Hey guys! From now on, instead of BlazingBull323, I'm going to call myself Kirigaya Uchiha. I got the Sharingan for Christmas and I needed a fitting name. Anyway, welcome to chapter 1 of my Familiar of Zero x Kore wa Zombie desu ka? Fanfic. Now, a few things you guys need to know before reading is this, Ayumu had met Adolescent Gohan, who suggested he ask Haruna's teacher for an outfit and weapon change since he's stuck as a magical garment girl, and I might be making a crossover after this about that. This takes place during season 2, around the time Chris came. He will have his sword, Yami, and Derflingr (Dual wielding at some point). Ayumu will have a harem, but since he does have Eu, he won't be paired with any girls. However, that won't stop them from trying. Last thing, I'm writing this based off of the English dub of the anime. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy and comment.

Disclaimer: I do not own Zero no Tskaima/Familiar of Zero or Kore wa Zombie desu ka?/Is this a Zombie?. I do, however own Ayumu's sword, which I got for Christmas.

Chapter 1: Is this a Familiar?

As Ayumu walked towards his home alone, deciding to go through the graveyard.

I can't wait to see Haruna and Sera. Never again can they call me a cross dresser. And I can even beat Megalos at school with having to worry about embarrassment. Thank you, Gohan. He thought to himself, recalling his encounter with the saiyan.

Ayumu couldn't wait to get his new magical garment girl equipment. Ariel, Haruna's teacher, said that, after explaining that he didn't want to look like a cross dresser, she would send him a new weapon and outfit that's more fitting a man. It had been a week and he had to leave the Megalos to Haruna during the day.

He stopped walking as he heard footsteps. A girl approached him, asking, "Are you Ayumu Aikawa?"

"Yeah." He responded.

"Here. This is from Head Teacher." She told him, handing over a sheathed sword.

"Wow! Finally, it's here. Oh, and thank you." He said to her with a smile. She simply turned and left the graveyard. "Alright!" he yelled, "Now let's get home and see what you're made of."

As he said that, he heard a voice telepathically.

"Yeah! Let's go home partner."

"Was that-" He was cut off.

"Yep! It's me, your new sword. The name's Yami, nice to meet you. You can call for me anywhere you go and I'll fall from the sky to your feet. It's a pleasure being the partner of the first ever Magical Garment Boy."

"Thanks, Yami." With that, Ayumu ran out of the graveyard and towards his home.

"Hey, Haruna, Eu, Sera! I'm home. I've got great news."

The three of them sat in the living room, watching T.V.

"It sounds like the maggot is home." Said Sera.

"Oh boy! I'm starving." Haruna told her.

Ayumu came into the living room and Eu held up her notepad. 'Welcome home.' It said, followed by 'I'm hungry.'

"Alright, I guess I'll tell you guys after dinner.

After he cooked and everyone ate, he got and went to the front door, grabbing Yami and returning to the living room. It looked like a normal katana, its hilt was red with a black ribbon and the hand guard was a plain black circle with two slim, curved holes on the side. He drew the sword and on the blade was his name in a red light.

"This is my new weapon, Yami. So now, none of you can call me a cross dresser."

"We won't know until you transform, maggot. Now show us."

'I want to see." Eu's notepad read.

"Yeah, stop keeping us in suspense!"

"Alright." Ayumu said as he started the incantation, closing his eyes. Before hegot through half of it, he saw a green light, leading to black. Nothing but black. He felt as if he were falling and floating. Nobody was with him. Not Yami. Not Sera. Not Haruna. And not Eu. He was alone.

"Oh dear familiar…" he heard, "My divine, beautiful, and powerful familiar...I summon you!"

Wait, beautiful!? Dammit, for the last time, I'm not a cross dresser! He thought to himself.

Well, that's it for chapter 1. Don't worry, next one will be longer and I'll start working on it right away. See you guys next time!