Marriage 101

Chapter 10: To doubt or not to doubt

"I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you."

-The Alchemist,

Paulo Coelho


Write on me by Fifth Harmony

Animal by Disturbed

What was it about Sesshomaru that would make Kagame's heart pump wildly in her chest, and form butterflies in her stomach? How was it possible that he left her blushing like a school girl who had a crush on her teacher? If anyone had the answer to her questions she would love to know. Even if things were good between them, they were still getting to know each other. Just the other day, Sesshomaru found out that Kagome was actually allergic to nuts, while Kagome found out that Sesshomaru hated cats. If she thought about it, that part didn't really surprise her. He was...a dog after all. "I married a dog demon." When she said it out loud like that she was left dazed. The ring on her finger seemed to glitter in a mocking way, causing her to frown.

Sesshomaru wasn't a bad guy. He was great actually! She couldn't see herself married to anyone better. "Did we rush into this?" The marriage could have been easily annulled and the two could have parted ways. Why did they insist on going through with this? She was practically a home wrecker! He was already set to marry another woman before she stormed in and stole him away. Her heart lurched in her chest, and she rubbed at the dull ache with her hand. Part of her felt bad for what had happened, but she couldn't really find it in her to end it because she actually, truly cared him. He had explained he wasn't happy with Kagura, that the marriage between them would have been for business and nothing more. Her hand reached up to rub the faded Bonding mark at the nape of her neck. The pleasurable sensation she felt beneath the pads of her fingers shot down her spine, causing her breath to hitch. A sudden vibration on her desk caused Kagome to jump, and squeak. Reaching out, she picked up her phone when realizing it was her husband.


With a malicious grin form along his lips, Naraku had eyed the new girl he had just tossed off him. When he had paid for her services, he had demanded that she dye her hair black, and wear blue contacts. She was similar in size to Sesshomaru's mate, and her body was tight and full. The only thing that displeased him was the sound of her voice. He had heard Kagome speak enough times to know what sounds she made when she was breathless, or how her voice hitched when she would get mad. This girl was a far cry from his obsession, but her body would do for the night. His hand reached out to grasp those dark locks, jerking the girls head back.

She whimpered softly, eyes trying to catch sight of her patron for the evening. When he had approached her with a job offer, writing down the amount of money that she would be making, it was hard to say no. Not that it would matter, he seemed like a man that always got his way. The unknown girl hissed when he pulled a bit harder, tearing a few strands from her head. Obviously, the sound was a good one, because she felt how his cock jerked against her backside. The other hand had grasped a breast, nails digging into the fleshy globe as he gripped it tight. The girl next to him winced, releasing a soft whiny plea. She fisted the sheets, wiggling against him to put some space between their bodies.

"My darling Kagome. Don't worry, you'll learn to enjoy my touches. You'll beg for them." He had whispered, his tongue slithering along the edge of her lobe. The girl squeaked in surprise, shuddering unpleasantly as pain assaulted her body. Naraku had taken it upon himself to force his cock into her anus with no lubrication to ease the entry. The girl had squirmed, trying to push him off. She had had enough! This wasn't what she signed up for. However, Naraku wasn't going to give her any leeway and had ended up forcing her face down into the sheets while he took his pleasure even if he caused her pain. His trusting was to hard, her anal walls clamping tight around the invading cock. The girl thrashed against the sheets, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes. She gasped for air when he let her up, his thrusting never stopping or letting up.

"Kagome! You're so tight!" Naraku grunted, his nails digging into 'Kagame's' scalp while he brought himself over the edge. Collapsing ontop of the girl, Naraku panted, ignoring how the girl shivered or cried. He wasn't at all surprised when he was shoved off, or when she darted for the locked door of his bedroom. In fact, he expected it. Like so many others before her, they feared him and his carnal desires. Kagome, the real Kagome, wouldn't be scared. He knew she would fight tooth and nail for her freedom.

"Please...Please let me go. I won't tell anyone anything! I promise!"

Slipping on his robe, Naraku had slowly padded across his room to his computer desk. "I know you wouldn't. " His fingers tinkered with the little knick knacks on the desk, the girl by the door nodding in agreement. "I won't. I swear!"

He chuckled.

How naive did this girl think he was? Did she really believe that he would allow her to walk away from everything alive? He picked up a letter opener, twirling it in his fingers. "There there my dear. I know you will keep your promise." He patted her cheek gentle, brushing aside her dyed hair. The girls instincts went crazy, yelling at her to run, but she remained frozen by the large double doors, even when Naraku caressed her cheeks.

