Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters. That honor belongs solely to J.K. Rowling. I don't make any kind of money or profit out of this story; it is purely for my reader's enjoyment.

Rachel: Yes, they will be involved in the story later on, but this will take quite a while. So you'll have to see if they will accept the different natures of magic or not.

Raunchel: Well the power of Lordships… I don't want to say too much, but you can probably summarize it in political power, wealth, and Family Magic.

Previous chapter:

He was Lord Voldemort.

He was their better and soon every single witch and wizard would know it. His name would be spoken with fear and awe. Purebloods would flock towards his banner and he would prove them all wrong. Those that sneered at him full of contempt even as he showed again and again that he was their better. And for that, he needed the Deathly Hallows. So hearing about the name Peverell was unexpected. How did that old coot Dumbledore manage to convince someone of that standing to work for him?

''Tell me everything you know about Hadrian Peverell.''

Listening to the words flowing out of Rodolphus mouth, Voldemort leaned back into his chair and began plotting.

One way or another he would get what he wanted.

And right now what he wanted was Hadrian Peverell.

Chapter 6 - Developments

His steps rang loud and clear as Hadrian walked down the corridor of the building he secretly considered his first and sole home. The biting cold – a result of the first signs of snow – was warded off by his heating spells woven into his outer cloak by his personal house elf. He had purchased one of the convenient little buggers before he had even started as the Defense against the Dark Arts Professor, although the young male House Elf usually spent his time on the upkeep of his primary outer residence, only occasionally aiding him with personal errands.

The Peverell family after all was old and very wealthy, so Hadrian had become the sole owner of several mansions, castles, old farms, a few retreats in rather secluded regions and even a beach house or two and of course the still standing Peverell Manor. He had made several plans on restoring his ancestral family's belongings to their former splendor once he had finished dealing with Voldemort – but for now the Peverell ancestral home was the sole building he had the Goblins restore. It wouldn't do for a Lord of such an illustrious family to not have a proper residence even if that castle was far too large for him to even contemplate living there comfortably.

Hadrian would not let his life be consumed by his desire to get rid of Tom Riddle. He had managed to do that the first time around without proper training and with partially bound magic surrounded by lying backstabbing sheep. And even though he abhorred arrogance and over-confidence, he knew that he was more than a match for Tom Riddle.

Still, the only things bothering Hadrian were the Horcruxi Riddle had created – though rather easy to destroy – they did keep Riddle on this plane of existence which was a rather annoying inconvenience. As far as Hadrian knew Riddle had made six intentionally and one accidently when he tried and failed to kill him when he was still a baby.

He had destroyed the diary in his second year, after Lucius Malfoy had foolishly given it to Ginny Weasley. The man had probably been entirely clueless just what he had failed to guard as promised. Slytherin's pendant was stolen from the cave by Regulus Black – Orion's son – once he had become disillusioned with his Lord. Something that Hadrian would prevent no matter the cost. Because if Orion and he were to bond – Regulus would be family – and there was nothing more important for Hadrian.

Marvolo Gaunt's ring which Dumbledore retrieved from the Gaunt's shack, and subsequently suffered a deadly curse for. Hadrian would have to be careful with the curse, though as long as he did not touch the ring he should be able to destroy the Horcrux easily with a burst of fiendfyre.

Helga Hufflepuff's cup was entrusted to Bellatrix, Tom's most devout follower and placed in the Lestrange family vault.

The Diadem was in the Room of Requirement and the only Horcrux he could easily reach. Neither he nor Nagini were Horcruxi yet, so that only left Voldemort's real body.

He sighed in quiet exasperation as he ignored the empty silence soothing his frazzled nerves as he headed straight towards the seventh floor. The Diadem was the only Horcrux he could safely destroy since Tom would have a difficult time checking up on it. He didn't know where the Diary or the Cup were, and the pendant was protected in such a way that he would need the help of another sentient creature, in order to drink that draught. The ring was another possibility, but Tom might check up on the Horcrux, and he had no intention of losing the advantage his knowledge provided him with.

It would be a disaster if Tom were to hide his Horcruxi at another place.

His steps were secure as he paced before the still hidden door as he mentally wished for a room where he could hide something. Only moments later the Room of Requirement answered his pleas as he opened the wooden door and was led into the same room where he had found the Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw the first time around. The piles of discarded property were just as ridiculous as previously, though he swore to himself that he would come back at another time and actually look at some of the stuff. There was no doubt that there could be some rare items and books somewhere.

