Really rather short, but I wasn't incredibly inspired (plus this gives me more time to work on the next chapter of To Prove Oneself)

The vigilante life had been hard on all of Team Arrow this past week, so Oliver was savoring the time he had to curl up with Felicity on the couch. The TV was on in the background, but he wasn't paying attention to what was on; instead he was watching Felicity watch TV. He couldn't help constantly watching her; her blonde hair spread behind her, allowing him to run his hands through it, or that she was warm and snuggled up to him. He tried to appreciate these moments as much as he could because they almost always came after a tough week in the Lair, and before a little cycle of brooding/self-loathing started in him. He ran his hand down the side of her face.
"Felicity." She rolled over to make eye contact.
"What Oliver?"
"You're happy right?" She sat up, but only to sit in his lap and look at him. She gently placed her hands on either side of his face.
"Of course I am. Every time you've asked me the answer has never changed. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't happy."
"Uhh Felicity… this is your house." She glanced around.
"Oh yeah." She was lost in her thoughts for a moment. "Anyway. It doesn't change my answer. I love you."
"I love you too." She wasn't sure what was different this time, but his brooding cycle didn't seem to last as long.

After that he continued to increase his public affection for her. It finally seemed like he was getting it through his thick skull that she wasn't ever planning to just up and leave him. Once he recognized that, everything ran much smoother than before, marking about the millionth time Diggle thanked his lucky stars that Felicity had come into their lives.