And here is the final chapter, BUT if there is enough interest I'll write an Epilogue to tie up any loose ends...

Please Enjoy!

"Are you going to stay standing over there or are you going to come sit down already?"

Race smiles and seats himself at the foot of the bed, "Youse really don't have any patience do ya?"

She snorts, "And you do?"

He replies with a shrug, "Fair enough."

Silence falls, but both of them are just happy to be alone. Neither knows what to say and at the same moment they try to start a conversation but end up talking over each other. Beth laughs lightly, "You first."

"Well, I dunno really how to say this but is there anything here?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You grew up with fancy things and you should have had fancy suitors and well I'm not much in way of anything. I don't got money or nuthin. I love you Beth, but a guy like me shouldn't get a goil like youse…"

"Help me up."


"Don't just stand there help me out of this bed!"

"Are you sure dat's a good idea? I think Jack said something about not moving or…"

"Tony, please."

He can't say no to that. Gosh the things this girl does to him he's like putty in her hands. Reluctantly he helps her out of bed supporting her with both of his strong arms.

"Now help me over to that door."

"I dunno…"


Slowly he does just that, they make their way over one slow painful step at a time. Leaning against him for support she reaches out and cracks the door open.

"Look through."

He looks in and sees Jack and Katherine wrapped in each others arms kissing passionately. He turns back toward her and half grimaces and half smiles in somewhat hopeful anticipation, "What am Ise lookin for?"

"Listen to me. That girl in there had everything. House, money and she gave it all up for one poor newsboy that she was madly in love with. Me on the other hand I had that, but right now I have almost nothing. No money and no home. But I've lived without the finer things of life for too long..."

He starts to look devastated but she continues steadily, "...And Tony if you think I would turn down the love you are offering to a nothing like me, you are utterly mistaken. Race…Tony I'm the one who has nothing except myself to give and as you can see". She pauses glancing over her bruises and cuts, "There isn't much of that either."

He smiles and wipes away the tear that trickles down her cheek, "But that's all I want."

"But I'm broken and bruised! I don't even know if I know how to love anymore. I don't know if I can love you the same way Katherine loves Jack!"

"Don't be stupid Beth."

She looks at him glaring with only a hint of playfulness, he continues before she can get upset, "I don't what you to love me like dat. Ise jes want you to love me like Beth loves Tony. That'll be enough for me."

She smiles through the tears, "I think I can do that."

He steals her gaze and stares into those endless sapphires. A soft blush spreads across her cheeks and with one hand resting on his shoulder she leans toward him quipping before their lips meet, "I'm to think how amazing this is going to be and not how much it's going to hurt".

He smirks and pulls her gently towards him and she kisses him full on throwing caution and concern to the wind. And when that long awaited kiss finally happens it's unlike anything she has ever experienced. There is a beautiful warmth and softness to it. After a few seconds they both pull away, any pain of hers is numbed by the pure ecstasy of the moment. He looks thunderstruck instead of smug and her usually hard expression is unusually mild.

He responds breathlessly to her earlier statement, "I know you can."

Jack and Katherine heard the voices outside the door and they watch as the two lovebirds bask in the heavenliness of the moment. Katherine has one hand placed hopefully over her stomach and the other resting on Jack's shoulder, both of Jack's arms are wrapped around her waist with his hands resting protectively over their child. Nuzzling her neck playfully he whispers in her ear, "Even if you think it's dead our lines are bettah."

She rolls her eyes at him, "Don't you mean 'line' as in singular?"

"Whatever, ours are still bettah."

She just smiles content in his arms, "Whatever you say Jack."


If anyone had asked Beth what that kiss was like she would have said it was sweet and warm and it was all those things, but above all that she would have whispered while still blushing that the kiss felt like, "home". She was Bird and here on the filthy streets of Manhattan in an overcrowded lodging house full of newsboys, she had found family, home and a love like she had never known. Someday she might go back to Santa Fe but after being here she knew she would never again have to fly away home... Simply because, she was finally home.

Ta daa! A conclusion has finally been reached (I hope you are satisfied FansieFace ;)

Like I said there might be an upcoming epilogue, but that's up to you!

Thank you for taking this amazing journey with me and I hope you enjoyed it :D

K. Kelly

P.S. So the deal with the masterclass was that it all started that fateful morning. I waited in front of a pair of doors for an hour so I could be the first person to put my name down to perform at a masterclass hosted by a Broadway coach! Only problem was that my audition time (for the competition stuff) was smack in the middle of the masterclass, but the register dude assured me they would get me through in time to get my audition. Well, that's a relief right? WRONG. Went to the masterclass and there was a big misunderstanding, someone thought it was just a discussion so NO ONE booked an accompanist! Panic started to set in especially when the coach said that we could wait and they would just start with the Q&A portion of the class. I sat there for about ten minutes waiting for the pianist then after sneaking a glance at my neighbor's watch I realized that I couldn't wait any longer or I'd be late for my audition slot! So, I made as stealthy an exit as I could (note to self: DON'T SIT IN THE FRONT ROW) and ran down the hall in my heels and dress toward my audition room. Thank God, it was all in the same building! I wasn't late by any means but I arrived at the room panting and praying for a few minutes to collect myself. I should have prayed for a few more, maybe ten instead of five... Anyway I auditioned for maybe five minutes and then I was done. What now? Well, I checked the time and the masterclass wasn't over yet so I booked it back over there to try and squeeze in at the end. This was the second time I arrived at a door panting, but I couldn't just barge in while someone was singing. So I pressed my eye to the crack in the door and waited for the girl to stop so I could slip back in without making a disturbance. It felt like forever, but as soon as she finished I was able to get back in without creating too much of a stir. Then came the big moment when the coach was finished giving feedback, I raised my hand and stood up saying, "Excuse me, I know you already called my name because I am the first person on your list, but I had to run to my audition sowill you please hear me sing anyway?" Now, this is going to sound super over dramatic, but that was one of the boldest things I ever did. No joke. At first he looked at me funny but then he said something that made me warm all the way to my toes, "This girl is ready for New York". I took that as a yes, so I walked up to give the pianist my music. Quickly I learned he was a last minute replacement and not a trained accompanist, and just as quickly I regretted my song choice. I greeted him and he asked, "What are you singing?" I tried not to cringe as I responded, "Jason Robert Brown's 'Still Hurting' from the Last Five Years". You should have seen the look on his face; the utter horror! Still he feigned calmness and said something along the lines of, "I'll do my best". Long story somewhat shorter the coach was pretty impressed with my singing (he suggested that I add a little belt but I had not learned to do that yet...) and I got to surprise him with my acting choices. I swear that look of surprise on his face when he asked me to speak a verse (and I chose to say it as though I were yelling at Jamie) was completely priceless. Finally, I felt like maybe I could be good at this and maybe...just maybe I have a shot in old NYC . Anywhoo, it was a dreamy experience and let me tell you I walked out of that room floating on air, in fact if hadn't been able to feel the blisters from my heels I could have sworn my feet didn't touch the ground again that day ;P

P.P.S. If you finished reading all that you are amazing