Hey guys, guess what? The final chapter of the HTK is finally done!

While parts of this chapter was written months earlier, the original author decided to tackle this in the increments of time skips.

Trigger warning for ableist slurs

Chaptar 40: A New Beginning

Another week flew by since the wedding and since Ourias returned back to Skyworld to run some errands. Robin and Cia were spending their honeymoon somewhere in Delfino, meanwhile others such as Shadow disappeared off the face of the earth. Everyone resumed on with their everyday lives, either forgetting the events which partook three weeks ago or not wanting to remember during one point, their entire world was at stake. Rumors even had it that the S.T.E.A.M. organization was no more ever since they were able to complete their task.

Oddly enough, rumor even had it that Lucas's father Flint managed to somehow survive the turmoil back at Tazmily. He thanked Ike and Soren for watching over him during his absence.

Meanwhile back at the residence of Pit and Dark Pit, they were preoccupied in their own hobbies, Pit playing video games while Dark Pit browsed the web. Pit managed to recall something not too long ago as it sparked his curiosity.

"Pittoo?" Pit asked, breaking the silence. Dark Pit grumbled under his breath, not once glancing at his brother's direction.

"Yes Pit-stain?" Pit expected his brother to answer him with an attitude. He ignored Dark Pit's annoyance and continued. "Remember how you said you loved me as a brother and how you told me you specified that specific detail due to reasons?"

"Yes and?" Another groan escaped Dark Pit's lips. He hoped Pit forgot about that entire conversation during the battle yet it was too good to be true. At this point, Dark Pit figured he might as well humor Pit.

"What did you mean by that when you witnessed something horrible?" Pit cocked his head to the side, exchanging a look of innocence. Dark Pit sighed deeply, knowing he couldn't dodge this any longer. In fact, it even gave him an idea as a means of telling Pit to bug off. He turned around the computer chair, looking at Pit.

"Pit, come close to the computer screen. I want to show you something."

Dark Pit beckoned Pit to come over as he listened right away. He opened up a tab in incognito mode on Chrome before typing a specific term. Afterwards, he clicked on Google images, showing Pit what he meant by horror.

Pit leaned closer towards the computer screen to get a better glimpse of the images. He started examining them, feeling slightly unnerved by them. There he laid his eye upon countless images of him making out with Dark Pit. Despite Dark Pit having his Google engine under safe search, some images which were clearly not safe for work managed to slip under the radar. Pit quickly turned around, shielded his eyes with his hands and screamed.

He frantically rushed out of the bedroom (after running into the wall a couple of times before finding the door), shrieking the entire time.


Palutena didn't have to ask Pit what he saw. Instead, she walked towards their bedroom and narrowed her gaze towards Dark Pit who was laughing.

"Pittoo, you're grounded," Palutena said. Dark Pit huffed in slight annoyance and rolled his eyes.


Dark Pit closed out of the tab and noticed Palutena fixated on her cellphone. He recalled her being this way for quite some time, almost as if she was trying to hide something from both he and Pit, but what? It didn't help that whoever was responding to her managed to garner a few chuckles, even some smiles out of her. He tried prying into Palutena's life before yet every time he questioned her, she dodged them with nonsense.

Life eventually progressed for the Pit twins as six months passed by. They were currently being homeschooled as both of them took their classes online, went back to attending the youth center and last but not least, Dark Pit was forced to attend another Ariana Grande concert for her 2017 Dangerous Woman tour. While at it, both Pit and Dark Pit were currently single. Their affections for their former lovers slowly but surely dwindled away, the two of them gaining other interests. Since they were still technically young, being wrapped in a long term relationship was the last thing on their mind. Luckily both parties decided to end on good terms so while they may not be involved with one another romantically anymore, that didn't mean they stopped their friendships. Plus, it allowed for the angel twins to finally have some time to themselves once more as they either played Overwatch, other video games and or spent countless hours browsing online.

Today however was different as Palutena had prior plans for them. Instead of the usual, they were going to Skyworld meet up with Ourias to visit their father at the rehabilitation center. While the task itself was extremely difficult, Palutena recalled how difficult it was to vouch for Icarus. She remembered how she managed to convince her father and the members of the angel council that despite Icarus taking responsibility for his own actions due to utmost guilt about hurting thousands to include his children, he was mainly under the influence of Erebus as the archangel manipulated and used Icarus to do his bidding, sometimes even against his own will.

As they arrived in Skyworld, the trio made their way towards the rehab center to check up on Icarus. They figured Ourias went on ahead without them to get a jump start on visiting his son as well as keeping their visit a surprise. The reason why Icarus was placed inside a rehabilitation center in the first place was to cleanse all of the toxins which the dark stone that had Erebus in the first place harbored. It still irked Palutena how Erebus placed that stone near him on purpose to initiate his plan of ruling the world. To dwell on, the archangel's influence left a sour taste in her mouth as he managed to have Icarus wrapped around his finger. Every time Icarus tried to escape, just like any abuser, Erebus would swiftly reel him back in. It was a rather depressing thought to even think about given how Erebus tried to isolate Icarus from everyone else, turning them into enemies as if any form of outside influence could easily make Icarus realize who the real villain was.

When Palutena and the Pit twins arrived at their destination, Palutena stepped inside as they made their way towards the front desk while the receptionist smiled.

"How may I help you today?" the receptionist asked.

"We're here to visit Ica- I mean Kid Leventis if that is possible," Palutena answered gleefully, beaming slightly.

While the receptionist began searching his name through the database, the angel twins were mouthing something to one another as it turned to be mindless bickering. Palutena would shoot them both a look (despite knowing that Dark Pit started it) as the two quickly ceased before turning her gaze back towards the receptionist.

"You're free to visit him," the receptionist informed, smiling once more. Palutena beamed in delight as the woman gave Palutena directions to the meeting hall along with his room number. Before they left, the receptionist also informed them that the nurses were notified as they told him about his visitors beforehand.

The trio trotted their way towards the meeting room as they saw Icarus and Ourias talking with one another. Icarus caught a glimpse of them as he beamed wide. Palutena herself smiled softly as she haven't seen Icarus even grin like that since he was little. Both Pit and Dark Pit rushed over as Icarus stretched his arms and embraced his two angel sons. They were both extremely excited to see him. Palutena made her way towards them as she crossed her arms before smirking playfully.

"So, they get a nice warm welcome but I don't? Oh, I see how it is," she jested. Icarus exchanged a coy grin in return.

"Someone's being entitled," he simply pointed out in song before adding, "C'mere you!"

Icarus motioned his way over towards Palutena and pulled her into a tight hug before giggling. Shortly after, he averted his gaze towards Pit and Dark Pit once more.

"So boys," he asked, "how's school coming along?"

"Fine," both answered at once.

"That's good… Um, anything interesting going on lately?"

Usually Dark Pit was the type to get easily annoyed when anyone tried playing twenty questions with him, however he made an exception for his father, especially seeing how he was trying his best to connect with them both.

"The mall is still under reconstruction," Dark Pit casually informed him. "So in the meantime, I've just been playing Overwatch with Pit-stain."

"Oh Pittoo, when is the new expansion for A Realm Reborn projected to come out?" Pit cheerfully asked, trying his best to contain his excitement.

"June 20th of this year Pit-stain," he replied. "Get ready because we're going to be downing that shit like no tomorrow when it releases."

"Language Pittooey," Palutena butted in, receiving an eye roll from the younger angel in return.

Icarus nodded before inquiring them of something he was interested to know.

"Are you guys still dating your boyfriends or did things not go too well?"

"About that," Pit answered, "Mega-man and I drifted apart but we broke it off on good terms."

"The same goes for Lucas and me as well," Dark Pit chimed in.

"Well, as long as you guys are still friends that's all that matters," Icarus replied, slightly smiling. Palutena had a devious grin plastered on her face as if she had an idea of some sorts. She turned to the angel twins as she recalled the last time either of them went to relax in the hot springs.

"How about you two go relax in the hot springs for a while with your grandfather," she simply suggested. Palutena witnessed Pit's lips curl up in excitement.

"Hot springs?!" Pit chirped. With those words, he would yank Dark Pit's arm before scurrying off. Ourias chuckled at the sight alone before following his grandchildren in pursuit. This left both Palutena and Icarus alone with one another. Before Icarus even had time to react, Palutena began dragging him to his room, shutting the door behind them along the way. For about a solid minute or two, silence filled the room while the two stared at one another, unsure of what to say or how to start a conversation. Soon, Icarus decided to break the ice for once as he glanced down at his feet, fiddling with his thumbs.

"I…. I don't know how to really say this… but I'm really thankful you saved me that day…"

Prior to Palutena's knowledge, tears rapidly fell from Icarus's green eyes as he latched himself onto Palutena, throwing her off-guard. She figured that Icarus felt tremendous guilt for everything and the fact that he personally believed he didn't deserve a second chance, especially with all of the damage Erebus had done every time he took control.

Palutena gently stroked his face, wiping away his tears with her finger while she smiled softly.

"It wasn't your fault," she simply told him. "You're still as sensitive as ever Kid. You were just misled by some jackass who took complete advantage of you."

Icarus paused as he just listened, getting in touch with her voice. Icarus didn't recall Palutena's voice being this soothing before.

"Trust me, if you were truly malicious, those boys would have never warmed up to you, especially Pit. The same can go for me vouchering for you during your trial. I know you're thinking that you're worth absolutely nothing but that's not true. You're more than that—I mean, you were constantly told from jealous peers since day one that you will never omit to anything. Instead of giving them what they wanted, you pushed yourself to accomplish and perfect many talents you took interest in. Hell, you even busted your ass off and completed med school! If becoming a licensed surgeon isn't damn impressive, then they can honestly all go fuck themselves!"

"Palutena… what are you saying exactly?"

"Well Kid, you're pretty damn extraordinary. And plus… you're still someone I deeply cherish," she murmured. Before Icarus even had the chance to react, Palutena gently placed her lips on his, causing his face to completely turn cherry red.

After locking lips with one another, Icarus quickly jumped, being completely flustered from the unexpected kiss Palutena bestowed upon him.

"W-why d-did you kiss me?"

Palutena chortled in response before exchanging a playful grin with him.

"Let's just say we have a lot of catching up to do."