He followed the faint trail of the infested diadem's foul presence, fingering the Elderwand determinately as he envisioned the required magic he had to perform. It was a delicate chain of spells that were entirely ancient and long lost except for an old tome he had found in his Family's library.

His feet stopped pout of their own accord as he saw the cursed Diadem rest upon the bust of some unknown figure. Hadrian was more than proficient at Wandless Magic and normally only used his Holly as a prop, but Soul Magic was old and powerful magic, disrupting the stream of life and death.

The Elderwand was powerful, and though Hadrian did not know if there was an actual entity called Death – he could not deny the strength of the wand. Directing the tip of the wand close to the accursed piece of magic, he tried to envision the result of his spell. ''Protegam continent'', (Shield and Contain) Hadrian whispered quietly, feeling the power well up inside of him as a translucent barrier came into existence around the object of its focus.

Hadrian breathed a silent sign of relief as he prepared himself for the rest of the ritual.

''Larva et grauis. Abscondere auctoritas. Contra omnia quae ward. Nunc cesset focus. Esse ignoti partibus.'' (Mask the presence. Hide its influence. Ward against everything. Shrink its focus. Be unrecognizable.)

Hadrian had no wish to destroy the Horcrux. But carrying around one was simply foolish and thoroughly harmful to one's person, so he had to ward the piece of Tom's soul. Easier said than done. A soul was strong, potent in a way nothing else ever was. But the Elderwand was old, and where Hadrian was lacking, the wand fixed the holes in his knowledge. Hadrian was its master and the wand honored that bond in a way Hadrian suspected it had never done before. Be it because he mastered the Hallows or that he had Peverell blood flowing through his veins. Sometimes he suspected that the wand had a sentience of its own, absorbing the cumulative knowledge of its previous wielders.

Still Hadrian had power in spades, enough for the Horcrux to shrink, and its foul presence to vanish completely. Pocketing the tiny diadem into a small black pouch, Hadrian sealed it before turning sharply on his heels, intent on finishing his business today as quickly as possible.

He would be meeting Orion later this evening, since the Yule holidays had only just begun, and the thought of seeing his intended brought a small fond smile to his face. When he had woken up decades in the past, he had not even thought about finding love. Perhaps peace from the insistent hounding of the Wizarding sheep, but not this churning warmth inside his body that had absolutely nothing to do with the heating spells on his cloak.

Orion Black was a surprise. An unexpected, but welcome arrival into his previously fleeting existence. The Black Lord was the much needed stability, the missing constant in his hectic life - and Hadrian found himself deeply grateful.

Absent-mindedly strengthening the heating spells as he exited the building, Hadrian found himself on the receiving end of the bitingly cold wind, blowing the vestiges of snow against his form. Smiling faintly at the awe-inspiring picture a snow covered Hogwarts made, Hadrian vanished with a nearly soundless crack of Apparation.

It was time to start implementing counter-measures. He would not let any more of his students be dragged into the conflict needlessly.

Hadrian would finish Voldemort as quickly as possible.

It was the least he could do.

Gringotts was as imposing as usual, the Wizarding Bank being the buildings warded most intensively against intruders in the whole of Magical Britain. Hadrian dissolved the small amount of snow clinging to his outer cloak, before striding through the entrance, acknowledging the guards with a respectful nod of his head, receiving one in return.

Goblins hated useless frivolities and excessive pleasantries. They were straightforward to the point of being rude, though they could be cunning when it involved profit of any kind. Still most importantly they were first and foremost warriors who valued honor and strength.

Hadrian walked straight through the entrance hall, striding past the counters and waiting Wizards before halting before two Goblins guarding a finely decorated door at the left end of the hall, behind a small but elaborate notice-me-not ward. It prevented Wizards and those without sufficient reason from noticing it. As a Goblin Friend the basic ward did not affect him, so the normal permission the Head of the Bank had to issue was unnecessary.

''Reason for passage?'' The right Goblin inquired promptly, eyes flickering from the ring on his right hand to his face before his narrowed eyes and displeased expression eased ever-so-slightly.

''King Ragnarok is expecting me.'' Hadrian answered precisely. Two sharp nods later, the door opened and Hadrian entered the Goblin-only part of the bank. This is where Ragnarok had his office, the fourth and largely unknown part of the institution. Gringotts could be divided into four separate areas; the entrance hall where most small matters regarding money were settled, the vault area, the offices of the Goblins responsible for the Accounts of the truly wealthy families, and the private area of the warrior race where Wizards were normally incapable of entering.

