Author's Note: A tiny tiny thing made by PoMlovah611 and I.

What is WRONG with you?!


It was smooth flying up in the air as the VTOL vehicle flew through the sky. The North Wind team was silently working their stations and the penguins were silent too save for the occasional crunch of a delicious Cheezy Dibble.

Rico however was waddling around the cockpit looking around. He found himself walking to the front of the ship and jumping up into the wolf leader's lap all of a sudden.

The wolf was surprised at first but seconds later his look of concern was hidden by his icy glare. "What are you doing here?" Agent Classified huffed at the penguin on his lap.

Rico just stared at him, tilting his head and stepping closer to his face. He seemingly was observing him.

The wolf growled at him. "Get off."

Rico made a nonsensical noise before he bit the wolf's nose, immediately followed by kissing the canine full on the mouth.

"MH!" the agent's eyes were wide and he couldn't for the life of him figure out how the little bird had gotten so strong. No matter how hard he tried to back up and push the penguin off him, he could not. So he was stuck with just having wide eyes while he vocalized his protests. "MMHMHH!"

Rico pulled away, smiling content after he was finished. He wiped his mouth, as if the experience hadn't been worse for the unsuspecting and in this situation virgin wolf.

Skipper smirked from behind them. "Aww would you look at that?" The leader penguin praised, almost cooing. "That means he likes you."

"BLECK! GCK! GUH!" Classified was too busy spitting and gagging to respond. Not that he was sure he wanted to respond to that statement. He was repeatedly wiping his snout with his paws, more than disgusted.

Rico hopped out of his lap, walking back to the other penguins like the event hadn't even happened.

Once he gained his voice again, Classified looked back at the other penguins for the answer to his question. "What is wrong with him!?"

Skipper just shrugged. "Who knows?"

Well then. The wolf turned back around in his seat. The agent shuddered and spat one more time before resuming with his driving. His mouth tasted like fish. Wonderful. He cast a glance back at those tiny birds one last time before shaking his head in dismay. Pengwings.