A/n- a) Happppppppy Newwww Year you guys! May it be full of happiness, love and books!
b) So, this is a story set in the summer before sixth year at The Burrow!
The concept came to me when I was rereading the HBP and this line came to my attention-
Harry remained within the confines of The Burrow's garden over the next few weeks. He spent most of his days playing two-a-side Quidditch in the Weasleys' orchard (he and Hermione against Ron and Ginny; Hermione was dreadful and Ginny good, so they were reasonably well-matched)

Chapter One- Falling In Trouble.

One look at her face and he knew he was in trouble.

Harry Potter had never pretended that he could understand girls. They were, according to him, a completely different species. He would never be able to comprehend the way their minds worked.

Though, after knowing women like Minerva McGonagall and Tonks, he'd learned never to underestimate them. He'd also learned never to try to understand their motives.

But the one member of the female specie he thought he could understand, only a little, was Hermione Granger. Well, after knowing her for six years, He'd better.

So, the moment she'd walked into his and Ron's room, he'd known that the something was up.

It had been the expression on her face that first clued him in. And the polite smile on her face, that Harry knew was fake, had confirmed his doubts.

"Hey, mione" said Ron, looking completely oblivious to what Harry could see very clearly. Trouble.

But the cold smile that she shot him shut Ron up.

With a panic and fear stricken face, Ron looked at Harry, finally clued in the severity of the situation.

But Harry could only shrug and mirror his expression. He knew something was going to happen and he was very sure that he wasn't going to like it.

The small smile on Hermione's lips told him that she'd seen the whole exchange.

She walked to the foot of his bed and stopped.

"Harry, could I see you outside for a minute?", she asked. Then without waiting for an answer she said "I'll be on the roof" and then, she walked away.

Harry stared at her retreating form, wondering what was up. Her complete ignorance of Ron, and her request to speak to him alone made no sense. Combine that with the angry and confused look on Ron's face and what do you get?

You get a Harry Potter in trouble.

Harry saw Ron huff and go back to the quidditch magazine he was reading. He longingly stared at the book in his lap that he'd been reading, then got up and walked out the door to see Hermione.

All the while praying to make it out alive.

Harry reached the roof and went to sit down next to Hermione, who was staring at the sky.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" she said, never even bothering to look at him.

Though he knew there was no way that Hermione had called him here to talk about the night, he nodded right along. He knew there was no way Hermione would tell him what was going on until she wanted to.

"You played really well today, you know. Sorry that I lost the game for us , though" she said, in a voice that would seem nonchalant to anyone else, but Harry wasn't just anyone. He knew hurt and guilt when he saw it or in this case, heard it.

But it took him a moment to realize that she was talking about the Quidditch game they'd played against Ron and Ginny that afternoon. What he didn't understand was why she was bringing it up.

"That's okay , Hermione what-" he started, but she cut him off
"So, Harry I've been thinking" she began with a determined expression on her face. Now, coming from someone else that they'd been thinking wasn't frightening, but when Hermione Granger said it, every instinct in Harry's body screamed at him to run and hide.

Oblivious to his terror, Hermione continued "that maybe Quidditch isn't such a waste of time after all; it's an interesting game, really. And maybe, I should consider learning how to play, you know"

"That's great, Hermione." Harry said, equally surprised and confused.

But then the expression on her face changed, and this wasn't an expression he liked. It was the same she'd had when she'd had the idea about making the Polyjuice potion in the second year, and the one she'd had when she'd told him about her idea for the DA.

It only meant one thing. Trouble.

"And since I really don't know anything about it, and books haven't been helpful at all, I think I would need a coach. And I was wondering if you would teach me, since you are my best friend and the best quidditch player I know. " Hermione said a lot more, but Harry didn't hear it.

He'd suddenly understood what it was all about and it made him want to punch someone.

Probably Ron.

Hermione was still speaking when Harry cut her off.

"Hermione, If this is about what Ron said. You know you don't have anything to prove, not to him, not to anyone, you are perfect and you don't need to change for anyone." Harry said, quietly.

But he knew he'd said something wrong when Hermione's eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry-" he began, but was cut off by a rib crushing hug.

He heard voices coming from Hermione's mouth, and he couldn't tell if it was laughter or sobs.

"Thank You, Harry" said Hermione, as she pulled back and swiped her eyes "It isn't about what Ron said, well maybe it is a little, but mostly it's about me wanting to get over my fear of flying." She said, and then she turned to look at him with a hopeful look of her face.

Uh oh.

"So, will you teach me?" she asked.

And no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't say no to her big hopeful eyes. And that was exactly why he found himself saying.

"Yes, of course"

And then his ribs were again being crushed by her arms.

"Thank You!" she exclaimed, and Harry couldn't help but smile right along with her.

"So, we have to begin lessons right away" she said, and Harry felt dread rise along his spine at the planning gleam in her eyes "And we cannot tell anyone, okay? So we have to practice without anyone knowing, so we'll practice in the morning. 4am okay with you?" she asked, and all He could do was nod.

"I ordered a broom today, and I borrowed to Hedwig so he could bring it to me and not in front of everyone. And I think it should be here tomorrow, so we can begin lessons by day after, okay?" she asked, and again he just nodded.

But something from what she said stood out.

"You already ordered a broom?" he asked.

"Yeah, the newest cleansweep" she said, "I heard it comes with safety gears"

"But how did you know I would say yes?" Harry asked, wondering if he was that predictable.

She had a mischievous look on her face when she said

"You are my best friend, Harry. Of course I knew you'd say yes."

Apparently he was that predictable.

Hermione left a few minutes later to help Mrs Weasley with the dinner, and Harry sat there wondering how much trouble he'd fallen into.

A/n- Second part will be up soon. Hope you liked it!