Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one


Marco had left magic behind him long ago. It was a part of the past, one best left forgotten along with his birth name. Once upon a time, the wonder of magic had blinded him, along with the escape he had thought it offered. But the pirate wasn't eleven years old any longer. The power that was his by birth had never given him anything but trouble, so why bother.

The young man once known as Harry had been determined to succeed in this new world on his own merits. No short cuts, no freakishness, as Vernon and Petunia would have said. He no longer gave them the title of Aunt and Uncle. They had never been family. But, forsaken or not, Marco was still a wizard. Magic would always be a part of him.

All of which had brought him to this moment. The pirate forced himself to his knees, the screams of his brothers echoing around him. With the coppery taste of blood in his mouth along with the holes through his chest ; the phoenix could do nothing, bound by the seastone cuff clamped tightly to his wrist.

The wizard however could. Accidental magic, he had heard it called in his youth. Wish magic, Marco thought it should have been called. Wand or no wand, you just had to want it badly enough, and he had never wanted anything so badly in his life.

He looked at his brothers, fighting and dying. Ace, racing for the freedom of the sea. Their Father, injured, cut off from them. That scum Teach, who had crawled out of the shadows like the worm he was. The marines, dispensers of so-called justice, and the power built. The cuff crumbling like weak sandstone as Marco's eyes gained a brilliant and deadly verdant glow. Translucent shields appearing where none had been before.

His family lived.


I swear I am not going to start another short story until Hidden Claws is done

One-Shots yes, but nothing else. I have got to finish it.