Author Note: Hey everybody! This is my very first fanfiction story so please don't hate it or me too much. I'll be doing my very best on my stories so I hope you enjoy them in the future. First off this story was inspired by Nightmares Around Winter's First Male Nin and reallyfreakingnerdy's The Elemental Casanova both of them are really good writers so you should really check them out. Anyway constructive criticism is appreciated so please don't be too cruel.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.


" Naru-kun, are you up here? We brought you some food since the caretaker didn't serve you any at dinner.", said a 7 year old girl with brown hair tied up into two buns along with matching chocolate eyes as she walked up the steps to the attic followed by a girl with a bowl haircut and big anime-style eyes that many if not all would consider cute. " Lei-chan, Ten-chan is that you?", a soft voice called out to them and the girl with the bowl haircut rushed toward the source of the voice. When she reached a small shadow she picked up whatever it was and walked back to girl in the buns, when she finally got back to the girl the light revealed a small boy about a year younger than them. He had spiky blonde hair, whisker-like birthmarks on both cheeks, he wore brown shorts, brown sandals, and a over-sized shirt that hung off his small malnourished frame. The boys' name was Naruto Uzumaki son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minako Namikaze the Fourth Hokage. And container of the Nine-tailed Fox. (On a side note he was responsible for capturing the hearts of many, many, MANY girls). " Naruto-kun are you hungry?", asked the bowl haircut girl, " Yes, Lei-chan.", answered Naruto. The girl now identified as Lei looked to the girl with the buns, " Tenten-chan could you pass me the food?", Tenten nodded and passed various bowls containing meat, rice, and some ramen (just for Naruto... why am I not surprised?). They both started feeding Naruto, who was currently nestled in-between Lei's legs, as he thanked them over and over. " It's getting late we better get back to our rooms before we get caught." " Tenten-chan is correct we should go.", Naruto nodded in agreement sad that they were leaving but didn't want them to get in trouble. Tenten and Lei both blushed before planting a kiss on Naruto's cheeks and ran off to their room needless to say they both had smile on their faces while they slept.

(Next Day)

The next day both Tenten and Lei were both adopted and after a tearful goodbye with Naruto, who only smiled and told them he was happy for them, they both left with new families. Naruto only stood there staring after them not knowing that when he saw them again they would be more than friends along with many others.

(Time skip 2 years)

A now 8 year old Naruto walked to his favorite ramen shop, wearing a light blue T-shirt with a Uzumaki swirl, cargo shorts, light brown sandles. He no longer lived in the orphanage and had been living on his own for one years now the caretaker saying that "They didn't have enough room" so the Hokage gave him his own apartment. He thought about the conversation he had with his surgote grandmother Hiruko Sarutobi the Third Hokage.


Hiruko sat in her chair working on every Kage's bane... paperwork. She prayed to Kami herself to send something to give her a break from the dreaded paperwork. Just then the secretary's head poked in through the door, " Hokage-sama? There's someone to see you.", Hiruko flicked her eyes up and mouthed a quick 'Thank you' before speaking, " Who is it?" " It's Naruto-kun.", Hiruko smiled at the thought of seeing her surgote grandson (And at the blush appearing on her secretary's face when she said 'Naruto-kun'), " Very well send him in." " Right away, Hokage-sama.". Moments later Naruto walked into the room, " Hey, Obaa-chan. How are you?" " I'm fine Naruto-kun. What did you want to see me for?" " Well I was wondering if you could get me into the Ninja Academy?", At this Hiruko started choking on the smoke she from her pipe. When she finally regained composure Naruto spoke, " So... is that a yes?", She looked at him and gave him a sad smile, " I'm sorry Naruto-kun but only girls can go to the academy." " Eh? How come?." " Because only women can mold chakra to preform jutsus and boys can't mold their chakra and have so very little chakra that even an E-rank jutsu would completely drain them of their energy or even kill them. I'm sorry but I simply cannot let you enter I hope you understand why.", Naruto said quiet for awhile then he said in a soft voice, " But if I don't join how am I gonna protect my loved ones?" " Don't worry Naruto-kun I'm sure you'll find a way you always do."

(End Flashback)

" Aw, man now how am I gonna protect Ten-chan or Lei-chan or even Ayame-chan and what about Hinata-chan?", Naruto thought out loud. " AH!", he screamed out when a hand grabbed him by the collar and yanked him into a alley. Before Naruto could comprehend what was happening a blow to the back of the head made his world turn black.

