I'll get my revenge, Plumpaw. Oakfang thought as he padded away from Plumpaw and Smokebreeze. The moaned in union as they thrusted together and Oakfang had to turn away, to keep himself from retching with disgust.

Rainwhisker, a light grey she-catwith darker spots and dark stockings on each of her paws pounced onto Sunfall, a slightly younger, handsome, golden tom with bright eyes. He was rolled over by Rainwhisker and she began to tickle him.

With a playful growl, he managed to throw her off and then pounced on her, pinning her against the ground. With his large, thick member suddenly unsheathed, he quickly plunged into her core and she cried out in pain and in pleasure.

"Sunfall?" Oakfang called out, feeling horny as the older warriors paused their lovemaking. "Would it be okay if I helped you and Rainwhisker?"

Both nodded eagerly and Oakfang sprang towards Rainwhisker. She lay on her back, watching Oakfang circle her while Sunfall countinued to thrust, over and over into her core.

These 'mating gathering', Oakfang thought. Are the best! He leapt on top of Rainwhisker and sucked hard on one of her tits.

She gasped with pleasure and Oakfang switched, letting his teeth graze against the other, hard, nipple. She moaned, arching her back and pushing her nipple deeper into his mouth. He nibbled on it, swirling his tongue tried to wrap itself around the bud with success.

I know exactly how I'll get you, Plumpaw. Oakfang thought as he padded forward, confidently. He ducked into the apprentice's den. Ripplepaw and Fernpaw were comfortably nestled with each other. Ripplepaw twined his grey tail around Fernpaw's and she purred.

Oakfang had to clear his throat loudly, and Ripplepaw jumped. "Oh. It's only you, Oakfang." Ripplepaw mewed and his neck fur flattened. "What's wrong?"

"I'd like to have a word with you." Oakfang nodded to the den's entrance. "Alone."

Ripplepaw gave him an annoyed growl but whispered to Fernpaw before following Oakfang outside. "What is it?" He demanded.

"Your sister," Oakfang mewed simply. "And Smokebreeze." Ripplepaw averted his eyes, avoiding Oakfang's.

"I don't want her to get close with Smokebreeze!" Ripplepaw finally mewed. "But they sneak away together all the time!" He met the older cat's gaze and mewed. "I ask you to help me! Keep them away from each other!"

"Oh, I'll do that and more." Oakfang muttered darkly, as dirty thoughts ran through his mind. Ripplepaw, obvious to Oakfang's words and thoughts, mewed, "So you'll do it?"

Before Oakfang could reply, Ripplepaw quickly added. "I love her dearly and want her to find love, it's just," He paused awkwardly. "Smokebreeze has a weird aura, like a shadow and the wind combined. Dark, strong, cold, deadly. He's fierce and unusually bold."

Ripplepaw's words surprised Oakfang. "Wait," He gasped. Ripplepaw's head snapped upward, towards Oakfang as he continued loudly, "Shadow and wind? ShadowClan and WindClan?!"

Ripplepaw curled his tail around his paws, tilting his head. "Hmmmm." Oakfang prodded the apprentice. "Where did you hear that? Or did you hear it from a medicine cat? Or maybe you're destined to give us some sort of prophecy?"

Ripplepaw shook his head, faintly amused. "I think it's probably just a coincidence? But I do mean what I said about Smokebreeze's personality.

"So I have permission..." Oakfang started before changing his words. "To deal with your sister?" Ripplepaw nodded, uncertainty. "But what-"

Oakfang padded away, blood rushing through his head in anticipation.

Oakfang crouched, keeping his tail low as he drew in his haunches, for a pounce. Tall pines leaned and waved in the wind, shadowing a nice piece of prey. A fat, juicy-looking vole, obvious to the warrior, scampered around, chattering nosily.

Oakfang tensed, but suddenly, his vole fled as a high-pitched voice, pierced the air.

"Plumpaw and Smokebreeze." Oakfang muttered, annoyed.

He padded towards the noise with his fur bristling.

Plumpaw's P.o.v.

Smokebreeze was baring his fangs against a pretty, reddish brown she-cat. The she-cat was facing away from him, curled up except for her head, watching Smokebreeze shied away when Smokebreeze leaned towards her, stroking her cheek with his long, grey tail.

Plumpaw tensed. The tom growled, "I told you to stay away, from him, Plumpaw. if you refuse to listen..." He unsheathed his claws.

Plumpaw flattened her ears. "I did! Don't harm Oakfang!"

Smokebreeze's voice dropped lower. "How can I? The stupid tom! I can't believe you loved him!". He paused. "Oh wait. Yes I can believe it. That idiot doesn't deserve you. But I do." His eyes flashed. "I have done as you asked, I have not harmed him. But you..." His voice trembled angrily. "You have been mating with him haven't you?"

"No!" She protested. "Really!"

"I don't believe you." He snarled. He grabbed her hind legs and pulled her towards him, forcing her into a crouch. With a squeak of shock, Plumpaw squirmed. She closed her eyes tightly as she saw his member being unsheathed.

He growled. "Look at you, squirming, anticipating me... You know you want this, my dirty little pet. But you must pay first."

He put his paw on her dry core and began to move his paw around it. She trembled, squeezing her eyes shut and yowled as he plunged his paw deep into her spot. "No!" She hissed, writhing in pain. "My, my,my." He chuckled. "Your pain tolerance is quite low, my love, but I'm just beginning." He moved his paw around and decided to unshealth his claws, cutting into her.

He reared up and fell, his member slamming into her core. She yowled and almost buckled in pain. The warrior continued, a fiery light in his eyes as he yowled. "I'll keep mating you until you tell the truth But until then..." This time, he reared up but when he came down, he twisted his member, so Plumpaw yowled in more pain, from the barbs scratching her. "You're so tight," He groaned but the she-cat only wailed with pain. He countinued to pound her core, she was sure she saw blood pooling around them.

Suddenly, she felt him pause, mid-thrust. She twisted around and saw...

Oakfang hissed, "Get off of her, before I rip your fur and shred your tongue."

Smokebreeze didn't answer. He paused and then nodded to himself. "Very well." He got off and Plumpaw felt relief wash her. But with no warning, the tom sprang at Oakfang, claws unsheathed.

Oakfang bared his teeth and met him in the air, slashing at Smokebreeze's grey, ears. The other tom ducked and Oakang soared past his new enemy.