Around an hour later, Dark Pit decided to get out of the hot spring and dried himself up before getting dressed. He checked both his and Pit's phone while his brother was preoccupied in relaxation, realizing that Palutena never texted either of them to head back. Dark Pit looked at his brother, tilting his head in a mixture of curiosity and perplexity.

"Hey Pit-stain," Dark Pit simply said, "Green mom hasn't sent either of us a text nor is she responding to her phone at all."

Pit glanced up at Dark Pit and shrugged in response. He was too preoccupied in hanging out at the hot springs to even care at the moment. Meanwhile, Ourias told Dark Pit she was probably busy with something, given her tasks.

In turn, Dark Pit stared at both of them for a slight moment before telling both Pit and his grandfather to stay put. He made his way back towards the rehabilitation center while he inquired the receptionist about Palutena's whereabouts. She would exclaim how Palutena hasn't left yet. With those words in mind, Dark Pit made his way towards the meeting room and saw no sign of her or his father. His stubbornness managed to get the best of him as Dark Pit decided to check the room his father was currently residing in. As he got closer towards his destination, Dark Pit was taken a bit back by rocking sounds as it gradually grew closer with each step he took.

When he arrived at the room, he slowly twisted the door knob open before peering his head inside as his eyes widened. Dark Pit couldn't believe what he was seeing with his own two as Palutena was making love to Icarus!


The sudden yelling caused the two to jump back as Icarus shrieked. Meanwhile Palutena narrowed her gaze towards Dark Pit.

"GET OUT! And by the way, we'll be discussing your punishments when we arrive back home young man," she scolded. Dark Pit closed his eyes in absolute horror as he decided to leave Pit uninformed about Palutena's escapades. Still, he thought it was bullshit that he was getting punished for accidentally stumbling upon their fornication.

Time continued to gradually flow by as nine months officially passed. Dark Pit was fixated on watching TV as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphiaplayed. Meanwhile Pit kept turning his gaze towards the television, then back at the door, then towards the TV once more. Dark Pit caught sight of this while he wondered what plagued Pit's mind.

"Pitstain, why do you keep staring at the door?" Dark Pit questioned flatly.

"Lady Palutena went out to get the groceries with Grandpa three hours ago! Neither of them have yet to come back," Pit bemoaned.

Before he could even reply, Palutena and Ourias arrived at the nick of time. Both of them stepped inside with some grocery bags. Palutena had hers wrapped around her wrists along with something else. Dark Pit paused the TV for a moment as both angels rushed towards her. Both of them were fixated on the foreign object she held in her arms.

"Sorry I've took so long," Palutena said, apologizing. "Let's just say I ran into a stork on the way home and he gave us what Henry would call a special delivery."

With those words, she would move the blanket as it revealed to be not one but two baby angels! Dark Pit studied the babies features, immediately taking note of how much one exactly mirrored Pit in terms of appearance while the other mirrored him which in turn, he found to be quite eerie. Pit on the other hand, was completely amazed as he watched the small children sleep peacefully.

"Lady Palutena, what are their names?" Pit curiously asked. His gaze shifted towards the babies once more.

"Well, the brown haired one is named Pittacus while his younger sibling is named Perdix," Palutena replied, smiling.

"So you named him after the nephew Daedalus murdered out of jealousy?" Dark Pit asked out of pure curiosity. He recalled reading many Greek mythology stories in his mythology class, to include the ones about Palutena's shitty father Zeus.

"Nope, not at all. I actually named him after the bird," Palutena answered before going back to the original subject at hand. "The stork brought them to me because it is highly likely that it might be another twenty-five years until another Kid Icarus game comes out."

Pit's face expression dropped as her response caused him to slightly panic. In retrospect, the stork delivered Pittacus to Palutena as her current captain of the guard will most likely be too old when the next game gets released (if ever).

"Lady Palutena! Please don't replace me! I'll do anything, I'll be the best general you'll ever have, I'll pay the bills, wash the dishes, I'll even do the laundry, just pleeeeease don't replace me," Pit cried. This in turn caused Palutena to bust out into a fit of laughter as Pit stared.

"I was just joking Pit," she informed him. "I'm sure they'll make another game in the near future."

Pit sighed of relief as he glanced over at Dark Pit whom already helped Ourias place the remaining grocery bags in the kitchen during their little escapade.

"Hey Pittoo, what should we call this little guy?"

"Pittacus? Seeing how we technically can't call him Pit, how about Tack?"


"You know, after the main character from The Thief and the Cobbler you dolt! That way, you don't get confused, plus calling him Pitthree would be fucking stupid, no offense. The same can go for calling Perdix Pitfour as well."

Pit slightly huffed as his idea for a nickname went out the window as they went with Dark Pit's instead. While Pit and Palutena made their way towards the kitchen, Dark Pit recalled her story as he knew it was complete bullshit. First of all, storks don't really deliver babies unless in those rare cases that the doctor delivering the child's surname happens to be Stork. Second, the last time he recalled Palutena even engaging in sexual intercourse was with their father. Palutena turned out to be a master of stealth somewhat, especially when it came to masking her own pregnancy from others, to include Pit and him. The only one who was aware of her pregnancy was obviously Ourias, otherwise she would of never had him accompany her in the first place. In reality, little Pittacus and Perdix were in fact, their baby brothers—they were agnate siblings or paternal half-brothers. Icarus somehow managed to place not one, but two bun's inside Palutena's oven.

Now the real question is does Zeus know about this—well, despite him being a womanizing hypocrite.

Roughly around a month later, the angel twins were finally done with school. As a matter of fact, they were getting ready for their eighth grade promotion. The homeschooling program Pit and Dark Pit were enrolled in held the promotion inside the youth center for all of those who obtained their grades through their online school system. All the students were placed in the front rows in order from last names A through Z.

Both Pit and Dark Pit glanced back and forth, taking note of their friends supporting them in the back however, neither Palutena nor Ourias were to be seen. Unless either one of them were giving Pittacus and or Perdix a diaper change before heading over, both of them were running late. The announcer started reading off names as each student shook hands with the present staff and faculty. They received a piece of paper saying they were promoted from the eighth grade. It went by rather quick as Pit's name was called as he took forth to the stage. Luckily Palutena and Ourias arrived just in time with a special surprise as it turned out to be their father himself. Pit took note of Viridi giving Icarus the finger on the down low as he picked up his promotion paper. It was now Dark Pit's turn as he walked up the center stage, shook hands with the staff and faculty before making his way down.

As the promotion ended, Pit and Dark Pit rushed over to their friends as they congratulated the two on completing the eighth grade.

"Congratulations on completing the eighth grade," Lucina exclaimed. She handed Dark Pit an envelope. Lucas and Dark Pit stared at one another in silence. It had been a while since either of them talked to one another.

"Is it okay to give you a hug?" Lucas asked. Dark Pit kept quiet for a moment before answering.

"Well, let's just hug for old time's sake."

With those words, the two exes hugged one another before Lucas handed him a small bag filled with a card and some goodies. Next, Robin handed him an envelope from Cia and him.

"Cia couldn't make it but she told me to tell you congratulations," Robin said.

"Thanks," Dark Pit said. "Wait—where is she anyways?"

"She took the kids in for the annual checkup," Robin replied. "Cia tried to change the time to an earlier slot but unfortunately they couldn't do that so she just told me to go on without her."

"That makes sense." Dark Pit was greeted by Luigi next as he gave him twenty bucks for graduating. This was proceeded by Shadow and Mr. Game & Watch giving him cards they got earlier. However Dark Pit was rather curious about Viridi's card as he opened it up. His face expression slightly grimed as he reached the end.

Ps. Don't think you can escape your contract Pittoo. You still work for the Forces of Nature.

He rolled his eyes at the thought. While he could utilize Viridi for the power of flight, Dark Pit forgot the stupid decision he made during the Smash 4 tournament two years ago.

Both of the Pit twins chatted with their friends for a few minutes, catching up with them before Palutena called the twins over. She decided to help them wrap up their hellos as it was time to go out to eat. The two managed to settle on a simple family owned restaurant (after compromising of course) which served hamburgers and huge ice cream sundaes.

While they were engrossed in their meal, Palutena decided to break the silence and announce some news to the boys.

"First of all, I will like to congratulate Pit and Pittoo for passing the eighth grade," Palutena began. "Now moving on, boys since your father is going to be living with us, we decided that we're going to move into a bigger house in Smashville to fit everyone."

"Moving?!" Pit and Dark Pit exchanged glances with one another. While it was nice to have Icarus living with them alongside Palutena and Ourias, just the thought of having to pack was dreadful, not to mention they weren't sure how far from their friends they were going to be. Dark Pit was against the idea before realizing he might actually get his own bedroom.

"That's right," Palutena answered. "As much as I love the old place, it's too small to fit all of us in."

"That makes sense," Pit said. "Well, hopefully packing up won't be too bad."

"That's because you're going to dump all your trash on MY side of the room," Dark Pit brought up. He was always irritated when it came to Pit's mess in their bedroom, especially since he tried his hardest to keep his side of the room clean. This in turn, caused them to go into one of their silly arguments as Icarus learned towards his father.

"Do they always fight over stuff like this Father?" Icarus whispered.

Ourias simply nodded in response. Icarus figured his father was use to his grandsons fighting over trivial subjects and of course, sometimes hitting each other because of it. Despite their arguing, Icarus was glad he was able to receive a second chance in life as well as finally get to know his children much better.

Another month passed by as the alarm clock started going off. Dark Pit woke up, lightly tapping the snooze button before putting on his glasses. Today was the day of the annual Smashville family picnic. Rumor had it the prize was actually good this year so in retrospect, Palutena actually wanted to participate. They moved into their new house not too long ago. Dark Pit took note of his twin sleeping in as Pit's half of the room was decorated in posters, ranging from his favorite historical periods, the declaration of independence to even several posters of his favorite cartoon shows. To admit, Dark Pit was still miffed about not being able to have a room to himself yet he knew arguing against it was useless.

About a week ago, the Pit twins were finally moving into their new house. Palutena decided to let the boys hang out with their friends for the time being. She watched the movers unpack and place their belongings inside the new house. Around a couple of hours later, Dark Pit decided to return home after hanging out at the movie theater with Lucina and Lucas. One of the things he really yearned for was his own bedroom, however things were looking grim as he made his way towards Palutena.

