Chapter 10

Jaspers POV
I walk out front with Bella's phone to my ear. 'OK Peter, I'm outside, what is it you wanted to say that I needed to be outside for?' I asked my annoying brother.
'Well, Major, I can't believe you didn't notice that firecracker likes you.' He tells me with a hint of mischief in his tone.
'What are you talking about?' I ask exasperated, as I pinch the bridge of my nose with my free hand.'Well, Jasper, you found your mate.' He says. I freeze.

'Jasper?' I hear through the phone as I hear someone else take the phone, I recognize Charlotte's voice. 'Char? He said,… but who?' I question her as I start to pace.
'The little firecracker!' I hear Peter shout as Char sighs.
'Bella? No she's not….' I start to argue but trail off as I feel the truth settle the beast in his cage.
'Yes, she is.' Char tells me gently and then continues, 'And you better ask her out before she leaves or you will miss your chance completely.' Then the dial tone sounds as she hangs up on me. I sigh and decide to go through the window to talk to Bella.

I crawl through her bedroom window and stand on the opposite side of the bed that she just sat on. I hear her sigh and decide to let her know that I'm here before I scare her. 'Bella.' I say gently. She spins around in surprise, throwing her hand out automatically, when suddenly I feel something push me straight back into the wall next to the window I just came through. I land in a heap on her bedroom floor as she rushes over to me looking shocked.
'Jasper! Are you ok?' She asks me as she helps me stand, not that I needed the help.
'What was that?' I ask her as I manage to lift myself to my feet.
'Um, I'm really not sure. Are you ok?' she asks me again as she grabs my hand, I feel a thrill of electricity shoot up my arm as she pulls me to sit next to her on the bed, which she only manages since I let her.

'Oh, yeah, whatever that was it just surprised me that's all.' I smile at her, as I feel nerves begin to build in my stomach. 'Anyway, I wanted to talk to you in private about, something, and also return your phone.' I tell her as I nervously pass her phone back to her.
'Why are you nervous?' she gently questions me, and I realize I must have been projecting without meaning to. I gulp.
'Oh, um well you see…' I mumble nervously.
'Jasper?' She questions again and I look at her, into her beautiful brown eyes.
'You are so beautiful.' I tell her as I take both her hands into mine. 'Edward was an idiot for not really seeing you and only following the pixie's orders. You are the most beautiful, caring person I have ever met, and I believe no… I know for a fact you are my mate, I want you to accept me as your mate but I will wait for your decision as long as it takes I won't rush you, I just needed to tell you.' I tell her seriously, and face goes blank with a scowl.

Bella's POV
I pull my blank faced scowl on my face as I make sure my emotions won't leak out to him after everything he just said. I can't accept this, after everything with Alice and Edward, I don't believe in mates. And yet I find my heart fluttering in hope and joy at everything he just told me. I sigh. 'Ok, Jasper, here's the deal, I will accept dating you, not the whole mate thing, but we have to take it slow, oh and you would have to move with me but not into my place.' I tell him.
'Ok, anything, Bella, I'll do it.' He tells me with a nod and a smile. Then he leans in and kisses me gently on the lips and pulls away quickly. I sigh again and smile at him.

The End

AN I will be doing a sequel as noted in previous chapter, it will start when Bella and Jasper have moved and Bella's first week on the job not sure when I will be able to post it though.