Hadrian strode towards where he knew Ragnarok's office was, returning a polite nod when a Goblin acknowledged his presence. The corridors were mostly empty, and made out of simple dark marble which reflected the sunlight shining into the building from the ceiling windows. It was simple, well-carved and most of all functional. Hadrian had always thought that it suited the stout race.

Hadrian stopped in front of a lavishly decorated door, the crest of the ruling family carved into the stone, and highlighted with molten gold and silver linings.

''Hadrian Peverell, here to see King Ragnarok at his convenience.''

One of the two guards entered the room behind the door, while the second Goblin fingered his vicious looking axe staring right at him. His patience was rewarded a moment later, as the other guard returned, preventing the heavy door from falling shut.

''You may enter, Wizard.''

Hadrian inclined his head, and knowing that the Goblins wouldn't approve of him making their King wait, he entered quickly. Ragnarok's office was large, with several shelves of ancient and valuable tomes, a roaring fireplace and a heavy mahogany desk where the ruler of the Goblin race was currently studying several reports.

Hadrian crossed the room, taking seat in the large comfortable armchair before the desk as the Goblin King continued to peruse several parchments. Ragnarok was the only being who actually knew that he was from the future. It was more or less commonly suspected among the whole race, but Hadrian knew that Ragnarok had never confirmed it. Goblin's valued honor to such an extent that Hadrian was absolutely positive that it would never reach another Wizards ear.

''Hadrian, welcome.'' Ragnarok finally looked up, gracing him with a rare smile, revealing a row of razor sharp teeth.

''Ragnarok, a pleasure as always.'' Hadrian replied, setting the black pouch on the desk before leaning back onto his chair. It was what he liked most about Goblins. They actually got things done as efficiently as possible without wasting time.

Ragnarok enlarged the pouch with a twist of his hand, before levitating the shrunken Diadem onto the small portion of his desk which was surrounded by slightly glowing runes. It was a small containment area where Ragnarok could normally place items which he suspected were cursed, so that they could not influence him and his surroundings.

Soon, the original Diadem was intently studied by the narrow-eyed King - before he looked appraisingly at Hadrian.

''The spell work done to contain the Horcrux was done rather expertly.''

Hadrian couldn't help but feel pleased as he mentally translated the compliment. It was entirely too difficult to impress a Goblin if you were a Wizard.

''I adjusted an old containment spell out of the Family Grimoire.''

Ragnoarok nodded, studying the Horcrux another few moments before he leaned back into his throne-like high chair.

''It is certainly possible to do as you asked me to in your letter. It will however be difficult. Imitating the magical signature and feel of a Horcrux is delicate and time-consuming. Still, the Horcrux should help in that endeavor. As to your other request, I would be willing to provide you with the Goblin method of transferring the Horcrux out of its container. Beware though, it is solely because of your status as a Goblin Friend and my knowledge of the future. Do not be careless.''

Hadrian inclined his head in gratitude, ''I swear not to abuse the trust you have given me.''

''I know you won't. Still, onto more pleasant matters. Congratulations on your courting. Lord Black seems to be one of the few tolerable Wizards.'' Ragnorok smiled once more, eying the white ribbon on his left wrist.

''Thank you, Ragnarok. It is unexpected, but not unwelcome.'' Hadrian answered fondly, watching as Ragnarok opened a drawer in order to retrieve a small leather bound book that he handed Hadrian immediately after.

''Now, our business here is done.'' Ragnarok stated briskly, but not unkindly and Hadrian dismissed himself with another nod, smiling faintly as the King started grumbling about unnecessary reports.

His business was done for now - and he was already looking forward to the evening with Orion.

It would certainly be interesting, of that he was sure.

The snow was falling softly upon the covered ground; the whirlwind of the frozen snowflakes obstructing his view as Hadrian pulled his cloak tighter around his lithe form. The black winter pelt cloak had been a gift from Orion - undoubtedly the Black Lord wanted Hadrian to own as many dark clothes as possible as a sign of silent ownership.

He had already learned that Blacks were notoriously possessive and Orion was certainly no exception. Murmuring a small handy charm, Hadrian sighed in relief as the snow was repelled only an inch away from his figure. Soon enough he was able to recognize another figure weathering the small storm.

''Hadrian.'' Orion's rich baritone voice was a stark contrast to the cold surroundings, one that Hadrian wanted to indulge in forever.

''Orion.'' Hadrian acknowledged in an equally warm tone, already feeling the intoxicating crackling of Orion's magic latching onto his. It always served to relax him while at the same time managing to set every single of his nerves on fire.

''As expected. It suits you.'' The Black Lord reached forward boldly, a small smile tugging at his lips beneath his own fur coat as he ran a single finger over the warm collar of Hadrian's cloak.

