From anywhere in Oblivia, one could see a large pillar of what could only be considered light energy rapidly ascend skyward from somewhere deep in the ocean. Anyone with a telescope, binoculars, or impressive vision who looked at the light's origin would be able to see that it shot into the sky from a rather small island, if it could be called that. This island, known to few Oblivian residents as Tilikule Island, was the smallest of the seven islands and did not garner much attention aside from the sparse plant life and two ancient, yet durable, stone monuments that stood unaffected by the passage of time.

Near the very source of it all stood two humans and two pokémon, the only visitors to the island in a long time and the ones behind the light pillar's appearance. One of the pokémon, a pichu, was unique in that it held a ukulele that let it calm some of the more aggressive pokémon with music. The other pokémon was a large and imposing yet gentle bird of prey known as a staraptor, who possessed enough strength to carry everyone present. In spite of the bandages on one of its talons and wings, it was as strong as ever due to its dislike of falling behind in flying ability, and had the physique to show for it.

The two humans, one male and one female, were Pokémon Rangers. These rangers wore a different uniform compared to that of most rangers, boasting a yellow scarf and blue goggles for starters. Their clothing, a red vest, blue and white shirt, blue finger-less gloves and shorts, red belt, and red and blue shoes, was designed to support them in any environment, and was aided by the technology of the capture devices known as Stylers they wore on their wrists. This time, however, neither amount of technology nor years of experience could protect them from the stunning rush of airy, calm feelings the pillar aroused within them. Seconds later, it faded and left behind a glowing triangle on the smaller of the two structures. The pokémon looked at their friends in concern, wondering if the light did something to them.

"You felt it too, right Summer? I'm not crazy, am I?" the male ranger asked his ally moments later, breaking the silence. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Summer, uncertain about his current vision. He could swear he saw her glow red, if only for a split second, before his vision returned to normal.

"No, Ben, you're not," his partner replied, returning the gaze. She blinked rapidly, only speaking again once she was sure things were okay. "Something about this feels...familiar..." She walked near the edge of the island and looked towards a distant island that appeared to be the main focus of their mission. Layuda Island was a large, agriculturally underdeveloped landmass that stretched skyward like a mountain. With no way to safely dock there, the only way to get on the island would be to fly, which would not be a problem were it not for the thunderclouds surrounding the place that thwarted their previous attempt. As she stared at the seemingly endless lightning storm that safeguarded the island, she couldn't shake the feeling that whatever came over her was something hidden inside her a long time ago. She placed her left hand on her chest and sighed, unable to sort out the anxiety that gripped her.

"Ben, this feels... unusual. It feels like a part of me that went missing long ago. I've never felt this way before." The ranger shook her head and went back to staring at the thunderclouds. Piercing through her confusion, to her mixed relief, was a feeling that the Pokémon Pinchers had already made it through the deadly storm and reached the legendary electric-type pokémon Zapdos before they could. "I know this sounds weird, but we should try focusing on our mission. We have to protect Zapdos from them."

Ben and the others stood next to her and gazed unflinchingly at the distant storm that brewed despite the sky being calm everywhere else. All of them were determined to do what they could to prevent something horrible from happening to Oblivia, but in their current state, the storm would surely fry them and any chances the region had of becoming peaceful once more. They looked at the clear sky and sunlit ocean, taking solace in how calm the setting looked and knowing it could be disrupted at any moment if they did not hurry.

"You're right," he replied. "We need the help of Latias and Latios if we want to break through Layuda Island's storm clouds, and we won't get their help just standing around." Latias and Latios were two legendary dragon-and-psychic type pokémon known in legend to have helped the historic Hero of Oblivia long ago. They were the only hope the rangers had of reaching Layuda Island unscathed, having witnessed their impressive flying prowess firsthand while Staraptor flailed about in the storm. Their speed, psychic abilities, intelligence, and ability to become invisible made tracking them impossible unless either dragon was being careless or their Sign was discovered, and since the first possibility was way too unlikely, the rangers elected to follow the mythology to learn the sign. Yet, knowing all this, no one could suppress the feeling that this would not be the simple mission they thought it was. In fact, though neither member of the party would say it, they knew their lives would never quite be the same after today.