"Then you'll let me go?" She whispered, eyes wide.

"Of course!"

Any servants that remained at his home ignored the girls loud screech, choosing to rather continue with their chores before they would have to clean up the mess their lord no doubt created. Her yell was so loud the birds outside in the nearest tree had scattered before silence filled the area.

A door creaked open, light dimly illuminating the dark hallway just as Naraku stepped out. He wiped his hand on a towel, tossing it over his shoulder. A bath was needed to wash away the filth that was on him.

Soon, very soon, Kagome was going to be his, and he couldn't wait. When he entered his main bedroom, what greeted him had caused him to stop. "I take it you have found what I wanted?"

The dark figure bowed its head, striding across the room to hand Naraku a tattered book. "This is it?"


"You've done well."

With no other word the shadow figure disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving behind the half demon to look over his newest treasure.

With the time that had passed, Kagura had managed to push past the pain she felt, which in turn gave way to anger, and a lot of resentment. She sat in her apartment, a glass of wine in her hand. Crimson hues narrowed slightly as she thought about how happy Kagome must be, how pleased Sesshomaru must be feeling now that he didn't have to put up with her.

God she despised them both!

She wanted to rant. To scream. To throw sharp objects at them both! These things needed to be handled delicately, and her half brother was taking his damn time! Kagura knew he had become obsessed with Kagome. She knew that he wanted to claim her as his own. If it brought Sesshomaru back into her arms, then she didn't care what happened to the human woman. Tossing back the rest of her wine, Kagura set aside the glass when her phone rang.

The screen flashed Naraku's name. Quickly snatching it up and answering she had pressed the phone into her ear. "What did you find?"

"Something that will make you very happy."

"Let's meet."

Hanging up, she had quickly went to grab her things and left.

They had decided to set up a meeting point in a dingy motel on the other side of town. It was a place they both knew no one would ever think they would go to. When Kagura entered the room, her nose wrinkled as she caught sight of a roach skittering across the floor. The wall paper was yellow, and faded, the corners falling off the wall. A cobweb occupied a corner of the room, and the smell left nothing to be desired. It was old, musty, and the pink carpet didn't even look pink but rather a dirty grey. Safe to say, she tried to avoid touching anything in this place.

Naraku though seemed to be in his element as he was sitting on the bed, reading the book that was provided to him. Snapping it shut, he glanced at his half sister. "I didn't think you would come."

" What did you find?" She asked, getting straight to the point.

"A way to break their Bond."

"You didn't! How?"

"I have my sources. We just need to find the dark priestess, Tsubaki."

"Tsubaki? But no one has ever seen her since the feudal era!"

"There are ways my sweet sister. There are ways."

His chuckle left a bad taste in her mouth, but if anyone could find Tsubaki she knew it would be her brother and his group of associates. "Then I'll leave it up to you. Just make sure they can't trace it back to us, Naraku. The last thing we need to is trip at the finish line!"

He stood abruptly, closing the distance between the two. Kagura backed up against the wall, fear clutching her heart. He slammed a hand against the wall beside her head, causing her to jerk. "I'm not an idiot Kagura. I know what I'm doing." He gripped her chin rather tightly between her fingers, forcing her to look up at him. Hissing, he said, "I want Kagome, and no one will stop me from taking her. Not even this Bond. So keep your mouth shut, and wait until I tell you to go to him. " Releasing his hold on her, Naraku had left the room with a harsh slam of the door.

Gripping her blouse, Kagura released a shaky breath, glaring at the door. Once she got rid of Kagome, her brother would be next on the list. With Sesshomaru by her side, nothing was going to stop her.

Something felt off, something that had Touga's beast snarling. Getting up, he had headed towards his home office. Amber hues glanced around the large space, taking everything in. His nostrils flared as he tried to catch any unknown scent. When nothing came up, he walked into the room towards his desk. His instincts were never wrong, but nothing appeared out of the norm. A clawed digit tapped against the glossy desk while he examined the area once again.

It was definitely something someone would easily over look, but there it was! The red blinking light on his safe was going off. Quickly, he had opened it, scanning the contents that were inside. "No. Where is it!"

The family book was taken! In that book there were incantations, secrets of his ancestors regarding a dog demons Bonds, his family tree among other things no one needed to know. But how? More importantly who was it!

Sesshomaru needed to be alerted. There were plenty of possibilities. Each Tashio had their own enemies. It could have been anyone! Rushing out of the room, he went for his phone, dialing both his sons. This was something that needed to be handled quickly, and quietly.

an: Sorry it took so long to get this short thing out. Cross my heart the next chapter won't take months.