"Where's my bedroom?" he inquired, hoping she really did decide to give him his own room. In response, Palutena gave Dark Pit that particular smile as she knelt down.

"Pittoo, what's your favorite movie?" she asked out of nowhere. This in turn caused Dark Pit to cock up a brow and tilt his head.

"Well," he replied flatly, "until you accidently donated it to the library, Lilo and Stitch."

Palutena on the other hand, completely ignored his response. "That's right, The Odd Couple!"

Palutena extended her arms, gesturing tada as Dark Pit raised a brow in confusion. He wasn't exactly sure where Palutena was even going with this until he had a bad feeling about it.

"So, meet your comically mismatched roommate, Pit Leventis!" she proudly exclaimed, opening the door to their new bedroom. Pit was already sitting on his bed. He beamed wide at the sight of Dark Pit.

"Badoo badoo badoooo, badoo badoo doo," Palutena sang as it turned out to be none other than the theme to the film itself. She started to motion up and down as if she was dancing along to the tune gleefully while Dark Pit cringed.

"Hi Pittoo! We're going to have the best time together… as brothers!" Pit chirped in delight. Dark Pit winced at his stupid legal name. He began to wonder what would have Icarus named him if he never left Emily out of his own fears and insecurities. To make matters worse, Palutena continued singing the theme. She placed her arms on Dark Pit's shoulders, rocking him as if she was making him dance.

"Badoo badoo badoooo, badoo badoo doooo!"

"Green mom," Dark Pit complained. Before he could speak his mind, Palutena pushed him inside, continuing her merry tune before shutting the door behind them. Soon, it hit him as their surname changed from Palutena's to Icarus's.

"Wait, why the hell is our last name now the same as Dad's? No— better yet, shouldn't we still be Rallis and not Leventis?"

"Well, about that," Pit explained, "Lady Palutena is in a romantic relationship with our father. It turns out, she kept it under the radar as a surprise as they've been going steady for about a while now. In fact, things have been getting serious between the two she decided to take on his last name. According to Lady Palutena, their romantic partner is to take the surname of the deity if they ever wed yet feels that Dad's suits her much better than a hyphened last name."

Dark Pit's face expression dropped as he opened his mouth, however he couldn't muster a word. The last part echoed over and over again in his mind. Dark Pit managed to come to the sudden conclusion that Palutena and Icarus might actually be engaged. So on second thought, Dark Pit screamed as the thought of Palutena becoming his official stepmother was horrifying. Yet the question still remained—does Zeus know about this?

Eventually Dark Pit snapped out of his own thoughts as Pit woke up a few minutes afterwards and predictably beamed towards his direction.

"Morning Pittoo," he chirped, stretching his arms before hopping off his bed. "Are you ready for the big day?"

"Yeah whatever… and for the last damn time, stop calling me that!" Dark Pit reminded him as he demonstrated slight annoyance towards his jovial sibling.

"But that's your name," Pit shot back as he folded his arms, frowning. "And besides, we should eat some breakfast before we head out. Today's going to be a long one."

"Whatever you say Pit-stain."

Dark Pit slid off his bed as he trotted his way towards the door, however stopped in his tracks to observe the declaration of independence on Pit's side of the room. Something seemed very off as the document itself appeared to be ancient, almost as if it was actually real.


"Yeah Pittoo?"

"… Don't tell me you actually stole the fucking declaration of independence from Washington D.C."

"... Well, I did. Someone had to protect it from the evil Cheeto man!" Pit stammered, frowning. Pit knew what he did was completely illegal but he couldn't help it. He watched National Treasure the night before Donald Trump congratulated Dark Pit on saving the entire world, just to be defiled by said hero on national television.

"That's completely understandable. After all, no one's more deplorable than that piece of shit Dump himself," Dark Pit bluntly stated. This was one of those things Dark Pit decided to keep a secret from both Palutena and Icarus, given how dire the consequences might be if the government were to ever find out.

Both Pit and Dark Pit left their bedroom as they made their way downstairs and into the kitchen to eat breakfast before getting dressed. Palutena was feeding Pittacus while Icarus was engrossed with a novel on his Kindle. Meanwhile Ourias was out and about running some errands. They took note of the angel twins' presence as their breakfast (which consisted of eggs, bacon, toast, country potatoes and some waffles) was already placed on the table before exchanging greetings.

Icarus placed his kindle down while Palutena began patting Pittacus on the back before proceeding to feed Perdix as he looked over at his sons.

"Are you guys ready for the big event today?" Icarus casually reminded while exchanging a grin which gave off a combination of excitement and nervousness.

"Heck yeah!" Pit chirped, giving off a sight fist pump before he resumed eating once more. "I wonder what kind of activities they'll have! Ooh—I hope they have some fun sports lined out!"

Dark Pit on the other hand, slightly bobbed his head and shrugged in response as he was completely fixated on his own meal. After the two finished, they went upstairs to get themselves dressed and ready for the family picnic before heading out the door.

When they finally arrived at the park, already crowds and crowds of participants and townspeople gathered around the podium where newly appointed mayor Daisy took center stage as everyone gave her their undivided attention.

"Hello and welcome to Smashville's fifteenth annual family picnic event!" she greeted which in turn, the audience cheered wildly in excitement. "Remember there will be lots of fun events this year but only one family will take the grand prize!"

With those words, a blue Yoshi would pull the curtain as it revealed the grand prize; tickets to aboard a fancy cruise ship for a week with all expensive paid for the winning family! Everyone gasped as the prize motivated them to work their hardest in order to obtain this year's prize.

"Now last but not least before I dismiss all of you, remember to get out there and have fun," Daisy finished as the audience cheered once more. Some people gathered on the bleachers to support their friends while others who weren't participating made their way towards the booths for face painting, bumper cars, and much more fun activities.

"So that's the reason why Palutena wanted us to participate this year," Dark Pit thought to himself. He knew Palutena was the type to usually budget their vacations for some reason despite being a very influential goddess. She felt spending so much money in such a short week was rather unnecessary, hence why the majority of their vacations consisted of visiting historical monuments and if they got lucky, the occasional Disney and or Universal Studios resort.

Pit was doing warm up stretches as he was elated to demonstrate his skills to everyone in Smashville. To their surprise, they were going to have a friendly challenge with Lucas and Claus, Ness and his little sister Tracy, Toon Link and Ayrll to even Lucina's family!

In spite of it all, the divine family didn't realize a pair of familiar, conceited rich angel snobs were also partaking in the event being none other than the Angelos family. Besides the ableist, homophobic asshat Cloud, the family also consisted of famous runway model and fashion designer Helena and last but not least, the big cheese himself and owner of a multi-millionaire company, Eugene Angelos.

"Well, look what we have here," Eugene proclaimed, which was followed shortly by a taunting chortle. "If it isn't everyone's favorite pathetic dimwitted angel, Kid Icarus. Color me surprised, but I'm actually amazed a special degenerate such as yourself manage to even get so tall!? Too bad it doesn't fix your abnormal ear size, Dumbo."

Eugene laughed once more as his wife joined alongside him. Dark Pit quickly took note of how forced Helena's laugh sounded—it was almost as if she was forced to chuckle at the misery of other's by her husband. Just the sight of Eugene alone gave Dark Pit an extremely bad gut feeling. Unfortunately, he couldn't quite pinpoint what.

Cloud on the other hand, was surprised to learn that the wimpy angel his father told many stories about back in the day was actually the father of Pit and Dark Pit. This in turn, just made things even more amusing for him as Cloud smirked in their direction.

"Ha-ha, very funny," Icarus replied flatly, rolling his eyes in complete annoyance. He recalled Eugene being one of his primary bullies growing up in Skyworld before he started attending school with everyone else in Amerijapanadaropesiafrica. Dark Pit on the other hand, wasn't the least bit surprised that Cloud's father was a complete asshole. His wife was also technically at fault as well, due to allowing the awful behavior to presume on in the first place. But his gut feeling told him yet again that Eugene seemed to be dominant over his entire family.

"Hey look, if it isn't Shit and Shittoo," Cloud taunted, chuckling at his own unoriginality. Both Pit and Dark Pit narrowed their gaze towards Cloud and huffed. To make matters worse, Eugene harbored the same interests as his devious son. Cloud decided to tell his father everything about those losers.

"Hey father," Cloud gleefully chimed, "these two are the dumb retards I was telling you about, Pit and Pittoo. Even better, their wings are so mentally challenged that these idiots can't even fly without kissing a goddess's ass for aid!"

Cloud and Eugene giggled some more while Icarus and Palutena tried to resist every urge in their body to beat the shit out of them. Helena dully watched on the sidelines, not once intervening while she observed her husband and son poking fun at the Leventis family. Palutena despised how her father restricted the Gods and Goddesses from performing riskier tasks however he was allowed to do whatever he pleased. If Palutena was able to have her way, she would have had barbequed angel a long time ago. It was weird how they never insulted Palutena, then again, all of the angels in Skyworld respected (or sucked up, depending on the individual) her due to her status.

"Who knew your sons will turn out to be quite the dodos. They may look like angels but their wings don't function right. Like they've always said—retarded angel, autistic children."

"… Because insulting millions of autistic individuals while thinking the term is another supplement for the r-word is totally original, dipshit. Eugene, you do realize that autism isn't a disease right? It is a developmental neurological condition which is considered a disorder and it is disabling in many and various ways. The condition is lifelong and no, it doesn't kill or harm of its own accord. In fact, it is an edifying and meaningful component of one's identity, and it defines the ways in which one experiences and understands the world around them. In other words, it is all pervasive," Icarus thoroughly explained. He knew that neither Eugene nor his family could care less about the given information yet he was just sick and tired of people using the term as a casual insult.

"Hey father, I think you've triggered him!" Cloud remarked, snickering. Dark Pit had it up to here with them as he knew they were the type to claim that people were becoming "too soft" these days without realizing that something called common decency actually exists! Icarus was only educating them yet these assholes claimed otherwise.

"How about you all do us a solid and go fuck yourselves!"

Eugene and Helena's jaws dropped as Dark Pit gave them the finger. Eugene recognized him right away as the defiant little brat who disrespected the president.

