Kaito was considering the competition for the night's heist when his eyes landed on the recently returned Kudo Shinichi. He was much more formidable when he was his proper height, and a bigger threat now that people actually listened to him consistently again.

He was also very pretty.

Kaito was distracted from his preparations for a moment, considering what it might be like to…

Kaito forced his attention back to the heist, but struggled to keep it there. After all, feeling anything like that was rare at best. The last person he'd felt anything like that for was Aoko. He'd done his research when he realized that she was the only one he'd ever been interested in and if he was interested in Kudo now?

He was in such deep shit.

If Kudo were still pint-sized, Kaito could remind himself that there were lines he shouldn't cross, but no. Kudo was back to his older and more attractive self, and Kaito was so irrevocably screwed.

And now Kudo was coming this way. Of course.

"I couldn't help but notice you were staring at me. Did you need me for something?" Kudo asked, frowning.

Of course the detective would assume he needed help, of course. Kaito forced a grin and shook his head.

"No, sorry. I know you're Kudo Shinichi from the news, but I was just trying to figure out if we'd met in person, seeing as you know Hakuba," Kaito improvised quickly, gesturing towards the other detective in question. It was only a matter of time before Kudo met Kaito, right? Kaito internally groaned. This was such a mistake.

Kudo's face lit up with recognition.

"You must be the Kuroba he's been complaining about," Kudo said, not quite a question.

"Kuroba Kaito, magician extraordinaire, at your service," he grinned, presenting Kudo with a red rose without thinking. As Kudo accepted it, looking a bit perplexed, Kaito realized what he'd done.

He usually kept a red rose or two just in case, but the greater part of his collection was white, so as to avoid making any accidental advances. But here he was, propositioning Kudo Shinichi. He was such a mess. Tonight was not a good night for a heist. He should just go home.

"I was under the impression, based on how Hakuba talks, that you weren't generally interested in other men," Kudo said, his voice softer, leaning forward with something like interest sparking in his eyes.

"To be honest, I'm usually not interested in this sort of thing at all. I think you may be one of my exceptions," Kaito admitted carefully. There was no real point in lying about something like this, especially not to a detective. Kudo smiled wide and easy, almost cocky.

"In that case, you should look me up after the heist." Kudo pulled out a small notebook, scribbled something, and ripped out the page. After double checking it, he handed it to Kaito. A phone number. Kudo Shinichi's phone number.

Kaito couldn't help but grin, "I'll be sure to do that, Kudo."

"I look forward to it, Kid."

Kaito was going to be alarmed by the fact that Kudo knew he was Kid later. After all, Kudo didn't really seem to mind all that much. Maybe this wasn't such a bad day for a heist after all.