Starting a new fic, surprise surprise. This one is based off of the books 50 shades of grey. I really wanted to focus on Peeta's 'mutt' side and came up with this sexy little number. The title is from the song Wicked Game covered by Gemma Hayes, it's a beautiful song in my opinion.

I look at the reflection of my little sister in my mirror above my antique dresser. She crawled into my bed at around midnight with a fever and a raging cough, crying about her body aching all over. Ever since we can both remember, whenever she was sick, which was a lot when she was younger, she'd crawl into my bed instead of our parents, especially after our father died and our mother checked out.

Prim smiles weakly up at me, her pale face even paler. "Thank you for doing this for me."

"It's fine."

"No it's not. I know how much you hate talking to people."

She's right, I loathe talking to people. I much rather spend my time safe in the homemade bubble that I surround myself, with only Prim and my best friend Gale to talk to. I hadn't always been a recluse; it's just another thing that's changed since that day when I was twelve years old.

"I just need your interview questions and I'll be fine. Do you want me to pick you up some soup when I'm finished?" I watch as Prim shakes her head no. "I'll bring you in some medicine before I leave though, okay?"

"Thank you," she croaks.

I feel bad for her really, that's why I'm doing this for her. That and I'd do anything for my sister. But if I'm being truthful when she asked me to take her place in interviewing Seattle's Most Eligible Bachelor (or that is what I've heard Prim say yet I still have no idea who Peeta Mellark is), I did consider saying no. But it wasn't like anyone else could do it and Prim needed it for school, so I bit back my own fears and issues and nodded my head yes.

I finish getting dressed, borrowing Prim's clothing because it wouldn't be appropriate to meet a multi-millionaire in torn up jeans, a Seattle University hoodie, and Converses. Instead I stole a charcoal gray pencil skirt, forest green chiffon blouse that I've tucked in, and ridiculous heels that Prim always walks in so flawlessly. I considered doing my hair but it's still braided and resting over my right shoulder, as it always is. Prim is asleep again by the time I set the cough syrup on the nightstand along with a little note for her to read when she wakes up. Hopefully she stays asleep until I return home.

Mellark Enterprises is located in the heart of Seattle. It's not too has from the subdivision I live in with my mother and Prim located on the west side of the city. Even still with its close distance, I've somehow managed to be late as I throw my old truck into park in the parking garage across the street and barely take the keys from the ignition before I'm running towards the building, not bothering to for cars as I cross the street.

A red haired girl with porcelain skin greets me with a smile from behind an impressive sandstone desk.

"Welcome to Mellark Enterprises, how may I help you?"

"Uh," I stutter. "I have an appointment with Mr. Mellark. I'm Katniss Everdeen for Primrose Everdeen."

"One moment please," the girl says before picking up a phone and dials a few numbers after putting it up to her ear. "I have a Ms. Everdeen here saying she has an appointment with Mr. Mellark." She pauses as she listens to whoever is at the other end of the line. "Okay, thank you."

After she hangs up the phone again she smiles at me once more. "If you could just sign in here," she hands me a clipboard, "then take the elevator to the twentieth floor, Meredith will assist you from there. Have a great day."

"Thank you," I say before scurrying to the elevator.

Meredith, on the twentieth floor, is another young girl with beautiful ebony skin and black hair with brown eyes that are hidden behind stylish glasses. "Good morning, Ms. Everdeen. Mr. Mellark is expecting you; you can just go ahead in."

I'm flustered but I nod my head as I work my way to the large oak double doors quickly, tripping on the stubborn heals I'm wearing and tumbling head first into the large office.

"Shit," I mutter to myself. The notecards of Prim's that I had been holding in my hand scatter across the white marble floor. I scramble on my hands and knees trying my fastest to pick them up without causing an even bigger scene that I've already had.

I stop immediately when highly polished black dress shoes appear in front of me. I audibly gulp and timidly look up to see a much younger man than expected and far more handsome than the image I conjured up of him in my head. He holds out a hand to help me up and I take it.

"Sorry Sir," I mutter quickly. "I'm not normally this klutzy."

He clears his throat before speaking, "It's quite alright Primrose."

"Actually Sir, its Katniss. I'm Primrose's sister; she is very ill and couldn't make but does send her deepest apologies. She has been looking forward to meeting you."

"Well then send her my regards, Katniss. Please have a seat," Mr. Mellark ushers me to the large black chairs that are positioned near the floor to ceiling windows that showcases the bay perfectly.

