I have recently come up with this idea, so it isn't perfect yet. But I'm sure you'll all like it! It's going to end so sweet! Sad until then, but so sweet! Gah! I really hope you all like it! :D

" Mmm... "

Merek moaned, falling to his bed with a flop. He felt so exhausted right now... he'd been working a little much lately, and it was starting to wear him down. He enjoyed working for Flash, he really did. But it was getting to be a little much lately. Not to mention he still needed to train the guardians, and Salem was a pain in the rear to teach since he didn't listen to him much.

The time angel began to remember his week, and what had put him in such a state of exhaustion.

On Monday he had to fight a large amount of smoke demons. Which was difficult alone because he couldn't damage the human vessel they had. So he had to receive a lot of damage whilst trying to exorcise them.

On Tuesday he had to help Flash defend one of the old temples the mortals had built the creation angel back in the day. And since the demons were working directly under Pyro they were obviously very powerful.

On Wednesday he had to help Flash's kids with a few sillier tasks like helping them clean around their house or giving their pets a bath, or even helping Gold with his homework (which was mildly irritating, as Gold never grasped things right away).

On Thursday he had to go help Jack, who'd somehow managed to upset a large group of humans, and Merek had to rush over to bail him out. He wasn't blaming this incident on Flash or anything, it just added to the stressful week.

And finally on Friday Flash had him give an important lesson to the guardians about the importance of helping those in need, even if they were demon or creature. And naturally, not many of them wanted to learn this. They had given him heck while he was trying to teach them.

So yes, this had not been his week. He was so tired, and to be honest, a feeling a little... unappreciated. He enjoyed being able to help Flash. Really. But with Flash so busy and giving him unpleasant jobs, well... it was kinda hard to feel like he was really doing something worth while.

He didn't tend to get praised, but a little thank you now and then would be nice...

' Oh that's right! ' Merek mentally yelped, springing up so that he was sitting on his knees. ' I need to go make sure the flow of time is going smoothly! ' He didn't say this often, so enemy's wouldn't get an idea, but not only could he view moments in time, but he could also manipulate the flow of time. He could make it stop, he could travel through it, he could occasionally alter it, he could make it go faster or backwards, he could even show people what the future would be like if a certain moment never took place. He didn't do any of that very often though, and only did them in emergencies. But lately, due to his exhaustion, he needed to keep a closer eye on time to make sure it didn't stop. As much as he needed to rest a little, he needed to check...

" Yo Mari! "

And the annoying distortion angel returns... Merek turned to face the white and purple goth angel, still annoyed greatly by his presence.

" Yes Salem? "

The playful angel smiled, smirking in a knowing, smug way.

" Easy big boy. Just came to tell you Flash wanted to see you. "

" Ugh... "

Merek groaned, the playful nature of the other beginning to grow bothersome.

" Fine fine. Thanks for telling m- "

" Uh, Merek? "

Salem interrupted, shocking Merek with the sudden serious tone. It wasn't often Salem was serious... did he, perhaps, notice his exhaustion? Or his saddened emotions? He didn't THINK he would. Salem wasn't very observant.

" Did you know your feathers are starting to fall out? "

Merek felt himself go ridged, lifting his wings up and watching as a lot of them fell, making a small pile on the floor.

" Wh-Wh-what?! "

The time angel thought in a massive panic.

" Why am I losing feathers?! "

Losing feathers was horrifying to angels. It was like a vampire losing a fang, or a werewolf losing it's fur. It was one of the worst things imaginable. But WHY was he losing feathers?!

Suddenly Salem came closer to his wings, looking like he was contemplating something.

" Hmm... stress induced... "

The distortion angel straightened out and looked at the other with a... soft expression. Perhaps it was mild worry. The angel swirled his hands around each other, suddenly creating a strange beverage and pressing it into the time angels hands.

" Drink that. It'll help keep your feathers in place, maybe helping you calm down too. "

Mereks jaw fell slack, amazed at Salems sudden kindness and seriousness, unable to question him as he flew away. He would admit he had only seen this side of Salem through time, as Salem wasn't born an angel. Salem used to take care of 6 younger siblings before he died and became an angel. So this angel really COULD be calm and mature when he had to be.

Merek shook it off for now and quickly drank the beverage Salem created for him, beginning to run to meet up with Flash.

" Y-yes sir? "

Merek said softly, trying to catch his breath. Flash smiled lightly and slowly began to walk over to the other.

" I hate asking this of you Merek, but... "

Flash began, looking down and twirling his foot along the golden floor.

" A horde of demons has taken over Twilight Town, and the inhabitants do not have the strength to defend themselves. I was hoping you could put an end to these demons. "

Now, Merek really didn't feel "battle ready", and felt as though he would fall at any minute. But not only was this a huge issue, but he never felt like he could tell Flash no. Like if he did he'd have to do some unbearable punishment. So, slightly unwillingly, the time angel nodded. He began to wait for a thank you, assuming Flash had seen his obvious exhaustion, and hoping he'd at least get a thank you for this harsh task.

His heart fell slightly when he didn't get that.

" Good. Please go at once. "

Merek sighed lightly and stretched out his wings.

" Yes sir... "

His wings hurt, and he could barely lift them, but slowly he began to fly to Twilight Town.

Awww, Mereks feeling a little under appreciated. Poor angel... :(

Hope this was an ok first chapter!