''It is beautiful.'' Hadrian acknowledged, ''Thank you.''

Orion looked more than pleased as they walked towards the apparation point, their arms linked while Orion's thumb stroked across the white courting ribbon soothingly. The elder wizard hesitated only a brief moment, tugging the smaller wizard into his arms boldly, before both disappeared from the school grounds.

Hadrian couldn't stop the change in his expression as his wide eyes took in their new surroundings, Orion's arms still around him. They were standing on a round stone platform, a table set for an elaborate dinner in its middle as the circle was kept snow-free and warm by the translucent barrier warding off the snowflakes and the hovering soothing lights spread out across the space.

It was like an isle of calm among the howling wind and icy snow - and the flowers situated around the platform made everything even more perfect than it already was.

''Orion... this is absolutely beautiful.'' Hadrian breathed faintly, letting Orion herd him to his comfortable looking chair as he blushed lightly when Orion pulled it back for him.

''I'm glad you like it. I admit due to our unique situation I had to get a little creative.'' The grey-eyed wizard smirked charmingly, obviously knowing and enjoying the effect this had on the younger wizard.

Hadrian let his magic flow freely against the barrier, his lips curling into a smug and pleased smile as he felt Orion Black's magical signature still emanating from the complex piece of magic. It just proved to him even further that he had made no mistake in accepting Orion.

''Well, it is a worthy piece of magic.''

By the small, but genuine smile that crossed the Black Lord' s face, Hadrian was sure that he had taken the compliment as it was meant to be. Without any prompting several small appetizers appeared on the table, and Hadrian absent-mindedly tried some dish with molten cheese.

''Only the best for you.'' Orion acknowledged, before continuing teasingly. ''So what chaos have you managed to throw the House of Slythein into now? Regulus wrote me some rather startled letters concerning Severus Prince. You only wrote me briefly about that topic. I admit to being rather curious.''

''Well, it was actually rather unusual. You know how belonging to a certain family can influence the nature of one's magic?'' Hadrian began, only waiting for Orion's affirmative nod before continuing, doing his best to not let any of his still lingering anger show. ''Severus Snape's magic was a natural darker grey, something impossible for one not of a darker pureblood heritage, so I looked into it. Imagine my surprise when I found out that his mother's name was Eileen Prince – last heiress of the minor Noble House of Prince. Naturally since she had only died scarcely a year ago I assumed that Severus had knowledge about his family, but did not wear their name since Eileen Prince was disinherited. Turned out that Severus had absolutely no idea about his family or that he had the right to inherit since only his mother, not her whole line was disinherited and the previous Lord died a decade ago.''

''Disgraceful.'' Orion voiced his distaste about the whole situation. ''Dumbledore should have known and told the lad. That he did not know about his heritage until now is a disgrace and puts the lad at a disadvantage. On the other hand one cannot put the blame on his shoulders entirely. Eileen Prince should have told her son at least.''

''True.'' Hadrian acknowledge with only the faintest trace of hesitation. ''I'll have to mentor him a little at least during the break, otherwise no matter how intelligent – he will be ripped apart.''

''Your name should deter the vultures if you place him under your wing. If not, my own name should do the rest.'' Orion mused thoughtfully, smirking at the thought of people going against the House of Black. They were not the most feared Wizarding Family in Britain for nothing. They would rip their prey to pieces without mercy and this time he would personally make sure that nothing would dare attack Hadrian or his charge. ''How is his position in the Slytherin hierarchy now?''

''He's actually in the upper tiers. He's very talented in several fields of magic, and now he also has a title, so he moved up several places. Plus Regulus has taken to watching out for him discreetly. Bright boy you have there.'' Hadrian praised. The Slytherin hierarchy was difficult to comprehend for an outsider, and the only reason Hadrian could was because of Daphne Greengrass. The Slytherin Ice Queen in his time had actually been a friend of his, teaching him about the basics of politics and the structure of House Slytherin in return for some advanced Defense training. It had been a beautiful friendship of the Slytherin kind.

''Thank you. Regulus has always had an easier time picking up subtleties, contrary to my eldest. Well at least Sirius is talking to me again.'' Orion sounded uncharacteristically vulnerable, and it humbled Hadrian that he was allowed to witness it.

''Use the break to get to know him a little better. Is he going to stay at the Potter's or is he coming home?''