"Aren't you the little brat who disrespected our beloved president on live television?!" Eugene exclaimed in uttermost disgust, scoffing even. "Well—let's show these disgusting libtard commies what we got because we're definitely going to be taking that grand prize away from all of these pathetic losers." A smug grin formed on Eugene's face. Icarus glared darkly as he lifted up his arm and pointed at him.

"Bring it on, bitch!"

Shortly after, the games began. They consisted of a scavenger hunt, smash run, a home-run contest, finding a specific cucco and many more fun activities. Each of the participating families gave it their all in the games, remembering to have run in the process. Meanwhile, the Angelos family (mainly Eugene and Cloud) were getting competitive with the Leventis family. They were at neck with one another, each coming to a close or barely beating the other.

When the final challenge finally ended, it turned out family who will be taking the grand prize home was none other than the Leventis family. Everyone cheered as Pit and Dark Pit high fived one another in excitement before turning their way towards the Angelos family.

"IN YOUR FUCKING FACE ASSHOLE!" Icarus proudly yelled in Eugene's face. "FUCK YOU-ICUS!" Icarus quickly cupped his mouth at the last part as his verbal tic managed to slip out. While he had it under control for the most part, it only slipped out when he was nervous or really angry.

Pit and Dark Pit cheered their father on as Palutena smiled. Ourias on the other hand, held onto both Pittacus and Perdix who simply cooed in response. Before Eugene could even seize the chance to make a slight remark, Icarus, Pit and Dark Pit gave his family the double finger (what Dark Pit originally dubbed as the Gothic middle finger). To their surprise, Palutena decided to join in as well. Meanwhile, Ourias simply sighed as the baby angels cooed in response. He was surprised to see Pit joining in, given how much he contrasted in personality compared to Dark Pit. He just hoped this wasn't something the entire family would end up frequently doing in the future if they ever encountered the Angelos's again.

"Hey Cloud, I can't help but feel sorry for ya." Dark Pit smirked, taunting him. Oh, how it felt so good to one up one of the many jackasses in his life. "While at it, you can crawl back to your precious president and ask for a refund—oh wait my bad—your ass ain't getting shit back from your so called savior."

Cloud rolled his eyes and sighed in response. As much as he wanted to retort back, he decided to let the Spit brothers have their victory for once.

"For your information, I actually fucking despise Trump," Cloud corrected, frowning. "Hell, I fucking hate the fact that my father loves him so much. The man's just nothing more than a damn moron who's heavily unfit to even lead our country!"

This surprised both of the angel twins as the two exchanged looks with one another before realizing they would have garnered more sympathy if Cloud was actually a decent angel however, the negatives outweighed the positives by a huge landslide.

"Well, sucks to be you then," Pit commented before taking off, following his brother in pursuit. His response left Cloud completely in awe as he watched the two scurried away towards their group of friends. Cloud recalled how happy they were with their family and furthermore, their love was mutual and neither one-sided or obligated. Deep down, Cloud frowned when no one was looking, almost as if he envied the two. He noticed his father piercing in his direction as Cloud quickly glowered to mask his envy from Eugene.

"I'll show those two fucktards they're messing with the wrong person. In fact, I'll get my revenge on those stupid angels, they won't be able to tell what's coming!" Eugene beamed proudly at his son's words before taking off. Cloud watched his father vanish, his frown returned as his gaze was fixated on the ground.

Meanwhile, Pit and Dark Pit were walking alongside their friends as Paula turned towards the group.

"Hey guys, I've heard the newly reconstructed mall just finished a week ago," she chirped as everyone smiled in delight.

"How about we check it out?" Toon Link suggested, which everyone responded in agreement.

The group merrily made their way towards the newly reconstructed Smashville mall as they entered inside, checking it out. They were in awe with the new layout as the mall itself looked completely brand new along with the addition of several new stores and eating areas. In addition, the group decided to split up as they were eager to check different stores as they planned on meeting back at the food court an hour later.

It was finally time for the moment of truth as Dark Pit, Lucas and Lucina decided to check out Hot Topic once and for all. To their dismay, Hot Topic stood the same as it didn't revert back to its original state, even if all three of them weren't into the Goth scene anymore nor identified as such. In spite of it all, Dark Pit decided to test the waters as he actually decided to stumble inside the store itself and froze. Lucas and Lucina followed in pursuit before stopping in their tracks.

From this moment, the three former members of the Hot Topic Krew realized that Yoshi (before the restoration process) trolled them good. Yoshi fooled them into believing the mall store changed when in reality, the mediocre store still sold the same old Goth related objects alongside the addition of more pop culture related items.

"Great… if only we would have actually stepped inside the damn store, none of this would have happened," Lucas complained, bringing up an extremely damn good point!

"Well, not exactly," Lucina reminded, "I feel that Erebus used the store as a way to mask his actual plans while using everyone to take over the world."

"Now that I think about it, Lucy's right," Dark Pit exclaimed while Lucas nodded in agreement. "Either way, we would have been dragged into something yet if I hadn't formed a team on impulse, we probably wouldn't even be here right now."

Lucina and Lucas bobbed their heads in agreement once more before proceeding on. They decided to check out the store anyways before leaving to check out different stores in the mall.

The next month and a half flew by rather quickly as neither Pit nor Dark Pit wanted it to end. Next week indicated September which to them indicated the start of classes. During July, the angel twins got to enjoy their week long cruise as both of them decided to unwind, enjoy and indulge themselves every day with their most beloved (and favorite) treat, ice cream. It didn't help that the trip was all expenses paid, not to mention the cruise was all you can eat so given the two bottomless pits, let's just say they went a little bit overboard. Then, they were hit with a dose of reality on the final day of the cruise.

Both of the Pit twins were engrossed with the TV as Dark Pit rewatched Yuri on Ice and somehow managed to convince Pit into watching it with him (seeing how Pit wasn't even into anime to begin with). Meanwhile, both Perdix and Pittacus was back at home under the watchful care of Rosalina as babies were required to at least be six months old to sail. This in turn, allowed Ourias to join them on their vacation. As the final episode ended, Icarus and Palutena stepped inside the room while Pit turned off the TV before greeting them both.

Dark Pit took note of the two as if they had some news to tell them. Well—for starters, he knew today was the final day as tomorrow they would be back home however he had a gut feeling this was about something else.

"Boys," Palutena began, "I have something to tell both of you."

"Are you pregnant again?" Dark Pit guessed nonchalantly which Palutena shot a glare in his direction and swiftly motioned her hand over her mouth, telling the younger angel to keep his mouth shut. "Well, I did walk in on you and Dad having a threesome with some anthropomorphic green bean three damn times during the entire cruise week."

"That's right bitch!" Green de la Bean appeared out of nowhere, telling Dark Pit to shut the fuck up before taking off.

"Are we getting a puppy Lady Palutena?!" Pit guessed innocently which in turn, both Icarus and Palutena shook their head.

"If it's neither of those, what is it then?" Dark Pit asked dully. He wasn't the type to want to play twenty questions and just wanted to get straight to the point.

"Well, you know how neither have registered for high school yet?" Icarus exclaimed as the two boys glanced at one another before turning their gaze back towards the other two.

"… What about it?" Pit piped.

"In actuality, we already registered you both for high school. You two will go back to being mainstreamed in a public high school," Palutena explained. Both Pit and Dark Pit's face expression dropped as her response mortified both of them.

"But Lady Palutena, as much as your intentions are done out of kindness, I don't want to go back to a public school!" Pit protested, groaning at the idea of actually having to wake up early in the morning.

"Seriously, can we just continue being homeschooled instead?" Dark Pit complained. Truth be told, while he found the thought of mingling with other people to be a complete nuisance, in reality both angels always struggled when it came to connecting with other peers, even if Pit was more socially open than Dark Pit.

"But you guys will be attending high school with Lucas, Ness, Toon and some of your other friends," Palutena brought up. As much as she loved her angel sons, she wanted them to start building their own experiences.

"Look at this way," Icarus jumped in, "you guys try it out for a couple of months. If something drastic happens, we'll pull you both out and register you for online classes."


While the two grown-ups were pleased that they were able to compromise, the angel twins on the other hand, were still uneasy with the entire idea despite some of their friends attending the same high school.

Life progressed for everyone as the former members of Hot Topic Krew were able to enjoy life to its fullest once more. Luigi was happily engaging and spending more time with Daisy. He went back to being the younger Mario brother once more. No one knew about the whereabouts of Shadow or Mr. Game & Watch as various speculations estimated that either both or one of the two was out traveling the world. As for Wolf, he was taken back in Star Wolf as he went back to being a rebellious bounty hunter who gave the Star Fox team nothing but trouble.

For Lucina, she was entering her first year of college while Viridi herself went back to hating humans and wanting to destroy them, not to mention she was frenemies with Palutena as she claimed she didn't like how she ran things (despite her real issue was because of the fact she was dating Icarus). Finally, Robin and Cia were taking care of their little ones as Cia was four and a half months pregnant with another child, who was due sometime in January. Both of them worked part time and were enrolled in college courses as Robin's mother-in-law offered to watch her grandchildren when neither one of them was available to. On the side, they would even offer to babysit the angel twins as an excuse to check up, catch up and of course, hangout with them.

As July transitioned into August, more events occurred as Lana celebrated Warrior Link's first birthday, Icarus obtained a high position at the hospital as well as the angel twins going in for their annual dentist appointment. To their dismay, both twins needed to wear braces to help straighten their teeth.

"Green mom, can we get the invisible braces?" Dark Pit asked. There was no way in hell he was going to start his freshman year with a metal mouth.

Palutena on the other hand shook her hand before placing her hands on her hips and leaned forward.

"Well, unless you have thirteen thousand dollars to fork out for you and your brother, then no," she simply told him. Dark Pit frowned and folded his arms in response. Palutena was already stressed out by the fact that regular braces were fairly expensive to begin with, even with insurance.

"Dad makes a fuck ton of money," Dark Pit argued. Palutena rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"For the last time, no! Speaking of your father, he has to pay for the damages he had done under the influence of Erebus as punishment, Palutena countered. "Trust me."

