The harem is a place where the king is supposed to sooth his fatigue and relieve stress from leading his kingdom. There, you can see beautiful women, intelligent and charming, smiling at the king, ready to please him. The palace expects them to have their full devotion on the king – body, mind, and soul. On the outside, the harem is like a garden full of flowers. It is really an spectacular sight! Oh, you would wish to be the king if you had gone to the harem.

But, on the inside, there is an ugly battle going on. Because these women want power – may it be for their family or for their personal glory – and to achieve that, they need to be favoured by the king. On the outside, the women have a harmonious relationship with each other. But, that is only for show. The truth is, these women are ready to kill each other for the king's affection.

Lady Caroline Forbes knows all this because she is one of them. She has been the king's mistress at the tender age of seventeen. She was even forced to be like him, an immortal, so she can be with him 'til the end of time. The first few months of her turning has been the darkest days of her life. And, at that time, she lost the king's favour because of her "incessant whining."

She is now twenty two, and she is literally invisible in the king's eyes. Maybe, for him, she is dead. She doesn't mind. After all, her intellect is not for the king's entertainment and pleasure. It is all for her and the people close to her.

King Niklaus or Klaus, as he wants to be called is yet again in a meeting with his trusted councillors. He has a grim expression on his face because of another crisis in his hands. Reports say that there is another massacre, this time, in China. You see, he does not mind. He likes a good bloodshed from time to time. But, this is the fourth time this week, and he knows who the culprit is.

"Your highness, we need to take action," Josh said. He is the youngest of his councillors, and while he has an annoying tendency to worry over little things, he is quite useful when it comes to improving his image to humans. "The humans are getting scared about the attacks. And, the rebellion is starting to be strong again."

"Well, at least, there will be entertainment with their campaigns," another of his councillors says, clearly amused.

"Marcellus!" It is the king's brother, Elijah.

"Elijah, relax. It's not like they have a real chance against us."

"Oh, yes, they do not. They just killed ten of us while these massacres are happening. Yes, indeed, they could not touch us."

"Enough with your verbal battle," the king said. "Get me Kol."

"That's the problem, brother. We can't track him."

Klaus growled. "Then, do something about it. Four massacres in one week. It's too much, even for Kol. We need to restrain him. Or know what his problem is this time."

"Of course." Marcellus says. "I'll get Sophie."

The king just nods and leaves the meeting room. As he leaves, Daniel, one of his hybrids, is beside him.

"Let's go to Lady Hayley's chambers."

"Are you bothered by something, my king?" Lady Hayley asks. They are in bed, feeling the aftermath of their love making. Well, erase that. Very rough sex, she means.

Usually, when they have sex, the king's stress is soothed. But now, the king still wears his grim expression, so Lady Hayley's hands travel on his body while kissing his jawline. Of course, she knows what is bothering the king. His brother is causing trouble, and he does not like that. Which in return, she does not like either because his attention is not solely focused on her.

"You know what is bothering me, Hayley."

"I know, and I am sad that I failed to sooth you."

"My brother is really causing trouble. I need him to be found."

"Yes, my king," the lady says while her hand is stroking his member. Then, she goes on top of him. "But, now, let me help you forget your troubles."

The king growls, and suddenly, he's on top of her, kissing her roughly and entering her.

In her room, Lady Caroline's face is full of disgust. She cannot believe that she has to hear the king and Lady Hayley get it on. Twice.

"The things I do for you, Bonnie."

Oh, well. It seems that the king is going to widen his search for Lord Kol. She groans and thinks of the reason of the Lord's sudden massacres. Her friend, Bonnie. Or rather, her rejection. Seriously, why are these Originals such egoistic spoiled brats?

Well, I guess it's time to go to Plan A.2.

So, the Lady Caroline writes a letter to her friend to execute their plan.