Day 1: Fingertips

She remembered his fingertips well. Mostly callused, except for the two he was constantly rubbing together; those two had a slightly different feel. She remembered those fingertips ghosting across her back, or down her arm and she missed them. She knew he would touch her a lot, but she didn't realize how much until the hand was gone.

Felicity wasn't going to sit around and wait this time. She knew that Oliver went to Nanda Parbet, and even if that wasn't where the mountain was, it was where the league was. Roy was in charge of the city, and while Digg had wanted to come along he needed to play Arrow or run comms for Roy, so she was left to go alone.

While she had mentally prepared herself for this journey, both in mourning for Oliver and for the things she might face, she realized that even with everything she'd done to get ready she wasn't physically prepared. It was cold! She continued anyway, but really should have known the league would be expecting someone as Nyssa was waiting about a mile from where the helicopter had landed.
"Felicity Smoak." Felicity's head shot up, meeting Nyssa's seemingly surprised eyes. "The Demon assumed that someone would come for Oliver, but he did not expect it to be you." Felicity missed some of what she was saying because she was focused on what had come before. Nyssa had said 'Oliver' not 'Oliver's body'; he had to be alive. Feeling reassured and more confident she spoke.

"Well it's me that you get. Are you planning to lead me to where I need to be or shall I find the way myself?" When Nyssa didn't answer right away, Felicity started walking away. Still she was unsurprised when Nyssa jumped in front of her and started leading the way.

Instead of heading towards the mountain, they headed away from it, so Felicity could only guess that they were going to actually go to the Demon's Lair. Nyssa had carefully backed away once they'd entered a room somewhere in the depths of a building that was about a mile from the helipad, leaving Felicity in the room with one other. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was Ra's al Ghul.

"You've come for Oliver Queen?" He was straightforward.

"Yes." Felicity kept it short.

"Nyssa has spoken of you, but you are not a vigilante. You run the computers for them." Felicity didn't respond. "Oliver Queen is dead." If he expected that to shock Felicity he was disappointed.

"No. He isn't." She was firm in her answer.

"Yes. I drove my sword through his chest and watched him fall off the mountain." Felicity sighed.

"While you may have done all that, he is not dead and I have come to take him home." She paused, wondering if he'd comment again. "I think I know where I'm going so I don't need anyone's help." Ra's eyes narrowed.
"You may believe this, but you'll wish you hadn't." Felicity shrugged.

"We'll see." She turned and left the room, not waiting for a dismissal.

Of course Felicity did know what she was doing. She went to the mountain and walked around the base looking for a cave of sorts. When she finally found it she was glad because no matter what lay inside, she would have a block from the wind.

Inside there was a small fire, it's blaze warming the hands of a man dressed in black sitting next to it. His head shot up instantly.

"Who are you?" He asked cautiously. Felicity didn't bother with her name.

"I'm here to get Oliver Queen back." He blinked.

"I'm sorry but Oliver is dead." Felicity was getting mad. She was tired of these people trying to lie to her.

"No he isn't. And I know he is most likely in this cave. So are you going to show me or do I need to go find him myself?" She spoke firmly, her voice getting louder and it was just as she finished that she heard another voice behind her.

"It's alright Maseo. She and I need to talk." Felicity whipped around to see Oliver standing just a little ways back into the cave.

"Oliver!" Felicity launched herself at him, barely managing to stop herself when she saw him bracing himself for the pain caused by her impact. Instead she simply reached out grabbed his hands. It'd been too long since she'd touched him, but of course even now it did not feel right. His fingers and palms were cold, nothing like the heat she usually found on her skin.

"I knew you weren't dead." She finally said and he smiled.

"I knew you wouldn't." They stood there for a little while, Oliver's hands slowly warming from her body heat. By the time they got out of there and were on the helicopter back home, his fingertips were warm again and were gently running up and down her arm as they were supposed to be.