Here's the 2nd chapter. I'm sorry it took so long but late is better than never, right?

It's Kurt's first day at Dalton. He's strutting down the halls, slight heels clacking on the polished hardwood floors that shouldn't belong in a school filled withwdy boys but an ostentatious mansion, his head held high, hair styled to perfection.

As he tries to locate the classroom he's supposed to be in within the next two minutes, Kurt can't help but notice the stares he's getting. Now, you may argue that people look his way and whisper behind his back because he's new and new is exciting.

But Kurt knows better.

It's because while the standard issue Dalton uniform is severely unflattering, even on him, his altered one accentuates every curve, dip, and lightly defined muscle in his body. And it does nothing to conceal what he's hiding between his legs.

No, the uniform isn't giving him camel toe. That would just be tacky and Kurt considers himself to be anything but. But it's tight enough to make the distinctive lack of a bulge where his dick should be obvious.

And Kurt knows. Even though the boys are trying to be sneaky, and he is pretending to be oblivious for those poor souls' sake, he knows that they're "surreptitiously" glancing at his crotch, undoubtedly imagining what it'd be like to stick their dick in there.

Which makes him imagine what it'd be like to have their dicks up in him, hard flesh buried deep, fucking him good.

And that's when he starts thinking.

Because if there's one thing he's picked up on since entering Dalton Academy for boys, it's how tense the majority of the students here are.

With only their right hand for company during those long, lonely nights that doesn't come as a surprise to Kurt. He's a boy after all, even if he has unconventional parts, and he has the same urges as them.

And, he decides, he's going to put those parts he used to think he'd been cursed with but now realizes what a blessing they truly are to good use.

Being the enterprising young man that he is, Kurt will let those boys have the privilege of having sex with him in exchange for a very handsome fee.

It'd be the solution to all of his problems. It would satisfy their sexual urges, his sexual urges, be the answer to his shopping addiction, and, most importantly, alleviate the worries about his dad's health.

Kurt feels himself getting wet at the thought of it. It's so wrong, forbidden. He'll have to be stealthy, but that only makes it hotter.

There's a blush creeping up his neck and settling in his cheeks as he enters his first our room. It's not from embarrassment but from the lust running through him, making his skin tingle and his pupils dilate.

He catches a pair of eyes across the room, holds the boys gaze as he lowers himself into an empty seat and crosses his legs teasingly, a burning need flaring up in his stomach and his pussy lips getting wet in anticipation.

He doesn't stop sending his first conquest teasing looks throughout the entire period.

And when the bell finally rings, he, instead of going to his second hour class, finds the nearest bathroom, confident that the boy will follow.

Please review! Thanks :)