Cyberia…We are superior…We are the initial Cyber upgrade. We chose upgrade, we chose superiority."

"I know." Danny nodded. "But you couldn't just leave it at that, yourselves. You had to go trying to convert everyone to the true faith, eh? Well, it didn't work out too well, did it? But maybe your true selves'll be grateful for their second chance to be free, hmmn?" he smiled.

"You will…Suffer…You…Will…Cyber failure, matrix web disintegrating…What am I doing here? I don't like this, stop the experiment, please!" a human voice emerging now.

"Cyber failure…Cyber…" the other Cyber consciousness fading…"She has failed us. The Doctor…Has…"

"Kicked your asses, again…Gotta give him that." Danny nodded.

"With a little help, Mr. Pink." A familiar voice.

"The Time…Lord…Repair…" the fragmenting Cyber consciousness struggled for existence…

"Not even if I could, honey…" Missy's voice, gently mocking. "I didn't go through all that just to save your robotic necks. Lets remember who betrayed you in the first place."

"Rep…rep…Where am I? I didn't agree to this. I demand to see the Scientific Ethics Board of Cyberia! They had no…"

"Oooh, Doctor…" Missy's voice cooing… "You are cruel to let them suffer like this. All the way back hundreds of thousands of years to the first Cyber experiments. Why, hello, Clara's pet? Still hangin'? I thought the Doctor'd had saved you long…A full microsecond…Ago. Don't he luv you?" chuckle. "Guess he wanted your girl all to himself. But don't feel bad, you should have seen what he put Rory Williams through over his wife. Poor Dad."

"Dad?" Danny's voice…

"What?" Missy's voice. "Did you find your dad? That's nice. He'll be nothing but vague photons soon, best to enjoy it. So, Pinky…May I call you Pinky? How was my Clara in the sack? You did manage that, right?" She took increasingly solid form just in front of him in severe suit with parasol extended

"Pathetic, girl…" Danny, calmly. "You can't harm me physically so you try that? Hell, I've had worse in Basic."

"We'll all be gone in an instant…Forever…" Missy noted. "More lost across the stars than my home world. This is the end, Pinky."

"Just the beginning for me, Time Girl…" he smiled at her. "Maybe the end for you, is that how it works your lot's deal with Time…?"

"Me…?" she chuckled. "Hardly…If worst came to worst I'd just regenerate…I have twelve fat new regenerations to my credit, thanks to dear ole Galifrey. Though I hope to resume this form as I didn't quite get vaporized…Good a shot as my and the Doctor's old friend the Brigadier was. I was…"

"Prepared, yeah…" Danny's voice sighed. "I rather expect you were. So how come you chose to come on back here? Nostalgia…Or… Oh…" his form nodded at her. "Covering your tracks with a quick pop back here, eh?"

"Well, I couldn't leave without the chance to watch all of you burn and scatter to the interstellar void." She beamed. "You're like family to me now…And the Doctor knows how I treat family…"

"The Hybrid has been uploaded." A new Cyber consciousness had reached them.

"Oooh…" Missy beamed at the spherical, tentacled form materializing before them. "I wasn't sure if you'd survived this long. But lets do things properly, boys. Danny Pink, destroyer of the earth's dead Cybermen, the Cyber Controller…He's not an upload, by the way."

"Meaning he can't hurt me…Much…But you…" Danny smiled.

"Now that's not very nice. I thought you only disliked officers and the Doctor? Have you got some unfair prejudice against we of the Galifreyan persuasion in general?"

"The Hybrid is of Galifrey…The Hybrid will repair the Cyber matrix…The Hybrid…"

"Oh, try asking nicely just once…" Missy frowned…Aiming her disintegrator…Hmmn…

"Your weapon has been deactivated. You will repair the Galifreyan systems…You will restore the Cyber matrix." The Controller insisted.

"And if I can't, don't, won't…?" gentle cooing tone. She suddenly screamed as intense blue arcs of current crossed her form.

"You will suffer…Then you will be destroyed with the Cyber matrix…" the Controller noted.

"There's no point to that…" Danny sighed. As Missy writhed in agony. "She probably likes it and in any case she can't repair your thingamabob. It's too badly damaged. We're all breaking free…Even your own lot."

"They will be…Recovered…You will be reloaded…Repair the matrix…" the Controller resumed. Suddenly stopping current.

"He's right…" Missy, catching breath… "That was a…You know her…" she turned to Danny… "Clara? The Doctor's new little playmate…"

"Sure I know her…" Danny shrugged. "Knew her…You know that."

"I do? Is he here?" she eyed him eagerly. "Oh…You're dead, aren't you?"

"I think you had a bit too much…" he noted… "Look the lights are fading, we won't be here much longer…"

"Is he here? The Doctor?"


"The Doctor is on Earth…The Hybrid is available…" the Controller cut in. "The Hybrid…Will…Repair…"

"Oh, you're worse than…" Missy paused, thinking. "Someone I knew…An android…Who? When did the Doctor and I meet an android. So you're a friend of Clara's?" she eyed Danny.

"Incorrect response…Resuming…" the Controller…As the current tore through Missy again.


"For God's sake, let her go…" Danny insisted. "She's insane and can't help you…Besides she already…"

"The Hybrid upgraded the matrix…The Hybrid…Can…Repair…" the Controller paused…Its lights fading…The current stopping.

"Oh…My…" Missy gasped, looking round. "What am I doing here? Doctor?! Hello?" she eyed Danny. "I'm sorry if you're not sentient but is this the Library? Is there a problem with the data core again?"

"Library?" Danny asked, gently. "I think the name of this place is the Nethersphere…Is the Library part of that?"

"What?" Missy stared… "Nethersphere? Oh…Yes. They brought me here…They took me…"

"Recharging…The Hybrid must…" the Controller began, then faded…

"We'd better get out of here…Or you'd better." Danny noted. "It seems the thing is recharging. Though this place should be gone shortly…"

"Gone? What's happened? Did my husband come?" Missy, eagerly. "I knew he would…"

"Your what?" Danny stared.

"Sorry…I should introduce myself…I'm River Song, professor , data ghost, and wife of the Doctor." Missy smiled, a genuine smile.