Dark Pit recalled it being a rather long and dreadful day at the dentist as he was going to be stuck with his new mouth friend for quite a while. Well, at least he got to choose a color as he went with red. Meanwhile Pit decided to go with a sky blue color instead. Dark Pit decided to stay in bed for a bit longer as he was dreading his freshman orientation. Even though it was only going to be about two and a half to three hours long, Dark Pit couldn't help but expect the worst to come.

Luckily, he wasn't alone as Pit also felt the same way. Both angels were dreading their orientation as Palutena had to literally force them out of bed.

"It's not going to be bad," she informed them, trying their best to ease their anxieties. "After all, I've read the schedule and all the thing it consists of is your principal welcoming you guys, some games, then the upperclassman who signed up for a mentor program pick up their group of assigned freshman and help you pick up your schedule and all that fun stuff."

With those words, Palutena drove them to school as Daft Punk's "One More Time" played on the radio. The angel pair burst into song as they sang along, surprising the goddess as she remembered the last time they sang like that together was when they were younger (their terrible on-purpose singing contests and choir concerts did not count).

A few minutes later, Palutena arrived at their destination as she drove up to the curb and placed the vehicle in park to drop them off.

"Remember now, to be on your best behavior and to do your best," she exclaimed, giving her words of encouragement before driving off. Pit watched her take off as he wanted to storm after her but instead, took a deep breath and began making his way towards the gymnasium with Dark Pit. To his luck, they managed to run into some of their friends as the angel twins caught glimpse of Ness alongside Toon Link.

"Hey guys, I didn't know we were all going to the same school," Ness happily exclaimed.

"Like they say, it's a small world after all," Pit cheerfully sang which in turn, received an eye roll from Dark Pit. As they chatted amongst themselves for a bit, Dark Pit's gaze drifted off as took note of an elegant girl not from afar.

- "Lillie's Theme" from the Pokemon Sun and Moon OST begins playing-

The young girl donned a sleeveless, pearl white dress along with knee high socks, flats and a huge sunhat to compliment her look. He took note of her outfit being one color as it completely brought out her silky platinum blonde hair and light-green eyes. Her hair was long and loose as two medium sized braids rested themselves on top of her shoulders.

She glanced back and forth, tightly clutching onto her messenger back as if she appeared have gotten lost.

Dark Pit started feeling something inside him, a familiar emotion he hasn't experienced in quite a long while. His heart started to aflutter as he continued to admire the young girl from afar. This sentiment continued to dwell on as Dark Pit didn't fully realize it yet. He was completely smitten. In short, Dark Pit was head over heels in love with her.

As he continued being captivated by his newfound crush, a voice managed to reel him back to reality as his train of thoughts dwindled and drifted it off to join the clouds up above.

- "Lillie's Theme" starts fading away-

"Hey guys, we should be head inside before finding a place to sit together becomes impossible," Ness suggested. Pit nodded as Toon Link took note of how distraught Pit's twin had become during the entire time. Toon Link leaned towards Pit as they stepped inside the gymnasium and found an open spot on the bleachers.

"Hey Pit," Toon Link questioned, "do you know what's up with your brother? He was acting kind of weird the entire time we talked, almost as if he was lost in his own thoughts or something."

"I'm not sure to be honest," Pit murmured back. "Perhaps Pittoo saw something of interest."

Once the entire gym filled itself up with incoming freshman, the principal took to the center as some of the mentors stood alongside him.

"Welcome freshman!" he greeted, "I am none other than your principal, Toadsworth. You may know me as being one of Peach's advisors which is in fact, very true. Anyways, I'll like to welcome all of you to Westwood High School, home of the Westwood Stallions."

Some students stood quiet while others cheered, already getting into the school spirit. Toadsworth went over the school rules to include dress code which was more lenient, given that this was a world full of various creatures in every physical shape and form, going over the basics and introduced some of his staff and faculty. This consisted of Nurse Birdo, the student advisors to even the school counselor, Klaus Howden. As Toadsworth handed the microphone towards Klaus, Dark Pit's gut feeling started acting up. It was as if it was trying to warn him about something.

Dark Pit felt confused yet he couldn't quiet exactly pinpoint why. It wasn't like the time when he encountered Eugene during the summer. Klaus didn't present himself like Eugene at all. Despite him being a former scientist who decided to help high school students in need, Dark Pit felt a strange and peculiar aura omitting from him. Unfortunately he couldn't contemplate further because Klaus's words managed to pierce through his thoughts.

"Greetings everyone, I am Dr. Howden," Klaus said, introducing himself. "To reiterate Principal Toadsworth, I am none other than your school counselor. If you are having any problems, feel free to make an appointment with me and I will try my best to help you. Remember, Westwood is your safe space and it is extremely important to make sure all students are feeling comfortable."

While Klaus rambled on, Dark Pit took out his phone and decided to text Lucas about him. Lucas was bound to know a thing or two about Klaus since he was a sophomore. Thankfully Lucas replied to him immediately.

"Nope. I don't know anything about a Dr. Howden," Lucas replied. His messaged was followed up by, "he might be someone who was recently hired."

"I see," Dark Pit sent back. "I don't know why but something feels really off about him. As much as he seems nice, I cannot help but sense that he might actually be evil."

"Weird. Maybe you're just nervous or something." Lucas tried his best to ease Dark Pit. Despite what they had gone through two years ago, he figured Dark Pit was overreacting about their new counselor.

"… Yeah, that might be it."

Dark Pit sighed deeply and placed his phone back inside his pocket. While he wished to believe Lucas's words, something told him otherwise. It didn't help that he managed to vaguely remember bits and pieces of that strange dream. No—it couldn't be true. This can't be true. It mustn't be true.

His thoughts were cut off once again by Toadsworth announcing some games for the incoming freshman to interact in. The ones who wished to participate went towards the center of the gym. Meanwhile Dark Pit's mind drifted elsewhere yet again. As much as he hated to admit it, he figured the only one who would believe his nonsense (if his thoughts could render as such) was Pit.

After an hour, Toadsworth dismissed the students to pick up their schedules and get their ID photos taken before meeting with their upper class mentor to get a tour of the school, etc.

Dark Pit got up and followed Pit, Ness and Toon Link to pick up their class schedules and to get their ID picture taken. They met up with Paula along the way as they stood in line with the other freshman. As the line progressed, the Pit twins finally picked up their schedules as they began reading it right away.



















It turned out the Pit twins were in the same biology, physical education and geometry class together. Their electives were picked out by Palutena as Dark Pit grew a bit flustered. He didn't expect Palutena to actually enroll him in beginning dance, especially since it was something he still kept to himself. It looked like no matter where he went, Pit would follow him once again. Well at least it was much better than having to deal with some annoying peers he didn't know.

After a few minutes later, Pit and Dark Pit obtained their school IDs before meeting their assigned mentor. They were happily greeted by a brown, green haired girl named Mallow.

"So you're Pit and Pittoo," Mallow asked curiously. Dark Pit was about to correct her however Pit elbowed him in the arm, mouthing to him that correcting Mallow wasn't necessary. This in turn, caused Dark Pit to glower towards Pit but they quickly ceased their pointless bickering before Mallow grew suspicious.

"I'm Mallow," she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you all! As you all know, this is Westwood High, home of the Stallions!"

"She seems to be in high spirits," Dark Pit commented.

"Like they say, you gotta stay upbeat," Pit said, humming the song about staying positive.

"And now you're annoying again."

Dark Pit inched away from Pit as he followed Mallow along with the rest of the freshman in their group. Mallow took them everywhere, helped them find their class locations and even allowed them to meet some of the staff and faculty who were present. Afterwards they went to pick up their books as the freshman orientation finally came to an end.

Palutena pulled up in the driveway as Pit hopped into the front seat before Dark Pit could even comment. Instead, his eyes were fixated on catching a glimpse of Cloud and his jackass cronies as he froze on sight. Thankfully he managed to force himself to move before Cloud even managed to caught sight of him.

"I told you it wasn't so bad," Palutena exclaimed, smiling.

"You were right Lady Palutena," Pit said. "It wasn't bad at all."

As Palutena drove away, little did she know, a familiar face was spying on them the entire time.

"Well, well, well," Hades exclaimed, "so that's where Pretty Palutena has been. And who knew Pitty Pat was attending high school."

"Despite this fic starring them as the main characters," Pandora said, "how come we never had our chance to shine!?"

"Who knows," Thanatos replied. "Perhaps our time wasn't ready yet."

"Like they've always said," Hades stated, "there is such thing as a next time you know. The story isn't over just yet."

Evening time crept around the corner in Smashville. The bushes near the Leventis residence shuffled as two classic figures were hidden amongst them. When random people passed by, the sound of rustling leaves quickly ceased, causing confusion before they continued on with their day to day business. Soon, the sun was down as the two figures revealed themselves to be none other than the Eggplant Wizard and King Hippo from Captain N.

What made this particular Eggplant Wizard stand out from the rest was the fact that he was the only kind of his that could talk, not to mention he never really turned anyone into eggplants. As for King Hippo, he heavily differed from his actual counterpart from Punch-out. While the real King Hippo was known to be a fairly nice guy and even took Little Mac out for drinks afterwards, the one from Captain N was full of greed and malice—in a cartoony way to say the least. Not one inch of good resided inside of him.

The two slowly emerged from the bushes and scurried their way towards the front of the lawn. Due to their clumsiness, the Eggplant Wizard accidently tapped the trash bin with his hips, leaving a trail of vegetables behind as they fell out of nowhere.

"Ssh, what are ya doing ya meathead?!" King Hippo scolded. "You're going to get us caught."


While they snuck around the house, little did they know Icarus heard the noise from his workshop. He placed down his screwdriver on his desk, cocked a brow and wondered who or what was trespassing on their lawn. He knew the noise wasn't coming from Pit and Dark Pit's usual bantering and the last thing he needed was for some strangers to startle the babies. Icarus rose up from his chair, grabbed his bow and went outside to catch the perpetrators. He immediately spotted both the Eggplant Wizard and King Hippo on his lawn. Icarus's jaw dropped for a tad moment before he glared.

"Oh fuck no," Icarus muttered. He quickly shot two of his lethal arrows towards them. The tips of the arrows turned into a circular saw. Before King Hippo or the Eggplant Wizard even had time to interact, the saw arrow decapitated their heads off. Instantly blood gushed out of King Hippo's body, meanwhile eggplant juice released itself from the body of the Eggplant Wizard. Their lifeless bodies toppled over one another, lying on a patch of grass as their heads rolled elsewhere. Icarus eyed them for a moment before heading back inside.

