*these are probably gonna be short chapters. Hoping to average about 300 words each*

They all watched him leave the hut in a stunned silence. Shock slowly took over Inuyasha's features as the realization of Sesshomaru's words finally registered in his brain.

"No way in hell!" He yelled, jumping up from his seated position on the floor of the hut and stormed out after his brother. Kagome gave Shae a nervous look and quickly went after him.

"Inuyasha!" Her warning tone drifted from the hut to his ears, instantly flattening them against his head.

"No way in hell will I follow him around, Kagome." The stubborn Inu had crossed his arms and turned his back on the Miko.

"If you met someone who had the power to destroy you in a way you never imagined, make you a slave and could force you to do anything they wanted you to and convince you that you actually enjoy it, what would you do?" Her words were gentle and kind.

"I'd kill them."

"And what if they were innocent and never wanted to use that power? What then?" Inuyasha's ears flattened to his head, signaling his understanding of the situation. Kagome's gaze drifted to the tree line behind Inuyasha, eye's immediately locking with those of the tall demon lord.

"She's a threat to him. But could also be an asset if she can be trained to use her powers on Naraku, I don't blame him for wanting to keep her close" Her eyes never left the demon lords and was surprised when he nodded his head to her in agreement with her statements.

"The Miko is correct in her assumptions." It was Inuyasha's turn to be surprised now as Sesshomaru appeared at their sides.