"I won't forget this!"

The humiliated Pokémon Pincher quickly flew away on his flying vehicle, known as the Z.Z. Flyer, hoping to forget the loss of his pokémon to the two rangers. After they released the pokémon, they faced the monument again and read the plaque attached to it. As soon as they finished, a third pillar of light shot upwards. At the same time, vivid images of the sky, serenity and, strangely, companionship filled their minds. Both rangers closed their eyes and smiled as the emotions the images triggered took hold. It was only after Pichu and Staraptor's concerned cries reached them did they return to reality.

"It's getting stronger, whatever it is. Why do I feel this way?" Ben wondered, shaking his head. He frowned as the pleasant emotions he felt faded away, though he felt them linger a little longer than last time.

"I doubt this is just something random, especially since I feel it too," Summer said as she rubbed her eyes. "We've never even touched these small monuments. There's definitely something fishy about this." She eyed the monument, and for a moment she giggled before she caught herself. Ben frowned, clearly unnerved about the recent events. He and Summer had dismissed the earlier incident as just some unusual phenomenon, but after going through a more pronounced version of it, he was no longer sure it was a coincidence.

"To be honest, it's scaring me. Let's be careful...if we can."

The monument they visited had cast visions upon them just like the first and third monuments. These were even stronger than the others, however, and had caused the underwater world to temporarily disappear around them. Were it not for their Stylers' Voice Navigator vibrating and blaring an alert to return to the surface, Summer and Ben would surely have drowned in the Eastern Sea. As soon as they got their bearings, they re-boarded The Union, the Ranger Union's ship, as fast as possible.

"You two don't look so good," the current driver of The Union said. He looked at his panting friends in concern. "You sure took a long time down there. Aw, don't tell me you're seasick! We don't have anything for that here."

"No, it's not that Murph!" Summer replied quickly. She sat down on a pile of ropes and breathed deeply, tending to her unease. She glanced at Ben, who had taken a seat of his own, before sighing as she rubbed her eyes. "This might sound crazy, but I think our state has something to do with those monuments. I mean, we weren't feeling this way before."

"I wonder if there's a curse on them," Ben suggested, "one that's meant to protect them from the likes of the Pinchers." He let out a sigh of his own and leaned against the port. "I'd like to think we'll be okay, but with the way things are going, I am not so sure anymore."

"Hey, hey! We shouldn't be moping around! That is a real buzz kill," the chief of public relations said. He smiled as he continued. "You two activated the last monument needed. I say we regroup at Rand's before you head out. That storm is doing a good job keeping those Pinchers away, and I don't think they'd spend all night trying. They would get fried like an egg." He chuckled at his small joke, causing the others to laugh slightly. Murph docked the ship and led everyone to Rand's house.

"Welcome back, everyone," the currently sole inhabitant of the home greeted. "How goes the search?"

"They found all five parts, Leanne," Murph happily announced. He walked closer to her as the two rangers took a seat on the couch. "Something's up, though. I think they could use a break."

"Why's that?" Leanne looked at the duo, noticing the drained expressions they had. "If it's exhaustion, that is understandable. After all, they did travel all over Oblivia. Has something else happened?" Both rangers soon fell asleep where they sat. Murph led the archaeologist a small distance away from them.

"Supposedly," Murph whispered, "the monuments they went to did... something to them. Summer says they started seeing clouds and feeling giddy. Ben thinks they might be cursed. If you ask me, I think they're just tired. Also," he looked at them, "is it me, or are they looking... brighter than usual?"

"I see...This is certainly unusual. I should look into this. Curses are not to be taken lightly in a world like ours."