Chapter 3: the choice...

Maxine's POV

after I had ran out the door I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore. When I stopped I suddenly noticed that I was in the pixie part of the village, a place that was forbidden for elfs to enter, unless they wanted to get in BIG trouble...

"But this is also were Arsenio lives...maybe there is a chance I can go and see him..."

A voice in my head told me, but I heavily shook my head, knowing that it was impossible to go and see him now...

"and even IF I would go and see him now... I wouldn't have any idea what to say to him,... i'm so confused..."

I thought while I strolled down the street looking at all the couples that were walking threw the city. Most of them were pixies I knew from the day I was born and that I used to tease because they were pixies... cleanfreak, nature loving pixies... but now... I looked at them and I felt... empty... like something was missing... like something... ore someone... was trying to tell me that I had been wrong about pixies... and about elfs for that matter... that we COULD feel love...if we only put ourselves open to it...

"seriously Maxine... your getting weaker by the moment... just... look at yourself... your phafetic... feeling sorry for yourself like that..."

A voice in my head told me firmly, before I looked at myself in the window of a shop, for a moment I saw myself as Gypsy gyps, dancing happily with Arsenio on the grassfield next to the pixiefalls... before it went back to my own face... A tear run down as I slowly started to sing...

"Look at myself, try to see, who I wanne be...

My hearth says yes, my mind says no...
why do I feel so alone... if this is what I want...

what Is my heart trying to tell me?
why do I feel so confused...
i'm a elf... he's a pixie, two diffrent forms of life...
how can it be... how can it be,... I feel like

we were meant to be...

I used to be cruel, reckless and strong... then he came to me
telling me love can be strong... that we were meant to be...
was it all a dream, ore did I really feel, that my heart was at peace with you...
and how can it be, that even diffrent... our love felt so true...

what Is my heart trying to tell me?
why do I feel so confused...
i'm a elf... he's a pixie, two diffrent forms of life...
how can it be... how can it be,... I feel like

we were meant to be...

while I sang, Femke suddenly came to me, wearing her usual clothes as well a as a blanket in her arms.

"hey... I know I've said this before but... know that... i'm here to help..."

She said looking at me with a sad look. I looked back at her, seeing how she looked at me shocked as tears started to flood into my eyes.

"Maxine... are... are you... crying?"

She asked with a strange look.

"No, i'm trying to make a second pixie falls in the middle off the plaza, can't you see that?"

I joked lightly. I saw Femke smiled at me, taking my hands in her match bigger onces.

"Maxine.. listen, I know it must be confusing to... to know that Arsenio actually loves you... but... you know... maybe it isn't as bad as you think it is... you can at least try.,... give it a chance... "

She said while she looked at me with stern look, before she got up and dusted herself off.

"and just so you know... it isn't strange to follow you heart and your dreams... their the ones that make us who we are..."

she said before she walked off towards the elfs part of the town again. I now looked up with a shocked look. She had just said something no one had ever told me before... she told me to follow my hearth, while most people, pixies and gnomes... think we don't have a hearth...ore dreams... that were just cruel and hearthless monsters...

"they were wrong... elfs have feeling as well... and we can make our own fate... not by stealing and scamming... but by following our hearts and dreams and choose who WE want to be ourselves..."

I thought while I got up and walked towards the side of the pixie village were the rich pixies lived... while I did so... I closed my eyes, imagining what it would feel like to tell him what I truely felt about him after that last moment our eyes met...

"so I will trust my hearth, nothings gonna stand in my way
elfs can make their own fate, and I will be the prove
If I don't do this, I will live on... with a broken hearth...
for you... and you only... showed me... true love..."

I sang looking at the palace of Arsenio now with a bright smile, knowing I would do whatever was needed to see him and tell him what I couldn't do last time... tell him that I loved him... for real...

Arsenio's POV

"Here I am... all alone, thinking about the past
wondering how, ore when... my love for you will last
you broke my heart and left me alone...
how can it be your love for me failed to shine...
I thought I saw love when our eyes last met
and even do you left me, I will not regret...

because True love will proceed
and I still believe indeed...
that we were meant to be
for I still feell...
true love...

ofcourse were diffrent, ofcourse were appart...
But I know we could overcome that...
your a elf, i'm a pixie... were two difrent kinds...
but I feel, that we form a whole together...

because True love will proceed
and I still believe indeed...
that we were meant to be
for I still feell...
true love...

I ended the song when I heard a knock on my door.

"come in..."

I said with a sad look. One of the guards I had send to retrieve Maxine for me entered the room with a sad look in his eyes, shaking his head sadly, meaning they hadn't been able to get her to me...

"The woman in charge said we had to give her time to..."

He started, but just then another guard came in, huffing as if he had been running all the way here..

"My lord... she is here... she came after all... Amore is with her at the moment making sure she can't lie to you again..."

He said with a red face as he pointed to the door. I looked at the both of them with a not understanding look, before it dawned on me what the last guard had said... she was here SHE WAS HERE.! As fast as I could I runned to my room to fresh myself up a bit before I almost runned down the hall towards were she was being kept.

"I will trust my heart, what else can I do
I know I can't stay dreaming, I know she loves me two!

for I feel... I dream this will be with... my true love...

He sang throwing his hands into the air happily, before he straighent his tie and went to see maxine...


and with that I end my thirt chapter! I hope you all liked it! This chapter just shot right out of my arms when I started to write it! The song is something I made up myself, inspired by the song "so much more" from cinderella 3! I didn't used that song, I was listening to it, and when I wrote down that maxine was looking at herself in the reflection off that store these were just the words that popped into my head!

I really hope you all enjoyed it, enough to leave me a revieuw!