(2 hours later at the entrance to the Forest of Death)

A kunoichi heaved a bag onto the ground in front of a group of men with knifes and pistols, " Here's the brat you wanted. Now can I get my payment?", one man who looked to be the leader opened the bag before smiling and tossing out Naruto, " Well a deal's a deal. Here you go.", he threw her a wad of cash and the kunoichi only smiled before walking away counting the money. Naruto started coming back around only to see a man's face full of hate staring at him, " Hello demon BRAT!", he shouted before kicking Naruto in the gut causing the group of men to cheer, " *Wheeze* W-What do want from me?" " I want to see you suffer like you made me suffer when you took my family from me." " What're you saying I never did anything to you." " SHUT UP!", the man shouted before kicking him in the gut again and sitting him up, " *Wheeze* P-P-Please stop.", Naruto begged, " I said 'SHUT UP'!", the man slapped Naruto giving him a bright red hand mark on his cheek. " This is what's going happen. You're going to run through the forest and try to survive as long as you can. We'll give you a 5-second head-start and if the forest doesn't kill you we will.", he threw Naruto towards the forest but Naruto only stood there," Didn't you fucking hear me I said RUN! RUN FORREST RUN!", With that Naruto took off into the forest, " Heh. GO GET'EM BOYS!", he shouted before the men ran into the forest to kill Naruto. The man started towards the entrance before he heard a *Thump* behind him. He turned around to see the battered remains of the kunoichi he hired infront of a VERY pissed off Hokage and equally pissed of Anbu. Before he could react the man was tied up and facing the wrathful Hokage, " I will only ask this once... WERE... IS... NARUTO!?" " Heh heh, the boys are playing a game with him in there.", he said motioning to the forest. A *crack* was heard when Hiruko's fist broke the mans jaw, " Get him to T & I and have Ibuki AND Anko personally work him over! Get every bit of information out of him before he is excuted! DOG!", a Anbu wearing a dog mask and had gravity defiying grey hair stepped forward, " Yes, Hokage-sama?" "Get your summons to track down Naruto-kun and if any of you see one of these men lethal force is MANDATORY! Now go!" " Yes, Hokage-sama!" " Naruto-kun please be safe."

(With Naruto)

Naruto ran through the forest pushing leaves out of his way, jumping over gaps, and dodging bullets. " He's over there!", Naruto kept running as fast as he could before he came to a dead end, looking up he spotted some vines he could climb, " I see him, over there!" " Oh, come on climb CLIMB!", he shouted at himself to go faster. He went through a hole through a rock thinking he got away, " AAAAHHHHH!", he looked up to see two men with knives both preparing to jump down but one jumped down while the other was killed by a Anbu wearing a Neko mask. The one that jumped down tried to stab him, " Hey guys I got him he's over here!", as soon as he finished Naruto ripped to knife away and in the heat of the moment drove it into the man's skull, " O-Oh... K-K-Kami.", Naruto said as he couldn't believe what he had done. He had taken a life. Naruto soon ran both in fear and in horror from what he had done, he got to a rickety rope bridge suspended over a roaring river. Naruto ran across it hoping to get away from the men. He however didn't see the two men start hacking away at the rope by the time he noticed it was too late. The Anbu could only watch and scream out, " NARUTO!", as he fell into the water smashing against rocks breaking several bones before he was knocked unconscious by smashing into a rock head-on. His limp body fell over the waterfall and disappearing beneath the churning water.

(With Hiruko)

Hiruko paced back and forth infront of the clan heads who had shown up to see what was wrong, " Hokage-sama do think Naruto-kun will be okay?", the clan heads having been informed by a distraught Hokage," I hope so Mikito-chan I really do.", soon the Anbu arrived. Hiruko looked desprately for the boy but could not find him, " W-Where is Naruto-kun?", she asked afraid of the answer she would recieve. The Anbu with a dog mask stepped up holding a tattered piece of a light blue shirt with the Uzumaki swirl on it, " This is all we could recover, Hokage-sama.", her voice cracking slightly. Hiruko only held the cloth with trembling hands before she along with the clan heads and Anbu broke down crying.

(Further down river)

Naruto's battered and bloody washed up on shore near some woods. His body began to twitch before his arm slowly moved to push himself up, he looked around to survey his surroundings before he (with a huge amount of effort) pushed himself up and staggered into the woods. " *Pant* I gotta get somewhere safe.", said Naruto at that moment he spotted some smoke in the the distance, " Yes! *cough* Where there's smoke there's bound people hopefully someone can help me. *cough* *cough*.

(2 hours later)

By the time Naruto finally reached the site of the smoke he was completely drained of his remaining energy. " *cough* H-Hello? Is anybody here?", looking around he saw the source of the smoke was from a campfire and upon further investigation he saw 5 small tents big enough for only one person each. The tents were all colored differently one was black on one side and white on the other, one was red with pictures of puppets on it, one was black and had what looked like pictures of masks on it, another was black as well only it had pictures of a triple-bladed scythe on it with a real triple-bladed scythe propped up at the entrance, the last one was yellow with pictures of explosives on it. He saw some clothes hung out to dry which consisted of some bras and panties which confirmed that the occupants of the camp were all women and some black robes with red clouds on them. Looking around some more Naruto caught the sight (and smell) of food and water, he quickly ate some of the meat that was cooking over the fire on a spite and drank his fill of water from a canteen. Having replenished some of his lost energy he decided to get some rest. He grabbed a blanket out of one of the tents and layed down near the fire.

(Half an hour later)

5 figures dressed in swimsuits were walking back to their campsite talking amongst themselves. As they got closer they saw Naruto wrapped up in a blanket near the fire, a woman with slicked back silver hair picked him up and said," Can we keep him?"