Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and only the plot. Please review it is not going to be perfect so please do not be harsh ...thanks for reading.

Fili was a good brother, always taking care of his little brother and not letting the bullies get to him. But there were some things Fili couldn't help Kili with.

You see Kili had a very bad fear of the dark which no one not even their uncle knew about. Kili had kept it a secret his whole life and now here they were on a journey to reclaim their homeland.

The first night for the brothers was fine they had a nice fire going so no problem. The night they arrived at Bilbo's house Fili had found Kili and him a place on the floor by the fire. He didn't want to make his brother feel weak in front of everyone but then came the night in the cave when Thorin had ordered that there would be no fires.

Fili knew Kili was going to have one long night.

Later that night, everyone else had fallen asleep except Bofur who was on watch and Kili who had been shaking, telling himself he could make it one night in the dark.

Everyone else had gotten a few hours' sleep before they were all thrown into the goblins trap. After that ordeal Kili doubted he would ever be able to sleep again.

When they entered Mirkwood it was the darkest place Kili had seen in all his life. As Kili couldn't see through the darkness he naturally assumes he was standing by his brother so when he grabbed the hand beside in fear he was a shock to feel how big it was as it closed around his own.

Then it hit him he has grabbed someone else's hand like some frightened girl. He went to pull it away but the hand just held on tighter.

Suddenly he heard Dwalin whisper in his ear. "It's ok lad, we are all afraid of something."

Meanwhile Fili had been trying to make his way back to his brother, he just couldn't seem to find him anywhere. Fili sighed in relief when he saw Thorin and made his way over to him.

"Uncle?" Fili asked.

"Yes Fili." Thorin replied.

"Have you seen Kili? I need to find I'm and I can't." Fili asked in worry.

"He is fine Fili." Thorin said calmly.

"No, uncle you don't understand…" Fili trailed of.

"I don't understand what? That he's afraid of the dark?" Thorin questioned.

"How did you know?" Fili asked curiously.

"Fili I have known your brother long enough to know he is afraid of the dark. Do not worry I seen him fall behind and had Dwalin go stand by him." Thorin reassures.

"Thank you, uncle." Fili replied with a sigh of relief.

Dwalin never made Kili feel bad for his fear, but he did watch over the heir of Durin just a little closer and when it was dark he made sure to guard him from the dark

The End

Just a little thing I thought of I know it is not great ...I'm thinking of better stories but sometimes the little ones count too