Rockman.EXE does not belong to me, nor does the poem that I quote that is there to help build tension for the story.

Anywho, I have a lot of free time away from IRC now, so I'll be using it to write.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert.

A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

W.B. Yeats

The ground still quaked as Netto rose to his feet, glass shards stuck in his bare legs as warm droplets of blood trickled down.

"M....Meiru-chan..." one hand was gripped tightly to his chest, cradling his heart as it thumped with a vicious ferocity and the other reached towards the burning Akihara Elemantary. Desperately swimming for breath amongst the smoke, Netto screamed for his lost friends. In the approaching distance, he heard sirens coming from the firehouse.

"Some hero I am..." Netto spoke aloud, half to himself and half to his NAVI Rockman.

"...Netto-kun..." Rockman's soft voice came through the speakers of the PET. Netto's trembling hands reached down and switched the device off, holstering it back onto his side. His movements were slow and imprecise. Netto wasn't trying to ignore his friend and partner, but he couldn't look into his green eyes. He felt tremendous guilt as his heart beat with alarming violence. The world sparkled in his eyes; the lights seemed to dim... Netto took one step forward and collapsed to the debris-strewn ground. The only sound he could hear was his heart thumping even louder and more violently. What he couldn't hear was Rockman screaming in pain.

The End: Second Revelation: ~Slouching Towards Bethlehem~

"I'm not connected anymore. Where am I?" Netto recognized his own voice.

"We're in heaven, brother..." the voice was soft and sweet, yet similar to Netto's. It was a very familiar voice but now it sounded so clear and resonant. It was missing its normal digital interferance.


Colour exploded all around Netto. His arms thrashed around him. He was tied down. To what? He couldn't tell. He had to escape. Where was Meiru? Yaito? Dekao? Tohru? Mama! Papa! Rockman! Netto thrashed and railed against whatever was keeping him down. His heart thundered in his head.

"He's going back into cardiac arrest! Give me some god damn sedatives, NOW!"

Something cold was against his neck, a pinch and then it was blackness again. This time he was paying attention. He could hear his heart, but it wasn't as loud here. It was still fast and violent, but the sound was further away.

"Stop looking for excuses, you don't belong here. Not yet. Papa promised me." The soft and sweet voice still retained it's tone, but it was covered in a syrup of worry that made it thick and slightly bitter. "This wasn't supposed to happen. Papa promised..."

"What are you talking about? Is this a dream?"

"I don't know, Netto-kun." When Netto looked at the boy, it was like a mist. It was like looking at something out of the corner of his eye, for he could barley make it out. Sometimes it looked like the boy had green eyes and at other times it looked as if his eyes were brown. He looked grave with worry.

"If this is heaven, then were is everyone? Where is Meiru-chan? I promised her I wouldn't be late again. I should have been there..."

Without warning, the area surrounding the two crashed to a colour of red as Netto felt the sensation of being flushed. The other figure blurred away. His arms were useless when there was nothing to hold on to.

Flash of white.


"We've got a pulse! He's back!" so many voices screaming around him, but all he could hear clearly was the sound of his heart beating. His eyes were blurry and he could only smell something had been burnt. He wanted to go back inside. He wanted to know more. He felt so comfortable there with the other. It was home. He wanted to go home. The electronic pulse slowly faded next to Netto's ear.

"We're losing tone!" a doctor screamed at the others around him. The doctors went back to work on Netto, placing the paddles upon his bare chest. His trademark headband had long fallen to the floor, trampled by the rush of feet and forgotten.

Outside of Netto's operating room was a full fledged sea of chaos. Covered in soot and ash came the bodies of his classmates, carried in bags and buckets and stretchers. Nurses and doctors whispered into each other's ear. They talked about how few bodies they had found, and how most of the children and teachers were most likely obliterated in the blast. They talked about the poor boy who was the only survivor and how when he was brought into the hospital he was hallucinating, screaming for his dead brother.

Elsewhere in the hospital, coronors finished tagging and identifying Higure's body. The police had yet to make any connection between the murder of a sales clerk and a school's explosion.

Far away from the hospital in a secret building tucked away from harm rested five candles against an unfathomable darkness. Together they huddled, afriad to leave their sanctuary. They waited until they were ready.

Two parents who had already known the pain of losing a child drove their vehicle as fast as they could towards the hospital. They carelessly put their car into park and ran to the emergency room entrance. What they found was a war zone. Armed guards quickly snatched them from behind and escorted them through the entrance. Bodies were strewn at their feet. They were shoved through the doors of an operating room, to a man clad in all black with wild silver hair. On the table was Netto. His body was quaking as he lay unconcious.

Haruka cried out and tried to run to him, but Yuuichirou held her back. The silver-haired man turned around with a smile on his angelic face.

"Dr. Hikari, how perfect of you to join us."

"Break!" Yuuichiro immediately recognized the decieving face.

"I need another favour, Hikari, maybe this time we can do it without having to kill another one of your children."

~To Be Continued~

Yosh, Angst abounds.

Please use this space to create an imaginary converstation between me and my rather silent muses...

All 2043094042024957498724359837 billion of them.... .
