Chapter One

Odin tensed as he sensed them before they arrived inside of the great hall, the cold seeped into his pores and he struggled to supress a shiver. Frigga next to him smiled supportively, It was time to renegotiate the truce Laufey and his own son had broken. He turned and gave Thor a stern look, his eldest had the decency to look down. Loki on the other hand, looked nervous. He had never seen a Frost giant in the flesh beore the fight in Jotunheim and it had not ended well.

Loki had seen Fandral impaled by ice, ice created by Laufey. Out of al the Warriors three, Fandral had been kindest to Loki. He looked past his lean and gentle exterior and love of books and magic the others had deemed odd. He had played with Loki when he was a toddler and Odin would have been lying if he said Fandral and Loki were not like brothers themselves.

He caught Frigga's eye, knowing they were thinking of the same thing. They didn't want Loki anywhere near Laufey. If he recognised Loki, Laufey would claim him back just to spite Odin and he was not prepared to loose his youngest. Loki was equivalent to 16 and so young, if he saw the horrors of Jotun life he would be scarred.

"They're here" he said in time before the golden doors swung open and Laufey towered over the soldiers flanking the door. He himself was accompanied by two frost giants either side of him and ice had covered their arms.

"Laufey, welcome" Odin said briskly, watching him eye the dozen guards that were a metre away from the Allfather.

"Odin, you wish to renegotiate the terms of our treaty?" Laufey's voice creeped like ice across the room as he approcahed the table and Frigga could not help but put a protective arm on Loki's back. He arched an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Yes, Your soldiers attempted to take back the casket but my boys sought out a fight. I do not wish for any Asgardian or Jotun blood to be spilled again, so I wish to offer you something more"

"Something more?" Laufey smirked, standing a mere metre away from Odin and his children. He wanted nothing more than to crush the blonde one's head. His deep crimson eyes roamed around the Allfathers family and something struck him.

Frigga, his wife, was beautiful and Blonde.

Thor, his son, was strong, tall and Blonde.

Odin himself was strong, blue eyed and Blonde.

Loki, his youngest, was smaller, leaner and raven haired. His eyes were the most beautiful emerald green/Azure blue he had ever seen. As if land and sea had mixed together. What a difference, the boy had no resemblence to the family at all.

If anything he looked like Laufeys own child, his beautiful daughter. The jewel of his life, a treasure he would not give up for the world. His eyes saddened as he thought of the creator of his daughter and the son he had lost in the battle. Farbauti, Laufey had not expected to fall in love with a woman of Asgard, least of all one so beautiful. But he had and it cost him her life, birthing his children. One daughter who would grow up to be taunted and treated with such cruelty for her heritage and small stature and a son who was lost in the battle. The temple he had hidden them to keep them safe had been ruined to dust and no matter how long he and his men had searched, His son was never found, most probably crushed under the rubble. What his daughter lacked in size she made up for in magic, her Seidr was strong and could match any sorceres.

"Laufey, I will ask you once to stop staring at my son" Odin snapped, but there was something else. Fear.

Laufey looked at him and for a moment he saw a worried look fleet across the All fathers face, it was not for himself though.

The frost giant looked back at the boy who seemed to be unimpressed by being the centre of his attention. Thor snarled, clutching Mjolnir. Foolish boy.

Loki was the pure image of Farbauti, the raven hair and beautiful eyes. Odin couldn't have, he would not dare. Laufey took a deep breath, composing himself. The king had not only taken his casket but his son. He had deprived Laufey of a male heir and Norendra of a younger brother, a twin.

"Continue All father, I was just struck by how different your youngest looks to your first-born...but I see he has the Queens face...what Is your offer"

Odin relaxed slightly and poured himself a goblet of mead, offering Laufey one which he quickly declined. "I am prepared to offer you a relic, one that my father had stolen from your predesscor. A gauntlet, the Gauntlet of Truth and I'm sure such a priceless artifact will serve you well. I have heard from Heimdall that many of your soldiers are not as trustworthy as you may think. I have no use for such a thing, you however, do."

Silence fell across the hall as Laufey considered his options, he had no knowledge of such traitors in his midst but if Odin had spoken truth the Gauntlet would serve him well. Extremely well.

"I do not like the fact that you have been watching us, Odin"

"Not watching you, your men and their decisions. I know how the small party of your giants managed to slip through Heimdalls watch, Loki enjoys causing trouble" Odin turned his stony glare at Loki who shuffled a little but smirked.

"What are the terms?" Laufey smiled falsely.

"You do not step foot on Asgardian soil or any other realms earth again without our permission, you do not contact any other realms and you must swear that any Asgardian or being that you come into contact with, that has not harmed you deliberately or in self defence, will be not harmed by you or any of your race."

Laufey thought the promise through. He had need for such a prize but to live in isolation from the rest of the realms was something Odin was pushing.

"I will agree to these terms, so long as you allow the trade that occurs between Jotunheim and Nidavellir to continue"


"Then we are settled, the Gauntlet?"

Odin signaled for a servant to enter. The silver gauntlet placed on a plump silver pillow. Laufey took it and smiled, glaring down at the allfather and chancing a last glance at Loki. Now he had recognised the resemblance it was painful. Painful to see so much of Farbauti was in his son, Norendra had blue skin and Raven hair. Loki was everything that Farbauti had.

Odin dismissed Frigga and his sons, watching them leave before turning back to the Frost giants.

"Heimdall has organised safe passage back to Jotunheim"

Laufey turned briskly and began to leave, he left the great hall with the Gauntlet in his hand.

A fleeting shadow caught his eye as he turned to the main door, the Bifrost in plain view. Loki. Laufey stopped short as the boy appeared in front of him, looking at him. He sghed, Loki had the same mischevious glint in his eyes as Farbauti. The frost giants either side of him stoped, ice covering their arms as the teen prince raised an eyebrow.

Laufey dismissed them.

"I'm sorry, I feel as though I've seen you before" Loki peered up at him, his sarcastic smile wiped from his face and replaced with confusion. Only then did he realise the dark circles under the young sorcerer's eyes. Farbauti had suffered through the sleepless nights also, the visions of the future some might call 'gifts' plaguing her.

"Perhaps you have...Trouble sleeping, little prince?" he raised a hairless eyebrow. Loki frowned. How had he known? How had a Frost giant known that he woke up near every night, screaming since he was little. Frigga had always ran in, soothing him and sometimes Odin or Thor. Less now, it always seemed to be his mother.

" did you know?"

"Here, place it on a surface near you at night" Laufey took of a small bracelet he had worn, golden and encrusted in red ruby's. He ignored his guards confused looks, he would explain later.

Loki warily took it, watching it shrink in size to fit his wrist. He looked up but Laufey had moved on, enetring the bridge leading to the Bifrost.
