This is my take on how things would proceed from the awful cliffhanger that we were left with, I don't have a beta so all possible spelling and grammatical errors are solely mine and I hope you guys do forgive me for the very many possible errors.

And most importantly… I don't own Arrow or any of the characters in it ….. I am merely borrowing them for entertainment purposes.

The atmosphere in the lair was dark and gloomy; everybody could probably feel the despair in each other and yet no one could say anything.

There was an eerie silence that had engulfed the lair; all that could be heard was three breaths filled with anguish and dejection. The low buzz of inanimate objects that always filled the lair was absent; she kept staring at empty screens unable to decide the next step.

"We need to tell Thea." Digg's hoarse voice broke through the deafening silence.

"Tell her what exactly?" Roy retorted sharply startling Felicity.

"How long are we going to lie to her?" Digg tried to reason with him, Felicity remained a mute spectator; she was still undecided on whose side to take.

"He had been gone for five years yet he came back alive." Roy bit back challenging Digg.

"Well last time he was not fighting against Ra's Al Ghul." Digg roared. Anger and desperation was evident in his voice. Roy took a step back in fear.

She steeled herself before she could speak afraid that she would give into those angry sobs that were threatening to burst open.

"You think he is dead Digg?" Her voice a shaky whisper. Digg turned to look at her, guilt etched on his face.

"You heard Nyssa Felicity." He was trying to hold himself together, with the absence of Oliver he took over the responsibility to look after these two.

Her emotions that she had so long withheld in consideration to others broke open.

"How can you believe in anything that she says?" She wailed as angry tears poured out.


"I refuse to believe that he is dead, I know he is not dead digg." Her firm voice resonated through the lair.

"Then let's go find him." Digg gave into hope. He prayed that they find him safe and alive.

"Let's, but where do we even begin?" Roy asked them, how do you start looking for a man who has vanished into thin air? Oliver had been so cryptic about his location.

"We start from the beginning, the place where the duel took place." Digg told them, his stance filled with newly found determination.

An hour later…

"There you are, seeing you in person have become such a rare occurrence these days." His words may have been harsh but there was no bite in them. Roy looked up from the file he was holding. He had recognized it was her with the click of her heels on the floor.

"And I am so sorry about that." She was truly apologetic. She thought she could carry out her scheduled life and not care that Oliver had gone off to fight one of the deadliest men on the planet, how wrong she had been. As each day passed without any news the more anxious she became, it crippled her.

"I caught this virus and I didn't want to spread it around." Her lies sounded weak even to her own ears. He raised his brow, he was not believing a single word she had said.

"Felicity you don't have to tell me what's going on but please don't insult my intelligence." He reprimanded gently. She flushed in embarrassment.

"So tell me what did you want?" He asked. Ray was not a fool, he had noticed the spark in her extinguish slowly, she had become a shadow of her former self. Her babbling that he found so adorable had seemingly stopped and he had no idea what had caused it.

"What makes you think I want something?" She asked him hesitantly.

"You looked like a woman on a mission when you walked into my office." A soft smile played on his lips. She sighed, there was no point lying to him when she did in fact come here with a request.

"I need the company jet." She told him, she knew it was a big request when she had been such a bad employee recently. A look of contemplation passed over his face, he did seem to be surprised at her request.

"You know it's a bad idea if you are going to use it to run away from me as I would know exactly where to look for you?" He teased her. This got a small smile from her

He got up from his chair to stand in front of her. He noticed the dark circles under her eyes that she had carefully tried to cover with make up. Her clothes that always seemed to hug her curves now hung loosely around her.

"I am going to go look for something." That is the closest explanation that she could give him without revealing anything.

"Would that bring back the old Felicity?" His earnestness made her slightly uncomfortable.

"It would be one step closer to getting her back." She told him the truth.


"I need a couple of days off." He told her, his voice was almost drowned out by the loud music playing. She looked at him skeptically. He was now the manager of Verdant along with Thea it was the only way to be near her without being stalkerish. Thea had shut down any possibility of them getting back together, that had stung him a little but he had promised Oliver to lookout for her. He followed her as she went to check on the newly delivered inventory. The music from the club was heard faintly in the background.

"Have you heard from Oliver?" He decided test the waters.

"I keep getting messages to take care." She bit out angrily her eyes solely focused on the inventory in front of her.

She looked up at him when he stood silently next to her.

"What?" She asked him exasperatedly.

"You are not worried?" He asked her timidly, he didn't want to raise any alarm bells but he needed to know was Digg right? Thea had no idea how much Oliver had sacrificed for her.

"It's what Ollie does, he runs when things get hard just like when the Glades went down, he will eventually turn up." She replied offhandedly. She could have never been so wrong. A sudden desire to jolt her shoulders filled him.

He had been against telling Thea the truth, the guilt would kill her but Oliver deserved better. He would tell her the truth once he gets back and he hoped that there would be some good news to tell her.


"We are going to bring your Godfather back." He told the giggling child in his arms.

"Yeah that's right." He crooned to Sara before placing her in her crib. The child pouted wanting to be picked up, it amazed him at how fast she was growing up. He played with her till she had tired herself out and fell asleep. He quietly closed the door behind himself.

"She asleep?" He heard Lyla's voice from the kitchen, Lyla being all domestic was one of his favorite things. The gun yielding Argus agent can cook her way into anyone's heart if she wanted.

He walked into the kitchen; she was cooking something delicious that's for sure. She turned to look at him.

"When do you guys leave?" She asked him.

"In five hours, we have to wait till the snowstorm passes through." He told her as he settled down in one of the bar stools.

"Do you think he is alive?" She asked him. He had lost his brother many years ago and the pain was still too raw. Losing Oliver felt the same, helplessness and sorrow filled him. Lyla moved towards him and engulfed him in a warm hug.

"Do you want me to come?" She asked him quietly, he shook his head in disapproval. She was ready to provide support if needed. Oliver was her friend too.

"What does the Argus report say." He had asked her check in if Argus had any information on Oliver.

"Nothing much, he is presumed dead after suffering a fatal stab wound." She hugged him tighter each trying to find solace each other.

"Does Waller know." He knew it was a dumb question but he needed to know.

"She was furious, I have never seen her like that. The league had gotten rid of one of her assets."

"An asset?" A sarcastic smile broke through.

"I hope you find him, there a lot of people who would be just broken if he does not come back."

Eight hours later…

"Hold on tight, looks like we have caught the tail end of the snow storm." Digg screamed out loud to sound louder than the howling wind outside. She gulped and shut her eyes in fear.

They had switched into a chopper from the base camp, this place was 2,100 feet above sea level and the only way here was this chopper which she hoped would not crash into these tall mountains surrounding them.

The chopper shook violently against the strong winds, Digg jumped onto the cliff effortlessly, she guessed years of military training came in handy now. Digg made a safety line for her and Roy. She held onto Roy with her eyes tightly shut as they made their way to the cliff.

She was going to give Oliver a piece of her mind for making her go through this when she meets him. This was much scarier than jumping out of a moving plane. She peeked through her lashes, it was a steep fall from the cliff she quickly closed her eyes.

"There is a small village 3km east, I hope you find what you are looking for." The pilot called out to Digg.

"Thank you, we will let you know when we are done." The chopper would come pick them up, that was the only way off the mountain unless they were into extreme sports.

"Good luck." The man called out before the chopper roared away from them.

I hope you guys enjoyed….. Let me know what you think.