Title: DIfficult Love 2!

Summary: Everyone is mostly recovered from Lucy's sudden disappearance 5 years ago, except for Natsu. Full of love and anger, he will do anything to get his wife back.

Pairings: NatsuxLucy, NashixNatsuxLucy Parental, CollinxNatsuxLucy Parental, IgneelxNatsuxLucy Parental, LukexNatsuxLucy Parental, Implied ErzaxJellal, Implied GajeelxLevy, Implied GrayxJuvia, Implied MiraxLaxus, Implied BixlowxLisanna, Implied RomeoxWendy, and general family and friendship feels throughout the guild.

A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of the second book! It was going to be a bit longer before I started this up again, but hey, here I am. So this chapter is really short, but I promise to make the next one longer :) Thank you everyone who followed favorited and reviewed the last book, it gave me motivation to start this chapter :D. I love you all, and I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or any of the characters associated with it. I kinda own Collin though. A little.

It was the day where the town of Magnolia wasn't disrupted by the loud talking and fighting of their large guild. The day where no one even tried to look for Natsu, for he disappeared to an unknown place. And the day when no one talked to Nashi or Collin Dragneel, not even their younger siblings, out of fear of being scorched by fire or boiled by hot tears. It was the 5th anniversary of Lucy Dragneel's disappearance, and what was assumed death. But Natsu, who secretly sat in the Dragneel home's attic, hadn't lost hope. As he paced the hollow floors, running his fingers along pictures of Lucy he had found, reading through every article she ever wrote, wouldn't give up. And as the sad day winded down, he would always sit by the far end of the room where he had hung up their last family photo, staring at a happy Lucy with a tiny Igneel in her arms, and would whisper to himself as hot tears threatened to fall:

"I'll find you, Luce, I promise."


The day after the anniversary, it was as if nothing happened. Nashi, who was now 15, would fight Ur Fullbuster with just as much energy as her best friend Gilly Redfox cheered her on. Collin would sit quietly next to Edward Fernandes and read. Igneel and Luke would run around the guild, spewing fire and practicing opening gates with the keys Lucy had given them.

But Natsu sat quietly at the guild's bar, watching his four kids. It took him about two days after the anniversary to return to his normal self, and everyone besides his children, stayed clear. His feelings for Lucy made him twice as hard to talk to during his three days of being miserable, and everyone learned that very quickly.

Natsu suddenly got up, scraping the bar's stool against the ground loudly, everyone grew silent as they watched Natsu storm out of the guild, white scarf fluttering flamboyantly behind him. Nashi stared after her dad, sinking her teeth in to her bottom lip. Collin looked in the same direction as well, before running to follow. As he ran by Nashi, she grabbed the back of his shirt, halting him to a stop.

"No," She muttered, eyes focusing on her feet, "let him be."


"NO!" Nashi yelled, a dangerous fire in her eyes. Collin looked down, admitting defeat. "Luke, Igneel, time to go." The two boys started to protest, but instantly shut up upon looking at their sister. They nodded their heads and followed Nashi and Collin out the door, leaving the rest of the guild to stare at them in concern.


"Nashi?" Luke said gleefuly, looking up at his older sister as he skipped along the cobblestone path to their house. She hummed peacefully, her anger gone.

"What was mommy like?" Nashi froze, wide eyes staring into nothing.

"Luke…" Collin muttered, warning his little brother. "I thought I told you-"

"She was beautiful." Nashi interrupted, her wide eyes replaced with a happy sadness. "Even more beautiful than she was in the picture in the living room. Especially when she smiled… Really smiled. It was like she was an angel herself.

"Mommy was an amazing mage. She could call on all of the stellar spirits she had with ease. And she was so caring… And never gave up… And… And... " Nashi swallowed as thoughts of her mother came into her head. Memories. "She loved all of us very much." Collin looked down, trying to avoid the tears he could feel burning in his throat. But Luke, who had been so tiny when she had disappeared, just smiled. He grabbed Nashi's hand in one of his, and Collin's in the other. "She sounded great! I can't wait to meet her." Igneel, who was riding piggy back style on Collin's back, nodded in agreement.

"Yeah…" Nashi whispered, looking up at the setting sun as they continued their walk towards home.

Short, I know. Just an intro I guess. I'm not really sure where I want this story to go, so I want your ideas. So review, review, review! Also, I'm thinking about having flashbacks to the night of Lucy's disappearance, is that cool? I think I'll start next chapter with one. Okay, that's it my loves. Don't forget to follow, favorite, and review, and I will see you next time! Au revoir!
