A series of drabbles for my favorite couple. My fanfiction writing started here so some of the first stories can be quite cheesy and not so well-written... I'll get round to editing them.

Setting: Modern day

Theme: Star

Kunzite turned the key in its lock, opening the door to his home.

The flat was too quiet, no sound coming from the TV, no music from the radio and no humming from the shower. She was not home.

Loosening his magenta tie, he sat down at the desk and swiftly put the scattered magazines back into place. He took out his laptop and continued with his project. Kunzite, in this life or the previous, was ever a man devoted to his work.

Engrossed in his task, Kunzite did not remember how many hours had passed when he heard the door click. A blonde head peaked through the door. He did not look up from his laptop, a thin smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Minako walked up behind her husband, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her face buried in his neck.

"Hey you," she said in a hushed voice.

"Hey yourself," he turned his head slightly to the left to meet her cheek, placing a kiss there.

"How was work?" she asked, sitting down on his lap, arms still wrapped around his neck.

"Just the usual," he replied absent-mindedly, eyes staring at the computer screen.

Not happy with this lack of attention, she started to place a trail of light kisses down his neck, her mischievous hand working diligently on his shirt's buttons.

Sighing in defeat, he shut his laptop and turned to face her. She was beaming, her face glowing. Kunzite quirked his eyebrow. Something was definitely going on.

Minako was trying hard to fight back a giggle.

"Where did you go today?" he asked. His instinct was telling him the answer to this question would shed some light on her unusually good mood.

"Oh, nowhere, I was just hanging out with the girls," she was burying her face in his chest now, muffling her giggle.

"Anything interesting happened?" he asked with an expectant tone, his hand caressing her back.

"Not really…" she stretched the last syllable. "But Usagi did tell me some interesting news though," she was giggling out loud now.

"Oh? Which is…?"

"She told me," she paused, smiling up at him. "She felt the birth of a new star was coming soon."

It took Kunzite a few seconds to process her words.

He peered down at her hand that was now placing over her stomach. And then it hit him.

"Is it… Are we… You mean…?" he searched fruitlessly for words.

It was a rare sight, the composed and stoic Kunzite of the Shitennou fumbling like this. Minako smiled and took his hand, placing it on her belly.


When Kunzite finally snapped out of his trance, his face donned an expression even Minako rarely get to see - a look of sheer bliss. He pulled her in an embrace. They stayed perfectly still like that for a while, letting the wave of pure joy wash through.

Then something clicked inside Kunzite's mind.

"Wait, a star… So it's a girl?"

"Nephrite? Yes, I need to borrow some books from Makoto. Ask her, she knows which ones I'm talking about. I need you to bring them to work tomorrow."

"Yes, I know it's your day-off."

"Yes, I know it's a two-hour drive."

"Look, just do it or I'm sending you on the next 2-month trip to Dubai in Jadeite's place."

"Alright, thank you. Say goodnight to little Masaki for me."

- Fin -

Author's note:

Usagi said the same thing to Mamoru at their wedding in the final chapter of SM.