Palutena crossed their arms, wondering what Icarus was doing with his bow and arrow out in the first place. Icarus in turn, gently placed his arms on her shoulder and sighed.

"I was just taking care of some unwanted guests," he told her. Thankfully Palutena didn't interrogate him about it. Instead her frown quickly transformed into a smile.

"You've arrived just in time to join us for our family photo," Palutena said, informing him. Thankfully the camera had a timer, allowing everyone to join in the photo. Palutena grabbed Pittacus and Perdix from Ourias's hands, handing Pittacus to Pit while she handed Perdix over to Dark Pit. Afterwards, she ordered everyone to get into position as the camera went off and took the photo.

Palutena went to plug in the SD card into the computer afterwards to get a better glimpse of the family photo. Her eyes widened in shock as the image revealed itself. Palutena was actually surprised to see Dark Pit smiling! Liking the results of the photo, Palutena printed it out and inserted the photo inside a picture frame. She placed the newly framed photo next to the family picture which was taken nine years ago back when Pit and Dark Pit were five.

"So," Dark Pit said from behind, "how are you going to explain the fact that Perdix has green eyes?"

Palutena jumped from his voice as she swiftly turned around and crossed her eyes. "Well," she replied, "your father's eyes are green Pittoo."

"Correction—a different shade of green," Pittoo countered. "As a matter of fact, you share the exact same eye color as him."

"Now you're just seeing things." Palutena continued to dodge his questions as Pit told Dark Pit to leave her alone. Dark Pit grumbled some inaudible words in return before following Pit upstairs. Meanwhile Ourias sighed.

"Lady Palutena," he began, "I really hate to break it to you but you really need to give those boys a lot more credit. Neither one of them is stupid, that's for sure."

While Palutena and Ourias conversed with one another, meanwhile Icarus went back on working on his latest project. He observed the blue prints he made a couple of months ago. If one were to take a little peak, they would realize right away they were blue prints to make prosthetic wings. Icarus figured if such prosthetics existed for arms and legs, why not make one to aid angels who had flight disabilities. Of course, his inspiration to make such dreams come true was from his very own children—he wasn't sure if Pittacus and Perdix would succumb to the same fate or not like their older brothers.

The final days of summer passed by quickly as Dark Pit didn't want it to end. Ever since he caught a glimpse of Cloud and all of the other assholes who messed with him in the past, his mind couldn't stop being fixated on it. He knew it was irrational thinking yet it refused to go away. He refused to tell anyone about his thoughts because the last thing Dark Pit wanted to be told was to stop obsessing over something trivial.

His gaze was fixated on the ceiling the entire time. He tried to preoccupy his mind by catching up on My Hero Academia yet it dwindled back to the subject of Cloud. Dark Pit eventually managed to doze off.

When he opened his eyes, Dark Pit found himself in the middle of Smashville mall. Cries of various denizens blared throughout its shopping districts as they were told to evacuate the mall from security. Not far from eye view, Dark Pit took note of a bunch of strange looking thugs garbed in black.

They were in sync with one another when it came to their rhythmic hand movements. Tons of them were scattered throughout the mall, adding additional graffiti to claim it as theirs. For some reason, they had nuclear weapons yet thankfully didn't use them.

Being curious, Dark Pit looked to the left before glancing over to the right. He noticed he was accompanied by Pit, a black haired boy he didn't recognize, Lucas, Toon Link along with some other new faces.

Before the dream could progress any further, Dark Pit woke up. He pondered if the dream had any sort of meaning or connection to something before shrugging it off. The thought of a bunch of strangely garbed individuals dancing around sounded too farfetched. Ultimately, Dark Pit was able to fall back asleep with ease.

Morning swiftly crept up around the corner as the alarm went off, officially indicating that summer vacation was now over. Both of the Pit twins rose from their bed, grumbling about waking up early while Dark Pit groaned with unease. He already felt sick to his stomach while his body moved much slower than usual. Dark Pit's body trembled as an immediate shot of anxiety entered throughout it, scavenging every nook and cranny. He tried his best to ease his mind from the overwhelming thoughts of those assholes while he got ready for his first day of high school. A sudden surge of nausea gnawed at his stomach, causing Dark Pit to clutch his stomach. He felt like he was going to vomit as he began to gag here and there.

Surprisingly enough, Pit was feeling at ease, most likely due to the fact that he was much better at suppressing his feelings than Dark Pit. He took note of Dark Pit's uneasiness, turning around. Raising a brow, Pit tilted his head.

"Is everything alright Pittoo? You don't seem like yourself." It was true. Usually they would argue over nonsense while getting ready, even going far as to fight over the fact that Dark Pit wanted to have a two-sink bathroom all to himself.

Not once did Dark Pit usher a word. Instead, he felt the same malice he experienced two years ago during the holidays. Memories began barging through, once again opening up old wounds. Their filthy words started to sting yet again. The flames ignited themselves once more, colliding in with the rupture of anxiety which continued to fester itself into him. Both intertwined with one another, overwhelming Dark Pit with mixed emotions. Eventually droplets of tears escaped his eyes, transpiring from a loose sprinkler to a rapid waterfall.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Pit's face expression dropped while he watched Dark Pit sob violently on the floor of their bedroom. His emotions finally erupted from the volcano. Just as any sibling would do, Pit kneeled down and gently placed his hand on Dark Pit's shoulder. Not once did he slap or push away Pit.

"Pittoo," Pit said softly. "Everything's going to be alright… trust me. I'm not going to let any of those jerks lay a finger on you."

Dark Pit didn't bulge. Instead, he seemed too engrossed in his own thoughts. While Pit's words were reassuring, unfortunately it wasn't enough. Pit took a deep breath and sighed. Thankfully he managed to think of another plan up his sleeve. He knew his brother had every right to express his mixture of rage and anguish. After all, he feared high school would be the same as his past experiences with public schooling.

Pit rushed out of the bedroom and ran towards the master bedroom instead. Thankfully his father was off that day as Icarus was conversing with Palutena about something. Their conversation was abruptly cut short by Pit's presence. Palutena cocked a brow in bewilderment.

"Is everything alright Pit?" she asked.

Pit shook his head in response. "Pittoo's having a meltdown. I tried reaching out to him but it seems that my words can't get through to him."

"Perhaps I could be of help," Icarus said. He told Palutena to look for their copy of Fortune Street while he followed Pit back to his bedroom. Dark Pit didn't move from his spot. Instead he seemed fixated on holding onto a cat plush toy for comfort. Icarus slowly inched towards him before kneeling down.

"Pittoo," Icarus said softly. "You have every right to be weary. Believe it or not, I understand what you're exactly going through. I know it's difficult to stop irrational thoughts yet you're nothing like them. They aren't the ones who managed to take down a piece of shit and whip up a ragtag bunch of entitled assholes into shape. In fact, none of them ever experienced danger at first hand. Are you going to let a bunch of pricks ruin your life forever or you're going to show them who's boss."

"N-no," Dark Pit replied.

"Atta-boy! As a matter of fact, you're much tougher than them. If they try to hurt you, don't be afraid to fight back. Show them what you got," Icarus stated.

Dark Pit stood quiet for a slight moment. He placed the cat plush off to the side and blew his nose with a nearby handkerchief. A smirk formed across his face as Icarus's words managed to get through to him. To admit, it felt good finally letting up years and years of bottled anger come out as Dark Pit felt much better.

"Anyways, I'll be driving both of you to and from school today. During the afternoon, we'll even stop for some ice cream!" Icarus told them. Pit beamed in response as both of the angel twins followed their father.

About ten minutes later, the Pit twins were dropped off as the campus was flooded with hordes of incoming freshman and returning students. As they made their way towards the entrance, Dark Pit managed to catch sight of the blonde from the orientation. He slightly blushed at the sight of her before she disappeared.

Dark Pit wondered who she was exactly. He knew this feeling of infatuation was fleeting yet her innocence told another story.

"Hey Pit! Pittoo! I didn't know you guys went here!"

A brown boy ran towards them, smiling. He appeared to be holding a malasada in one hand and his schedule in the other. Dark Pit's expression already displayed annoyance.

"Great... Pit-stain number two is here."

"Hey Hau! I didn't expect to see you here!" Pit beamed. Hau was one of Pit's buddies from the Youth Center. "Say, who do you have first period?"

"Honors geometry with Sanderson," Hau answered. "You?"

"I have that class too!" Pit happily replied. "So does Pittoo! I'm so happy we're all in the same class."

"Kill me," Dark Pit muttered. The last thing he needed to deal with was with both Pit and those who were similar to him in personality. Unlike Pit, Hau seemed to be a bit denser when it came to insults. The trio eventually made their way towards the math building and into their classroom. To Dark Pit's surprise, the blonde from earlier happened to be in his class. She managed to make eye contact with him as she exchanged a small smile.

"Maybe high school might not be so bad after all."

Surprisingly, he was looking forward to what the year had to offer. More students came inside and filled the classroom. One of them appeared to be a beauty of extreme wealth. Her blonde hair was nicely done while her entire wardrobe was worth over thirty-thousand dollars. She glanced over and studied her classmates. As she caught site of Dark Pit, her expression glowered a bit.

"Liberal…" she said bitterly.

Prior to Dark Pit's own knowledge, evil was still afoot. He failed to realize that their vague wish managed to revive some of the previous bad guys they had fought in the past and even managed to release Ganondorf from his prison. For now, getting through high school was Dark Pit's main priority.

And that my friends, ends the Hot Topic Krew. Please note as the porter since I didn't feel like rewriting the author's notes from my own word, most of this is copied and pasted from the AO3 port. In other words, these are not my own words but rather the author's.

I do have a confession: I'm sure most people thought that this was a trollfic from the start but in actuality, this story is an actual parody of every trollfic and its tropes imaginable. In retrospect, this story is a parody done in the form of a crack fic. Notice the sudden shift from the first few chapters with inane shit to actual character development in a crack fic? Yeah, I felt that taking it more seriously (yes, doing so was intentional) after doing the popcorn style writing and doing a little Tails Get Trolled vibe was for the best. It made things more bearable in the slightest. Plus, you have GeneralDarkPit to thank for the sudden shift towards the more serious tone (they were the one who suggested it in the first place).