I sit in the chair across from him and before I get the tape recorder out of my large bag I take in the man to be Peeta Mellark. He's too handsome to be considered a person really. He's more God-like. Broad shoulders hidden underneath of a well trailered suit jacket. I hate to even think what else that jacket is hiding, he probably works out religiously. His jaw looks to be chiseled out of marble, square and manly. His blonde, tousled hair reminds me of a frat boy, but it also makes me want to run my fingers through it just to see if it's as soft as it really seems. It's not until I get to Mr. Mellark's eyes that my heart stops. I thought Prim had bright blue eyes but they are nothing compared the crystal ones that I'm staring at now. They are truly captivating, how the bright morning sun reflects off of them like they are mirrors of the Caribbean Sea.

"Ms. Everdeen?" Mr. Mellark interrupts my daydream.

"Oh yes, right," I remind myself to get the voice recorder out. "Do you mind if I record this? It'll just be for future references, no one but my sister will be hearing it."

"It's fine."

I nod my head and push the button with the red circle on it, the clicks making the ancient machine coming to life.

"So," I begin as I look down that the note cards that I've done a horrible job of putting back into order. Oh well. "Mr. Mellark, you are the sole owner of Mellark Enterprises, which is one of the wealthiest enterprises not only in the United States, but in the world. When you first started, did you ever think that it would be at the magnitude that it is today?"

"I don't think anyone would have guessed it. If someone would have told eighteen year old me that I'd go from gambling on owning a mom and pop diner in a sketchy part of Seattle to being on the cover of magazines, I'd have laughed in their face."

"Do you find it humbling that you started with nothing?"

"Very humbling," Mr. Mellark answers. "I was homeless at one time, so that is why I donate a lot of my time and money to schools and various charities. I know what it feels like to be cold, hungry and everyone telling you that your ideas and dreams are pointless. Every child should have a chance to make their dreams come true; their background shouldn't hinder it from happening."

His answer isn't one that I was expecting. "Is that why you bought Capitol High School all new text books as well as funding the arts programs?"

Mr. Mellark nods. "It was actually your sisters doing. She had e-mailed my assistant at the beginning of the school year talking about how generous I've been and that her school is in need of assistance because the government cannot provide them with enough money for many of the basic things."

"Without your contribute to the school, there wouldn't have been a homecoming, Prom or even a graduation ceremony, let alone any extracurricular activities."

"Extracurricular activities are very important. They kept my brother and me off the streets and on the right path. I wrestled while he was on the swim team. Without those, I know that we would be living very differently than how we are today."

"You were adopted, correct?"

"Yes, as well as my brother and sister. They were both adopted at birth while I was adopted when I was seven."

"Do you think that has shaped you in anyway?"

Mr. Mellark rests his elbow on the arm of the chair and rubs his stubbly chin with his pointer finger. I can tell that he's not comfortable with this topic but it's a question that is written on the card and I'm not going to not ask it.

"I don't remember a time before my mother, father and siblings so I have no way of knowing if it shaped me in anyway."

It's me nodding my head this time. Before I'm able to ask my next question a soft knock comes from the large oak doors I stumbled through not too long ago before they open and Meredith pokes her head in.

"Mr. Mellark, your next appointment is here."

"I'm not finished with Ms. Everdeen; will you reschedule and apologize for me?"


Once the door is closed again I speak. "We can finish here if this is an inconvenience for you. I'm sure Prim has enough material here to write something for her school editorial."

"Its fine, Katniss," he smiles a white-tooth smile. "Besides, I'd like to know a little bit more about you."

I pause, probably looking like a scared deer in headlights. Why does this man want to know about me? That is not how one-sided interviews go. "Uh, there isn't a lot to know about me."

"I'm sure there is. Are you in school?"

"I'm graduating this year from Seattle University."

"What is your major?"

"Environmental Sciences," I answer.

"Interesting, and what do you plan on doing once you graduate?"

"There is a company that I have an interview with after graduation that deals with finding new ways to use reusable energy."

"That's great. I'm always looking at new ways to get Mellark Enterprises to go greener. Maybe, we can find a way to work together in the not so distant future."

"I'd like that very much, Sir."

Mr. Mellark smirks and gives me a look that makes me squirm in my seat. That yearning to run my fingers through his hair is back and I have to force myself not to reach out for him. I bit my bottom lip but the moment Mr. Mellark makes a pointed look at me I release it.

"Is that all, Ms. Everdeen?" he asks in a sultry voice.

"Uh, yes," I answer far too quickly. "But I was supposed to ask if you were willing to pose for a photo for the school year book as well as the pamphlet they will be passing out at graduation?"

"It would be my pleasure. My assistant, Meredith will set it up for us, if you would just give her the information needed."

We stand from our chairs at the same time. Mr. Mellark holds out his hand for me to shake. I take it, and we hold onto each other for a beat too long as Mr. Mellark continues to make eye contact with me that leaves me breathless. If his business somehow fails, I'm sure he'd have no troubles convincing people that he was a hypnotist.

