(Please Note: I don't own Rockman.EXE so eat me kindly)

It was a beautiful morning in the city of Akihabara, just like everyday. Children crowded into their school house. Two children giggled at an empty seat five minutes before the bell was scheduled to ring.

The jabbering of a familiar electronic voice awoke Hikari Netto from his much deserved slumber. The night before he had stopped Fireman and Elecman from taking over a radio station for the World Three. Netto slammed his feet onto the floor and stood up quick with a smile on his face. He gave a cocky grin to his NAVI partner who had stopped his verbal assault now that his friend and partner was awake.

"Hey, just another normal day, Right, Rockman?"

As normal as the day seemed, it was unfortunately not. Today is the last day of Hikari Netto's life.

~The End~

Revelation 1: Get Over It

Netto flew out the door, throwing on his trademark roller blades as he adjusted his headband and skated off for school. He skated past Higure's chip shop only to notice a large truck parked outside. Netto peered in through the window and it was quite obvious that Higure was getting robbed. Netto quickly charged through the door.

"Higure-san...?" Netto called out.

"Oy...demasu..." a whimper called out as two men appeared from the back. Both hulking in size and menacing in their demeanor. One of them was dragging a bound Higure behind him. The other held a sack of chips and a large pistol.

"Hey... I don't know what you think you're up to, but stealing is wrong! My NAVI has already called the police so you had just better untie Higure-san and give him his stuff back!"

"Such noble intent from such a feeble creature. I've longed for the day I would be challenged by your poetic justice, Hikari. The future is so bright with you in it. Unfortunately, I hate the light." Netto was confused by the masked man's way of speaking. He wasn't even sure the masked man was doing the talking as it sounded like the speech was coming from a radio. "No, you're right. These bodies are merely vessels for my electronic wizardry. Do you honestly think I'm stupid enough to send real people to rob a silly store?"

"Demasu...demasu...demasu...demasu..." Higure repeated over and over. Netto could now notice the blood trickling down Higure's face. They must have attacked him. No doubt these masked men were much like the operators that Stoneman and Bomberman had during the tournament.

"Oh god.. I'm so sick of hearing you whine." The robot put the pistol to Higure's head and pulled the trigger. Instinctively, Netto's eyes closed from the loud sound. Though his ears were ringing, he heard a very loud thump. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the small hole in Higure's forehead. Blood slowly poured from the hole as Higure's body lay silent. "As you can see, Hikari, I'm so very tired of being subtle and playing silly childish games with you. I know the power of Rockman and I fear it no longer."

Netto was still in shock.

"Higure...san..." Netto took two steps back and opened the door and ran towards the school house. Rockman kept screaming Netto's name.

"Netto-kun..." Came the NAVI's voice. Netto ignored Rockman's plea and pushed on. He had to get to the schoolhouse. He had to find Dekao and Meiru. How would he face Mariko-sensei? He was already late and now with Higure-san. He had to save Higure-san. He had to help him. Wait, he can't save Higure-san. Tears streamed down Netto's face as the reality struck him. They had killed Higure and they knew full well who he and Rockman were.

"Mama..." came the a dry and shocked voice as Netto's eyes opened wide with fear. He was already at the school. If he went home now, he couldn't do anything. He needed his friends. He needed to know what was going on. Again, Netto paused. If he got them involved, wouldn't they be hurt too? Then he continued into the school. They were already involved. Without being together, they would lose this battle.

Netto pushed the door open and was pushed back by a force. Akihabara Elementary School exploded. Netto could feel the glass in his chest as he slowly lost consciousness and passed out.

~To Be Continued~


Wow... Okay, so I'm a bastard and I just feel like destroying Netto's life. No, this is not a dream either. So Stay tuned for the next chapter where everyone else dies too! Erm. Maybe I'm just kidding about that :P

On a side not, I'll probably be cleaning up Cosmic Shame because I kind of liked where I was going with that story but I obviously screwed it up continuity wise... yeah. My bad. Also, expect some more Transformers soon-ish.


See ya next time, reader... and remember *REVIEW*