To summarize, those who thought this satirical fic was a trollfic pretty much trolled themselves into believing such. While it is a parody, since these are crack versions of characters, it still can fall under crack due to the random humor too but more so parody than anything else.

Speaking of influences, i would say that my influences mainly derived from Tails Gets Trolled, a bit of My Immortal and of course, one of my favorite Smash Brothers trollfics Mishonh From God as well as how various fandoms view the characters.

Since I really enjoyed the satirical trollfic trilogy that was Supper Smash Bros, I wanted to somehow pay homage to the crack-pairing that was Bowser and Fiora from Xenoblade Chronicles. So oddly enough, I randomly thought instead of continuing to flanderize Cia's infatuation for Link (the Zelda fanbase already does that and beats it to death), why not actually have her move on. After contemplating, I decided Robin would be the most suitable choice given how I can parallel to Grima and surprisingly enough, I did not expect Fire Emblem Warriors to be a thing at all. It doesn't help that Robin glides in a similar fashion to Cia so I'm surprised the TvTropes page has yet to add a Hilarious in Hindsight section for multiple things in the story.

To admit, this was quite a fun parody story to write and furthermore, I want to explain a couple of things about why I added those elements.

- To begin, I am sure you all are curious to how I even managed to think of pairing Dark Pit up with Lucas. Well, my a friend of mine was browsing tumblr one day and managed to come across a fake excerpt on a blog dedicated to taking Smash fics completely out of context. It was about Lucas holding a gun and going off to kill Dark Pit, just for him to cry that he's in love with him as he drops his Capri-sun onto the floor. It was quite interesting and the most ridiculous thing I ever seen but in a good way. So with that and other elements (being addressed in a different number), I decided to base Dark Pit and Lucas's characterization off of those particular excerpts which were obviously very out of character. Of course I drifted away from that characterization as the story's tone shifted.

I'm going to be straightforward about this and admit I do feel bad for those who actually do love the ship in a more in-character, non-HTK way and I apologize yet however, please remember that if you want to start a new Smash ship and want it taken seriously, don't write it off as a joke to begin with because in the long run, you reap what you sow especially when you want to help it gain recognition from an out of context SSB fic blog out of all places and base it on the "Dark Pit's edgy lol" stereotype which was done way before this parody even existed (no, the HTK wasn't the first one to do this annoying shit).

- First I will start off with this confession- I was actually drunk when I wrote the first chapter. That will definitely explain why it's so stupid in the first place.

- Recalling the out of context Smash quotes, I remember borrowing the Marth/Shulk pairing from it which reduced Shulk to meme status (as a Xenoblade fan, I find Shulk meme jokes annoying but harmless). Seeing how I rolled with it, I decided to make a homage to it as their respective canon love interests (Marth actually gets married at the end) became girlfriends with one another. To be honest, as a FE fan, I could care less who people like pairing Marth up with yet I personally don't mind it much in an AU setting versus canon. Marth definitely isn't the type to commit adultery. In other words, while I may not like doing it in serious works (I define this as fics that aren't parody based off of shows/films and or crack), I don't mind if others do it because honestly, letting people have fun is nice.

- Now, how did I assemble the Krew exactly? Well, self-explanatory, besides Dark Pit and Lucas, I took the characters (for the original six) who always being depicted or called edgy by fans and those who hate the characters alike to form the HTK. The original group was supposed to have Samus as the six member however, after I replayed Hyrule Warriors again, Cia was the better choice given that she actually fits right in with the edgy mall goth aesthetic. I'm sure there are Zelda fans who would claim Vaati as a better choice but I'm going to be honest, he never really struck me as an edgelord type. This is of course, going by stereotypes of how people classify a bunch of characters that aren't really edgy as edgy.

- Now moving onto Dark Pit, this entire story was pretty much made to parody how everybody (more so the Smash fandom but there are some people who are guilty of this as well in the KIU fandom) literally thinks he's an "edgy" character and depicts him as some "Hot Topic loving edgelord." First of all, Dark Pit is far from edgy. In retrospect, Dark Pit (from the actual game) doesn't have a generically dark backstory nor is he necessarily a character that is taken too seriously by the other cast in Uprising (which led to his various silly nicknames). Contrary to popular belief, nothing about him or his character is "edgy" at all. While there are a couple of emotional moments involving his character, none of them are classified to be "emo" or "edgy." Dark Pit is definitely one of my favorite characters of all time (he breaks the stereotypical Nintendo "dark" counterpart mold, etc.) but I can confess while his character in the game is pretty underwhelming, the reason why I personally like him because of his potential to be interesting and complex due to how he's actually written which in turn, makes room for a very excellent character. Hell, a lot of my favorite characters suffer from this and they're more flat than he is.

Speaking of the term edgy, to be really honest, I personally never understood how people assume any display of emotion or emotional scenes = edgy. Anyways going back to the subject of Pittoo, while his first appearance in does give the false illusion that he's edgy, it drastically changes. After all, having any sort of attitude, being blunt and wearing dark attire doesn't necessarily mean Ow the edge. In fact, this popular fanon which strays so far from his character is what motivated me to actually make this fic in the first place.

- To further emphasize on the term edgy, since story does mock on what people think is "edgy", I immediately recalled what bands people viewed as edgy (Linkin Park, Evanescence, etc.). Contrary to popular belief, I once had never thought of Linkin Park to be an edgy band at all. As someone's who's had countless of dark ideations, I still find Chester's loss to be spooky. Honestly, I find it strange when people lump music that talks about serious issues such as self-harm and the likes as "edgy" because I feel that completely invalidates those who have mental illnesses (to include myself). I personally saw the term "edgy" to describe someone's who is a complete asshole hence its ironic usage as an adjective/adverb during the beginning of story because hey, the HTK was full of entitled assholes.

- For those wondering about all of the inconsistencies within the story, it's pretty much parodying how inconsistent trollfics are as they jump from one thing to another, even to the point of disregarding events and factors that partook earlier within the story itself.

- The "an" everywhere when it should have been an "a" were done entirely on purpose. The same goes for all the grammatical errors and misspellings as they are also frequently seen in trollfics (aka your rouges of angle satin).

- The parts where it goes ~ [insert music] begins playing ~ is actually a parody of trollfic i read long ago. I forgot its name until recently as it was originally from an infamous Death Note trollfic from Light and Dark: The Adventures of Dark Yagami. Truth be told, playing the particular song when the story tells you to (I heavily recommend clicking on the extended versions on YouTube) actually helps capture the mood. Of course there are ones that don't exist either.

- For the recolor OCs, this was pretty much parodying 'original character do not steal.' I did this because to be honest, why would I (or anyone for that matter) put actual effort into a shitty story like this to begin with? So going along with the theme of parodying trollfics, I did the laziest thing ever. Then i realized my mistake – I actually started to like these recolor OCs because how of zany and flawed they were, not to mention I'm surprised people actually like them. It's something I don't usually expect, especially in shit such as this.

- I know a lot of people probably got pissed over this but I am sure you all are wondering why is Zelda being snobby towards someone who's much more unredeemable in personality (in regards to this story) than her? Well you see, I was parodying the Ron the Death Eater trope because I noticed in a lot of Zelda stories (not to mention that several people I know actually brought this up with me through PMs at ), particularly with some diehard Zelink fans, they have the tendency of turning Link's other potential interests (Malon, Midna, especially poor Ilia) into a cold-hearted, ruthless bitch for the sake of their ship and or story, aka partaking in sexist writing tropes if you ask me. Not only did it make them extremely out of character, but it woobifies Zelda as well. So in turn, I decided to do the most illegal thing ever and Ron the Death Eater Zelda however the joke is, Cia was pretty gross in terms of personality to begin with in this story (as for the actual game, she had her the light removed out of her when Ganondorf manipulated her as I'll probably ramble about more in another bullet point) with so you do the math. The entire joke was since the HTK members were so repulsive, you're supposed to sympathize with those outside their circle. After all, Link doesn't necessarily owe Cia anything if he's with Zelda. It's his decision (for those of you wondering, yes I am a huge fan of Zelink. I just despise how the fandom demonizes the other Zelda females in general). This is not to say that this is done in every fandom though which honestly, if you're going to have a potential love interest rival type, just make an original character instead of demonizing a character for the sake of a ship or plot (this also applies to same-sex relationship stories as well).

It's just as bad as yaoi fans labeling female characters with derogatory terms (slut, whore, skank, etc.) because people like pairing their favorite male characters with females. As someone who's queer (I apologize in advance for those who dislike this term), I understand that our society is extremely heteronormative however it is important to remember that not all characters who are in hetero relationships are straight or even cis. This also goes for straight people who love to assume all of their favorite characters are straight when in fact, their sexuality is ambiguously open for interpretation.

- The insertion of Kill la Kill is pretty much self-explanatory given the Sonic Adventure 2 jokes made about the anime. I just took it to the next level.

- For the whole thing about Pit's love for the founding fathers was originally influenced by three things, one of the more well-known ones being a scene from the Mega Man cartoon in which Mega Man dives in to protect the memorial statue from Protoman. As someone who grew up with that cheesy carton, I found it pretty hilarious so to speak. For the second one, it was influenced off one of the lines in the Cult of Ario (I recommend reading this fic if you have yet to do so. It's well-written and really damn hilarious) where Pit proclaims curry to be food of the communists. Third by not least, I parodied Sara Osborne's love for America and the constitution, yes, the one from Mishonh From God. The first one is what sparked the joke in the first place while Sara's love for her country did most of the inspiration.

While at it, let me tell you something I've omitted. Pit was originally going to be conservative (no, not at the extreme levels which is the cesspool that is the alt-right/Neo-Nazis/white supremacists) and identify as a Republican because Abraham Lincoln was one. The author however decided against this because Pit seemed more independent.

- The random times were the story derailed and talked about useless jargon (such as describing how hot a character is, etc.) is a parody of how often the author of a trollfic will filibuster with something completely unrelated. It is commonly done with female characters but I eventually switched it with the male characters instead. Needless to say, doing the older males like that was much more entertaining. While at it, trollfics don't care how old the character is, they will do this shit regardless. The same goes for the random sex scenes as those were influenced by My Immortal.