''He's actually coming home. I was very pleased when I found out. Apparently Sirius and Regulus had a small talk and are mending their relationship. Hopefully it will make Sirius more comfortable.'' Orion finished, handing Hadrian a small glass of wine after the more than filling meal. He was rather startled that the conversation had pilfered his attention to such a degree that he could only vaguely remember the delicious taste of the full course. But then again anything connected to the younger Lord had the potential to command his whole focus. The Black Lord watched with slightly lidded eyes how that small pliant mouth elegantly sipped some of the best wine his collection had to offer, and how those startling emerald eyes lit up in pleasure.

''That's good.'' Even that smooth voice made him want to lose control. He wanted to throw away all inhibitions, all sense of decorum and seal those lips shut with his own larger ones.

Hadrian noticed immediately when Orion Black's magic began to sensuously stroke against his own, how those grey eyes began to darker to a near black, full of desire and other emotions untold. It once again reminded him of their first meeting, when both had been too entranced with each other to care about anything else.

But this time it was different. Orion Black had sent him a declaration of intent and Hadrian Peverell had accepted. There was nothing preventing the elder wizard from prowling towards the still seated younger Lord predatorily, nor from pulling Hadrian into his warm embrace.

Orion stroked his right cheek with his thumb, tilting his head upwards and Hadrian – in a small corner of his heavily affected mind – tried to control his magic that was practically begging to be let free, eager to spring forth like a curious puppy. Hadrian's breath faltered when his lust darkened eyes clashed with his, and Orion continued to let his fingertips run down his cheek before he ran his thumb over those small rosy lips of his.

Hadrian opened his eyes – not aware of having closed them at all – and Orion noted absently that those darkened green orbs filled with the desire he had ignited in his body with only a fleeting touch were the most beautiful and arousing thing he had ever witnessed.

''Stop me, or I will not let you out of my arms before you are breathless and panting.'' Orion breathed those seductive words, those tantalizing words against Hadrian's lips only inches away and in that moment he could not even think about resisting that man. His scent – that spicy, heady scent drove him crazy, together with that intoxicating magic encasing his whole form.

Orion traced his jaw line with the pad of his thumb, still not moving closer and Hadrian released an impatient silent moan.

The Black Lord's iron control snapped nearly audibly when he heard that impatient, begging sound and roughly dug blunt fingernails into black hair before slamming his lips firmly against the slightly parted ones.

Everything exploded in a myriad of sensations, his magic springing forth completely for the first time in years as the whole world seemed to halt in that very moment. Orion tasted like the fire raging inside of his very veins, hot and scorching. Hadrian flickered his tongue over his bottom lip, and had to suppress a moan when Orion bit his in response. He parted his mouth even further, and let out an embarrassing groan of satisfaction when Orion used that opportunity to tangle their tongues sensually with one another.

Orion wanted, no needed to hear more of those muffled sounds, reality fading as his whole being – body, mind, magic, and soul – were solely focused on those lips pressed against his. He was on fire, burning and twisting to the rhythm of Hadrian's desire.

He used his grip on Hadrian's hair to tilt his head backwards, slanting his mouth over the other's, seeking to elicit even more of those wondrous sounds from his intended lips. Hadrian felt a shiver run down his spine at the domineering action; yet not ready to completely submit to the other. Orion growled against his lips, low and deep – but seemed willing enough to accept it for now, as their heated exchange became gentler and Orion's firm grip on his hair eased apologetically.

Orion massaged Hadrian's lips once more, before reluctantly pulling away slightly, watching with no small amount of smug satisfaction as the younger wizard panted slightly, eyes hazy with pleasure.

''I've wanted to do this for so many weeks now.'' Orion breathed against those slightly swollen lips, swearing to himself that he would be the only one who ever saw the other wizard in such a state. Hadrian was his.

It took several embarrassing moments for Hadrian to orientate himself, his fingers still digging into Orion's outer robe as he tried to process the words coming out of that perfect mouth which had just snogged him completely senseless.

''I completely agree.'' He eventually whispered, still pressed tightly against the older wizard. Then Orion chuckled, low and warm as those lips once again approached his and in that moment everything was perfect.

Hadrian would protect this, no matter who it was that threatened the happiness he had in his grasp, he would destroy them mercilessly.

Starting with Tom Riddle.

A/N Hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long. It was definitely a shorter wait than for the previous chapter, so cheers!

As promised, more Orion/Hadrian. The focus of this story is not the destruction of Tom Riddle, but Hadrian's own happiness. We'll see how that plans out.

I don't know when I'll get the next chapter done, but hopefully soon!

On another note, please check out my new HP fanfic Slithering Darkness (SI as Tom Riddle, Antagonistic!SI).

Thank you to those who favorited, review and followed this story! You guys are the best!

C'ya soon
