Sorry to those who thought this was an update.

As you've probably guessed, I've put this on Hiatus. I, as an AoS fanfic author, isn't on hiatus, but this story is.

I have recently lacked the inspiration to write this story, as it's too light and fluffy and with the season playing out how it is with all the angst I can't find it in me to muster it.

It doesn't help I've been really busy with revising for my GCSEs as well, and next week I've got my first exam. (If you don't count my spanish speaking assessment). So, yeah, Babysitting the adults is officially on hiatus.

I'll soon be publishing a new fanfic, that's I've got inspiration from how the season is playing out, so I'll appreciate if you kept your eyes peeled for that.

- Lissy. Xxx