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Chapter 1 – New Number, New Face

A/N: Hey guys, so I devoted one multi-chap to Aaron and Emily, I think it's time for another couple to be up. I'm choosing JJ/Rossi because I love the banter between them and this is very much a talking story. Hope you like it, ENJOY R&R PLZ!

Three days ago…

"Hey Garcia," Rossi came to the tech's lair. "I need some help with my phone; it's not cooperating with me again."

"All the profiling skills in world are powerless against cold technology," Garcia grinned. "Let me see." She took the device from him and tapped away at the screen with practiced fingers. She shook her head, "I am sorry Mon Capitan but it appears that this mobile cannot be saved. The software is old and you're better off just getting a new one."

"Can't you just update it for me," Rossi nearly pled. He had needed help when Penelope brought in those iPads and appeared as though new phones had gone down the same route. Besides this phone wasn't that old, he had for about four years…or was it five?

"Again my apologies," Garcia smiled sadly. "But she cannot be resurrected. I'd be happy to look suitable replacements?" The tech offered.

Rossi's shoulders sagged in defeat, "Thanks Garcia, you know me, send me a list of good ones."


And that is how David Rossi found himself peeling off the plastic of a brand new smartphone. He did not hide his contempt for the object in question that featured all sorts of 'upgrades' that would supposedly make his life easier but in actuality would never be used unless he screwed up and pressed the wrong part of the screen. What further disgruntled him was that his number had changed as well so now he had to message all his contacts and let them know. It was an annoying prolonged and laborious task; filing contact information, sending the contact the same message – Hey it's Dave, got a new number – then repeating the process for the next person. Each person texted back with their acknowledgement and one good thing was the drop down display so he could see their message without having to go back and open them individually. He had gotten through the whole list when one such message came on the screen that puzzled him.

Sorry but who is this?

Dave frowned and opened the conversation. The message was from JJ; turned out he had forgotten the 'it's Dave' part of his message. Dave smirked decided to play with liaison a bit,

A friend.

JJ was quick to reply, Which friend?

One that doesn't mind getting on your nerves. Dave chuckled as he sent that, he knew her answer wouldn't disappoint.

And it didn't. Well that narrows it down to all the men I know…

Dave let out a loud laugh, this was kind of fun. He wondered how long he could keep this up. Correct! How about guessing then?


No. Try again. He desperately wanted to add that he'd tell Morgan that but knew that would give too much away.

Listen, if you really know me you'd know that I'm not in the mood for games with boys right now.

That sobered Dave up; JJ had broken up with Will last month and the poor girl took it hard but refused to regret her decision to stay with the job. Henry went between their homes and he could swear that sometimes JJ wore the same expression he did. It broke his heart to see her become him and wished he could speak to her about it but sometimes it felt like there boundaries around them. The team was always so guarded about their personal lives especially when little could be actually hidden that they rarely allowed anyone to comment on it. It was at that moment he realized, as the anonymous friendly texter, he could be absolutely candid with JJ. He could actually tell her something without having to worry about crossing lines. He took a breath and wrote, I do know about that but I am not a boy, I am a friend who thinks you deserve at least a reason to smile.

JJ was silent for so long that Rossi thought she was going to ignore him but then twenty minutes later he got another text, thank you

Dave smiled, You're welcome. How about this, you have to figure out who I am. I won't say until you guess correctly. What do you say?

I could just cheat you know. He could almost hear her in his head. Too bad she had an office; he'd love to see the look on her face right now. He got another message; I could just call all the guys in my contacts till I found you…

Rossi countered, You could…but you won't.

LOL you do know me, alright then you're on!

A/N: Ah the beginning of something beautiful. Yes I know I've sort of done the whole Rossi hooks up with 'post-break-up-with-Will' JJ thing with 'The Visit' but there is something compelling about them that deserves a whole story rather than a condensed one-shot. So I hope you like it and I'll see you all again.