So I'll admit I was sorta hoping this story wasn't next, but you know what? Oh well. It'll still be fun. And... probably short, sorry. It's a very simply story.

But I hope you all enjoy anyway!

" Oof! "

Jake grunted, feeling something pouncing on his back. It felt like small werewolf feet. Smaller than Loreli's. And there was only one person he knew with such tiny feet. Well... ok two, but they were also a bit too small to be Wolfie's. Smiling widely, he quickly rolled over as the person jumped up, causing the other to slip and land on top of him. Before the other could do anything, Jake locked the figure under his left arm and began to tickle them with his free hand.

" AH! "

The other gasped, wriggling beneath the others grasp, laughing wildly all the while.

" J-Jake-! "

The child gasped, fluffing their tail in Jake's face in an attempt to get him to quit.

" S-s-stop it! "

" Well maybe you shouldn't have jumped on me Jocelyn. "

Jocelyn giggled, squirming and getting away from the others grasp. Jake smiled at her happy expression and slowly got out of bed, stretching his back out once up before sitting in a dog position, scratching his ear with his foot. Jocelyn giggled again and sat beside him, waiting for him to finish up.

These two were in Jake's new room now. It held light blue walls with trees and clouds painted on them, and light green carpeting with certain shading to make it look like grass. His bed had a blue mattress with a dark green blanket and pillows to match. He also had a beautiful brown dresser and a closet in the far corner of the room. There was also a small box at the foot of his bed, where he kept his more personal treasures like his old photo album of his family before his parents were killed, or a tattered blue ball Loreli gave him when they were kids.

Before he got to lost in his memories, yes, his family finally had a real home. The Ramirez family had taught them the spell to create money, and his parents had found a nice little house at the edge of the forest. Jake couldn't fully explain how happy this made him... his family was all together, and they finally had a real home again... he and Loreli couldn't be more happy to be with their family again.

His mother had probably made breakfast by now, as Jake could smell pancakes. With lots of syrup, strawberries and whip cream. Thats one of the things he missed about his mother. She was the best cook he knew.

Jake turned to Jocelyn and sprung up, smiling as his baby sister did the same.

" Race you to the table! "

Without a second thought the duo was off and running through the halls on all fours, neck and neck as they neared the table. However, the duo soon skidded to a halt as they realized Loreli was already there, sticking her tongue out at them. Jake almost forgot Loreli tended to be quicker than him, and now obviously faster than Jocelyn.

Taking his mind off of it for now, Jake turned to find his father also at the table, licking his lips as he awaited his wife's breakfast. The man had been away for so long, Jake had almost forgotten how impatient he could be, and how much of an appetite he'd had. The prince turned again, watching as his mother walked into the room with a large plate of pancakes. He'd missed her cooking so much...

The family sat in silence for a bit, each one enjoying the woman's food. They couldn't help it, it was delicious.

Jake couldn't help but look up and watch his parents as they ate. Again, he hadn't seen them in years, so he was still trying to get reused to seeing their happy face. Especially his mothers, who's smile could put even the sun to shame. And then there was his father, who ate heartily and wagging his tail all the while. The prince had almost forgotten how silly his father was when he ate. And finally there was Jocelyn. Whom will Jake had never seen eat before, found she often ate like Loreli. Heartily, while still cleanly.

Heh... Jake loved this family to bits. He wished there was a way they could all catch up after so many years apart... wait!

Jake suddenly pounced up, shocking everyone as he'd bumped the table as he did so.

" Guys! "

He said gleefully, wagging his long tail behind him.

" You know what we should do?! We should all go somewhere! And spend the entire day together! You know, a family day! "

" Why, that's a wonderful idea Jake! "

His mother, Mary, agreed, smiling brightly.

" I-it's been so long- and we can get to know our sweet little Jocy! "

" Yeah! "

His father, John, added cheerfully, soon pouncing up as his son had.

" Sounds great! How bout the beach?! Haven't felt sand between my toes in years! "

" Sounds fun! "

Jocelyn and Loreli said unanimously, looking at each other before breaking into laughter. And Jake could only smile; this... was going to be a good day.

End of first chappie. Hope it was alright.