Placing a hand on the small of my back, he guides me to the doors. "To make sure you do not trip again," he smirks as he follows me out into the lobby with his hand still on my back to keep my balance.

"Thank you."

"I'll be seeing you, Katniss Everdeen," he tells me before he disappears into his office and closes the doors behind him.

I'll be seeing you. What does that mean? When will he be seeing me? I give Meredith Prim's cell phone number for the proper information for the photos. And when she asks for my own cell phone number, I give it to her without much thought.

Prim is awake and lounging on the couch when I get home. She looks only a fraction better than she did this morning, but at least she got up and moved around a bit. We smile at each other, no need for any further greetings. I make sure I graze her forehead with the back of my hand to take her temperature before making my way into the kitchen.

I'm surprised to see my mom sitting at the small table, looking over mail, probably bills.

"I thought you were working a double today," I say as I reach to grab a cup from the top shelf of the cupboard.

"I'm working first and third that way I can catch a nap between. I was going to just sleep at the hospital but Prim called asking to bring her stronger medicine that way she can go back to school tomorrow."

I nod my head as I sip the water from my glass. It's awkward being around my mom. We have nothing in common to talk about, nothing but Prim, and there is only so much we can talk about when it comes to her.

I always favored my dad. It's probably because I'm the female duplicate of him. I got his olive skin, dark brown hair, steel colored eyes, and love for the great outdoors. Before he passed, my dad taught me how to shoot a bow and how to aim to be able to shoot squirrels and birds right through the eye and larger game straight in the heart. I never miss a target. Never.

I walk back into the living room. Prim is sitting up, waiting for me.

"How was he? Did you ask all the questions? Did he say yes to the photo shoot? You were nice and polite right? I know you don't mean to but sometimes you do come off a bit frigid."

I give off a small laugh and pull Prim into my side. I wish she was still the young and tiny little girl that I still see when I look at her, but she's already eighteen and graduating high school in a month. We're the same size now; actually I think she's taller.

"Mr. Mellark was very polite. He didn't even laugh when I fell through the office doors."

"Oh no, Katniss you didn't!"

I nodded my head. "I'm afraid I did. I knew I shouldn't have worn those god forsaken death traps."

"They aren't death traps, Katniss. You just walk like a baby gazelle in them."

"Shut up. Anyways, I asked all of the questions and have them recorded. And since I'm the best sister in the world, I asked if he was willing to have his photo taken for the yearbook and he agreed so I gave his assistant, Meredith, both of our numbers. So expect a call from her or anyone else working for Mellark Enterprises in the next couple days."

"You are the best. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Don't ask me to go interview him again though, it's slightly intimidating."

"Really Katniss, you think anyone who makes eye contact with you is intimidating."

A few days go by before Prim announces that Meredith called and set up a time to take a few head shots of Peeta Mellark. She immediately roped in her boyfriend, Rory and his brother Gale, my best friend, into helping. Gale made a side job of taking photos of landscapes and selling them in high school and throughout high school. He doesn't do it much now, but that doesn't stop him from carrying his camera everywhere he goes. Rory picked it up from joining the yearbook committee in an attempt to get closer to Prim.

It's the night before the shoot when I get a call from an unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Katniss Everdeen?" the smooth female asks on the other end of the line.


"This is Meredith from Mellark Enterprises."

"Yes, Mr. Mellark's assistant."

"Correct. I was just calling to tell you that Mr. Mellark requests your presence tomorrow."

"What?" I ask dumbfounded. "Why?"

"Mr. Mellark didn't give me a reason. I was just told to inform you to be at Hotel 1000 at noon. Thank you, have a nice night."

She didn't give me enough time to decline before she hung the phone up and I'm stuck listening to the dial tone.

With a look of confusion I head into Prim's room. She's busy picking out an outfit to wear for tomorrow's big event that I am now a part of.

"Mr. Mellark's assistant just called me to inform me that I would be expected to show up tomorrow. Why would Mr. Mellark want me there, I'm not needed."

Prim shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe he'd feel more comfortable having someone whose face he already knows rather than just three strangers. Or he might like you."

"What? Where did that come from?"

"I listened to the recording. He seemed interested." Prim laughs, "Seattle's Most Eligible Bachelor is interested in my sister. No wonder he's single."

I narrow my eyes at my younger sister and she just gives me her best smile before turning her attention back to her closet. She pulls a few things out of it and throws them at me.

"Wear this."

I look down at the pair of dark washed skinny jeans and a cream colored cable knit sweater. God, tomorrow was going to be a nightmare.