MMM: Hello, everyone! I am SO sorry! I know- it's been about a year since I did any updating, and I apologize for it. I just got really caught up in some different shows which ended up bringing up ideas for new stories. Add that to my trying to write some of my own work, and I have become a little... distracted from my writing. Hopefully, I'll shake it off and be able to get back to this soon.

Anyway, here we go...

Ch. 23 Cram Session

March 17th, 2001

"Draco... I'm trying to study," Anya huffed. Draco smirked and continued to use the end of her hair to tickle her ear. "Draco!"

"What?" he asked innocently as if he were doing nothing wrong, instantly dropping her lock of hair and holding up his hands in surrender. Anya let out huff as snatched up her empty mug and stood up to head into the kitchen. When she came back with a fresh cup of tea, she grabbed her textbook from where she'd dropped it on the table and sat in the arm chair away from Draco.

Draco gave a smirk as he stood up and calmly went into the kitchen. Reaching into the freezer, he grabbed an ice cube and then quickly yet quietly sneaked back into the living room. With her back to him and her nose buried in her book, Anya didn't notice him until he dropped the ice down the back of her sweater. He laughed as she jumped out of her seat and frantically began to shake out her clothes to get rid of the cold, but he stopped however when he saw the murderous look Anya gave him when she got it out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Anya shouted. "God, you are such a child!" Grabbing a throw pillow, she started to hit him with it, then with another frustrated scream, she threw it down to the ground and marched out of the room. Draco heard stomping feet through the ceiling marching back and forth and then came stomping down the stairs. Risking a glance, he saw his incredibly angry fiancée at the front door tugging harshly at her jacket and shoes, her book bag slung over her shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked, instantly regretting it.

With a look to kill, Anya pushed past him and grabbed up the book she had been studying from. "To the library, where hopefully, I'll be able to study in peace and quiet!" she hissed. Stuffing the book into her bag, she shoved past him and swung the front door open wide. "You know, around mature people?" And with that, she walked right out the door.

Draco didn't want Anya to leave. He was only trying to get her to crack a smile or laugh or something. For the past few weeks, she had been stressed with a constant studying pattern, prepping for her finals. Seemed his actions only made things worse. But the last thing he wanted was to bring the full wrath his American witch had to give... He'd already experienced enough of it in the past. So he figured that it would be best to simply give her space and let her calm down.

It was almost midnight when she finally came back home.

Drac remained silent and simply sat on the bed and watched as Anya came into the room and began getting ready for bed. She barely spared a glance his way as she changed into her night clothes, brushed out her hair, and finally climbed into bed. "Am I still in trouble?" he asked timidly.

Letting out a sigh, Anya turned around to face him, propping up her head on her hand. "Depends- care to explain why you were acting like some kind of juvenile kid?" she asked.

Draco sighed as he laid out in a mirror position to Anya. "I know I was a real git. It's just that...With all the wedding planning and you studying for finals, not to mention all the work I've had to take care of with the family business, I found things were far too serious. I thought we could use a little comic relief. Guess I should have thought it through a little better." Anya gave him her 'you think?' look. "Yeah... thought so."

"You could have just said something or started a comedy movie; not literally freeze me out," Anya commented. Draco just gave a sheepish shrug and Anya let out another sigh as she rolled over and straddled his waist. "So immature," she grinned as she playfully jabbed him in the ribs.

"You know you love me," he replied cheekily.

"So you think," Anya smirked in return.

Draco chuckled and simply pulled her closer to where they were connected from chest down to their toes. Looking up into her violet eyes, he found himself hypnotized as he always was when it came to her. "I really am sorry," he apologized.

Anya smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I know... Which is why I'm almost sorry to do this!" And with that, she pulled out a chunk of ice she had grabbed from the freezer earlier, having kept it cold with a charm she had cast on it, and shoved it down the front of his pajama pants. She then jumped off of him and out of bed while Draco frantically dug the cold object out of his clothes, laughing the whole time at his expression.

When Draco finally got the ice out, he looked over at his fiancée and gave her a playful glare. "Oh..." he chuckled, "you'll pay for that one!" He dove forward and attempted to catch her, but she jumped further back before making a mad dash to the other side of the room. "Come back here, you!" he growled as he jumped out of bed and ran after her. She tried to duck around the chair, but he was too fast for her and with a playful growl, he tackled her back onto the bed.

"Draco!" Anya giggled only to moan into his mouth as he kissed her passionately, her arms circling around his neck.