- The same goes for renaming some of the characters (Ghirahim as Ghiraham, Zant as Zoont, Solid Snake is Snape, etc.)

- In the random fic excerpts related to the original idea, Lucas was the son of Ike and Peach in the original. I've decided to change it to Soren instead because Ike's not canonically into women in his respective games. In addition to this, I decided to reveal that Lucas is adopted by them later on in the story.

- For the entire Chrom acting more dumb than usual bit, it is a flat-out parody of how most Fire Emblem fans view and interpret Chrom. To sum it up, they pretty much view him as the village idiot.

- It is common fairly common in a lot of stories (not just Smash) that people make Pit refer to Dark Pit as a brother. I went along with this given how they're "twins" despite the fact that Dark Pit is actually a doppelganger created by the mirror of truth as he is the living embodiment of Pit's repressed thoughts and feelings. In a strange sense, Dark Pit is actually Pit's other half despite him not being a full literal split like Cia and Lana with one of the many differences being that Dark Pit was not subjected to the racist 'dark is evil' trope that the Zelda series for some reason loves like Cia.

In addition to this, I decided to use this formula for both Lana and Cia despite the fact that they actually work better as younger and older sister as neither one shares the same height and body type. Note that both sets of twin characters are often paired together romantically in selfcest ships as the only difference is one is more widely accepted (Lancia) while the other (Pitcest. Not going to lie, I find the ship name to this very gross) is seen as incest despite selfcest and incest being two completely different things. However in an alternative universe setting, it will be considered incest as they will be related by blood instead of being a doppelganger/literal split.

But still, I find it odd how one is more accepted than the other, despite literal split characters in general having sibling dynamics by default honestly. So in conclusion, I prefer literal split/doppelganger characters as siblings. That's just my opinion though so it could be taken with a grain of salt.

- For the age of the angel twins, I went with the common fanon that most people believe that both Pit and Dark Pit are thirteen/fourteen respectively. In reality, Kid Icarus Uprising takes place twenty-five years after the original Kid Icarus game (the one where Pit's actually a child). So in retrospect, P it is actually 25+ years old but looks thirteen while Dark Pit looks thirteen, but is actually three. I personally view them being similar to Tiki in FE1/FE3, Nowi, etc. as despite them being older than they appear to be, they're still underaged. While at it, despite being a literal split from Cia, Lana has a very underaged appearance as well.

- Pit's characterization in the story is heavily based on how many people who were introduced to him by Smash Brothers as they interpret him as some innocent angel despite the fact that Pit is actually flawed, even if they're minor compared to some of the other characters. If pit was completely pure and lacked flaws, Dark Pit wouldn't even exist. To add on, while Pit sees things in a black and white (actions and motivations are either all good or all bad; there is no in-between) perspective, Pittoo on the other hand, sees the grey area aka the middle ground.

- Lana and Cia's characterization in the beginning is based off of Setzeri's silly Hyrule Warriors comics as well as common fan stereotypes of the two. In addition, I also parodied the Zelda fandom's extreme flanderization of Cia's feelings for Link with the entire Lancia family. The reason I did so because a huge percentage of the Zelda fandom tends to actually think that Cia's character heavily revolves around her feelings for Link to the point where every other character trait she has is thrown out the window. I'd hate to be that person but I feel that extreme flanderization of characters who deserve better writing should only remain in parodies and humor pieces. Not to mention that the jokes are just flat out sexist. So yeah, I'm pretty much parodying the misogynist writing I have come across for her character from other people.

- I have a confession: I never originally intended on giving Icarus any depth whatsoever nor making this story much more dark than I intended to. Let's just say that 2016 was a very dark time for me (well to be fair, it was for everyone) and let's just say tons of shit happened. As for someone who is mentally ill, it didn't help that my repressed feelings surfaced as I remembered shit I didn't want to remember, etc. I will confess the additional mini special about Icarus's journal allowed me to reflect my personal opinions on certain things.

Now I'm going to add on things I've been recently asked and went into detail with (some of it will just be copied and pasted).

Q: Do you see Dark Pit and HTK Dark Pit as the same exact character or different?
- Despite Pittoo Leventis being based off of Dark Pit himself, I see them as completely different characters. Yes, he was originally made to make fun of the popular belief in both the Smash/Kid Icarus fandom that Dark Pit is edgy but in contrast to his canon counterpart, there are some things they will clash on. I also say this because he was actually born alongside Pit while the actual Dark Pit is an incomplete clone of Pit's repressed feelings created by the mirror of truth. A lot of fans heavily forget that tidbit (meaning Pit isn't a really bad person at all) and because of such, sometimes end up writing Dark Pit to the point where all of his relationships (even with Pit) are borderline abusive. I tried keeping this in mind when writing HTK Pittoo as I studied (and am friends with some) twins to get the sibling rivalry to be somewhat realistic yet still crackish to go with the story. While at it, I eventually geared him back to being more like his game counterpart towards the end to the best of my ability.

Q: [Trigger Warning: Suicide mention] In the chapter "The Present that was Never Meant to Be", I noticed Dark Pit didn't see how Pit and Palutena were doing, plus his alternative self was missing. Given what was learned about his background in Arc 4, is it possible that Dark Pit may have committed suicide?
- This is likely possible. It was highly evident that he did experience suicidal ideations during his time in middle school and getting kicked out of smash (and losing your only real friend) really put him over the edge. I also however, leave this up to reader interpretation but if you want a solid answer, this is it.

Q: Even though Icarus is the older version of Captain N Pit, do you see him more as an original character?
- As a matter of fact, I do see Icarus as an original character more so than anything else. While he may count as an alternative canon version of an existing character, since his overall background heavily strays from the actual Kid Icarus from Captain N, he does constitute as an OC. In all honesty, I personally have some sort of aversion when fans lump Pit and Kid Icarus as the same character when they are in fact, completely different. For starters, it is known since the first game that Pit is flightless. Since reading stories from previous DiC animations and how much limitations they were provided along with the lack of an instruction book/official artwork, they never knew about this important tidbit.

Because of it, Kid Icarus CAN actually fly on his own. To back this up, in the second part of the Olympics episode of Captain N, the Three Sacred Treasures consisted of the arrow of light, mirror shield and a sacred bow of some sorts instead of the wings of Pegasus. People made theories Kid already harbored such item yet that episode proved otherwise. So yes, while I do see Icarus as an OC, I also see Pit and Kid Icarus as two separate characters as well. If I wanted to further clarify, Pit and Kid's personalities also heavily differ from one another. Plus Kid doesn't need to rely on someone for flight power like Pit who is dependent on it.

Somewhat unrelated but I honestly prefer the JP version of Palutena in Uprising over the ENG version to be honest because I like the mother/son relationship over the weird big sister/little brother relationship the English version gave. It also didn't help that the ENG version made me think of some really odd version of Mr. Burns and Mr. Smithers from The Simpsons. That's how I least interpret it (it's been a long while since I played the game).

Q: I've always wondered about the origin behind the joke of every Link and Zelda getting together?
- This is pretty much a play on those who think Zelink is romantically canon. While I am a pretty huge Zelink fan (it was one of the first pairings I got into), I can admit it's not canon in the slightest, not to mention I also ship them with other characters as well.

In addition to this, I made the joke of every Link and Zelda marrying one another to produce a Zelda as a joke to also mock people who claim Zelink leads to continuous incest. I find it rather hilarious because these kinds of people fail to realize that the hero's spirit is just like Demise's. No matter who Link ends up with, it will journey off into another family separate from Zelda's bloodline.

Q: Is Kynthia a yo-yo dieter by any chance?
- Yes, Kynthia is in fact, a yo-yo dieter. This explains why she easily gains back the weight she lost (even while mocking trollfic logic on it). However, she decides it isn't worth it anymore and learns to love herself just the way she is rather than obsessing over the opinions of outsides. Remember, you should always put your own wellbeing over others with it comes to loving your own body.

To sum it all up, I know you all think this story spawned Dark Pit Hot Topic jokes but truth be told, those existed waaaaay before this story was even made. I just jumped in at the spur of the moment and am actually surprised this piece of shit of a story actually went somewhere.

I will like to thank those who love this piece of shit ironically and unironically (I'm sure these people actually exist which is fine) as well as those who hate it as well since, why not (I'm not that cruel of a human being). From mere observation, this happened when My Immortal, My Inner Life, Face the Strange, Squidward's Sexy Time and Mishonh from God came out. To confess, I recall at one point while reading PrincessAmerica's twitter how people were far more offended about characters being OOC rather than the really unpolitically correct material in it. If I remember, people wanted a fictional trollfic character to die for doing such and honestly, it's pretty disturbing because some people actually thought Sara was a real person and wanted her to die.

Will the HTK get a sequel? Actually yes but it will have nothing to do with the Hot Topic Krew itself (I disbanded it for good reasons) and the pairings with the angel twins were formerly in. In other words, we're going to start fresh and make room for new things. I can hear the groaning now but trust me, this will just be another silly parody story making dumber video game jokes and poking fun at trollfics again. It probably won't be as dark as the first but that's fine by me. But Merch, what if I want to write my own sequel? Then go ahead and be my guest honestly. Want to do an MST, I'm fine with that too as long as your MST source is the AO3 one where I'm actually on it so you can distinct the porter (GeneralDarkPit (hi)) and myself.

Before I go, I just want to address a regret I have. I actually regret both not focusing more on the other HTK members as well as actually building up the Resistance. Since the port somehow managed to grab people's attention in making their own spin-offs, it didn't help that a lot of them wanted their groups actually involved in the fic. I became overwhelmed with trying to mesh some pieces up that I forgot this story's entire focus was supposed to be the Krew. I will admit it's fairly difficult juggling a huge cast of characters yet also kinda fun.

Speaking of the sequel, I have permission to port it so the fanfiction dot net port of it will most likely be under my account. While at it, the unintentional errors in Arc 4 will eventually get cleaned up.

Before I go (I being GeneralDarkPit), I want to give a shoutout to GengarFan3 and his story "WAA Weirdos Embassy." It honestly deserves much more love and attention than its receiving. For one, it stars Wario and Waluigi, two, despite it being a spin-off of this fic, I actually really appreciate how it has its own plot that is entirely different from the HTK.