Hello everyone! This is my new story and I'll give you a glimpse of it before you begin. This is AU, set in 1999, a year after the battle of Hogwarts. Snape, Remus, Tonks are alive.

The main ship of this story is Remus/Tonks but Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione are there as side pairings as well.

I have already written this story but the updates will depend on the response I get, so updates may vary from one day to one month (I guess this my subtle way of saying LEAVE ME A REVIEW!).

I welcome constructive criticism but please don't flame this fic. I guess by reading first two-three chapters, you'll get the gist of the story so if you don't like it, please don't continue reading, I don't wish to offend anyone.

If you find some grammatical errors (which might be loads) please also tell me what they are as they'll help the story improve.

This is rated M but there will be no explicit scenes, just some conversations in some chapters that cannot be exactly labeled as T.

So well, that's it for now. I hope you enjoy!

Thank you :)


Full moon nights appeared sometimes romantic to him and sometimes ominous. Right now it is definitely ominous, thought Harry standing in the courtyard of now fully reconstructed Hogwarts castle. Sun was about to set and wind howled, much like Remus would be doing in few minutes.

They waited for him as he conversed with Tonks in the side in low tones.

"What's taking so long?" He whispered to Hermione, feeling uneasy as Snape stood just few feet away from them. Ever since learning his truth, never ending respect had risen in his heart yet the man still gave him negative vibes. However he had grown awfully quiet now; boring the scar of Nagini's bite on his neck, the sharp comments from him were far and few. Just like now, an old Severus Snape would have snapped hundred times for the delay however this new man politely stood with his hands at the back, staring morosely at the sky.

"Had you been here Harry during the past one year, you wouldn't have asked this question." Hermione rolled her eyes. She had accepted benignly that he had wanted time, she had accepted his reasons to leave the country for a year on one long break but yet sometimes she wasn't behind in teasing him when it came to it. Ron sniggered, casually throwing his arm around Hermione's waist. He took pleasure in knowing something Harry obviously didn't know about.

"Oh Harry…it's Remus and Tonks… they have a very… special sort of relationship you see." Ginny spoke, looking adoringly at the couple in question.

They all turned their attention to the couple. Harry even saw Snape looking discreetly at them.

Remus had Tonks's face cupped in his both hands, while Tonks's hands rested on his waist, her eyes looking down. They couldn't hear what they were saying but whatever it was, it appeared as if he was trying to reassure her of something. He had a look of reverence on his face and he spoke in low tones.

"They got together then?" He asked to anyone who would answer him. He had come back only today and had very little idea of what had gone on in their friends' lives.

He hadn't expected to see fallen faces at his question though.

"It's a long story mate." Ron sighed.

"Tonks sort of… gave up. At the end she decided that if Remus didn't want to be in a relationship then so be it. She decided to be at least friends." Ginny said.

"You see," Started Hermione "Tonks was like… if she cannot have him as a life partner then she'd at least have him as a friend."

"Friends." Ron snorted. "Yeah right. They are friends just for name. Otherwise it is obvious that Tonks loves Remus and Remus loves Tonks. And Remus knows that Tonks loves him and Tonks knows that Remus loves her. And Remus knows that Tonks knows that he loves her and Tonks-"

"Alright I get it." Harry interjected before Ron could confuse him any further. Thankfully Hermione punched him lightly in the stomach.

"The thing is that they won't even deny it any longer that they don't have any feelings, it is sort of like they know it is a lost cause." Said Ginny.

"They behave like a couple, except that they don't kiss-"

"-like other couples would or confess their love to each other." Finished Ron for Hermione.

"And they are happy with it?" Asked Harry. He had hoped that Remus would have reconciled with Tonks now that the war was over and world was a better place because it was only so obvious that he was totally in love with her.

"Not really… but they say- not in front of each other of course- that it is enough, knowing that the other is safe."

"What are they doing right now? Why aren't we moving?" He asked again. There wasn't much time in moonrise but it was clear from Remus's face that he was saying goodbye.

"Tonks always escorts him to Shrieking Shack-"

"-and it's not that Shrieking Shack anymore, Tonks had it transform like a mini palace; she was absolutely against Remus transforming in such gloomy surroundings-"

"-Thanks for the input Ron-" Ginny half rolled her eyes and continued. "-so well it is always Tonks who sees him off."

"Professor Snape-" Hermione whispered his name. "-has been making Wolfsbane for Remus for a year but last month it stopped working. They figured that his body has developed immunity against it. Therefore he wasn't able to take his wolfsbane this month."

"Will he be alright?" Harry asked worriedly.

"I'll have the new, improved potion prepared this month." A soft silky voice spoke, interrupting them, lacking any venom. He looked surprisingly at Snape but he was already looking away.

"So-" Hermione started again. "It's almost after a year that he will be transforming without potion and we all are afraid, especially Tonks about how this month's transformation will go. The strain could be dangerous on his body…"

"Sad part is Tonks has to leave the country on an important mission. Generally she takes an off for full moons but this time it was out of cards. I'll be leaving with her as well." Ron said. Harry knew that Ron was already one year into his Auror training and that Tonks was his mentor.

"Yes so that's what I think Remus is doing, trying to reassure her that he's going to be okay." Ginny spoke sadly.

"It's time." Snape's voice drafted to the couple and they broke apart.

"Don't worry about me Dora, take care." Remus spoke, this time loudly enough for them to hear. Tonks merely nodded and hugged him tightly, burying her face in his neck. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand as Remus bent to kiss her on the shell of her ear.

Pulling away he gave one last brave smile to her and kissed her on forehead, leaving Tonks standing alone.

He limped towards them, his injury that Dolohov had given him in final battle looking prominent before full moon. "Let's go." He said and raised his eyebrows at their mournful expressions. "Come on don't be so gloomy." He tried to cheer them up but then looked at Ron seriously and said, "Take care of her please."

"Don't worry." Ron gave a reassuring smile. "Just someone remember to send her an owl after the moon sets." He leaned in, whispering in a conspiratorial manner. "Or else you know how she'll get."

"I will." Hermione assured him.

Snape was already leading them ahead. Hermione followed him after giving a chaste kiss to Ron.

Harry too moved in the direction of Shrieking Shack along with Ginny but not before he saw Remus turning back and throwing a reassuring smile to Tonks over his shoulder accompanied with a small flying kiss.