My Name is Mae Novoa I'm one of jax sister I'm 15 years old and I have just landed at the Miami airport, I have come here to find Jax.

I have not heard back from him in weeks since I over hear my father chatting with him saying that he should just stay I'm Miami because he can't stand to see his face.

First stop his place even is he is not there I might be able to find a clue to where he might be and I have to drop of my stuff somewhere.

I get there and find the hideaway key is in a fake rock he is so cliché, once in I relies that is look like no one has been here in weeks, the place feels so empty.

"Maybe he is just staying somewhere else" I say out loud

Ok next stop the beach, beach side 7 here I come

"New people I might meet and I want to look cute,

So put me in a new swimsuit" I casted my spell and head to that beach.

Ok so from what I have learned I should find Emma, if anyone will know where he is she would.

I go up to the stand to get a drink "Hi can I get a triple blueberry with extra blueberry" I asked with my thick Australian accent

"One triple blueberry with extra blueberry coming up that will be $4"

I get my money out and look at his name tag 'Diego' jax told me he is a kunai and he is friend with Emma he might know where she is. He handed me my drink and I handed him the money

"Diego right, do you go to iridium high?" I asked just wanting to be extra sure

"Yeah, do I know you" he said confuses.

"No but my friend jax goes there and I'm look for him" I said to him explaining and said "friend" because I don't think Jax told people about me and Leah and I don't really want to explain myself right now.

"Oh I should have guessed Miami doesn't have a lot of Australians walking around" he said with a laugh. I giggled "yeah I beat it doesn't, but do you know where Emma is, I came here looking for her"

"Oh yeah she should be around here somewhere she is working, hum just look for a girl that is wearing a watermelon dress" he said laughing

"Oh ok thanks you have been a lot of help" I said walking away with a smile on my face,

I continued to walk, next thing I know everyone around me is frozen, and it must be Emma this has to be the work of the chosen one.

A/N: tell me what you, think this is the start if you love it great tell me, if you hate tell me and I will stop writing it. And I love hearing feedback it makes me want to write.