[This piece has recently been revised to reflect my current style. If you'd like more information on that, please consult my profile. Other than these revisions, the general tone and feel of the text that follows is still a time capsule from the glorious early 2010s. Thanks for understanding.]

Can someone tell me what the point of disclaimers are, again? I mean, I'm pretty sure if you're on a fanfiction site you're obviously not the person behind the series you're writing about. It just seems like common sense.

Word Count: 100 words.

Big Top Bungle

"I've lost it!"

Mr. Mime bursts into the make-up tent, ransacking the room to no avail. He collapses, a broken mime with a broken heart.

"I'm doomed!" he cries. "How awful!"

"Hey, pipe down!" yells the strongman. "I can hear ya from a mile away!"

"Oh, Conkeldurr," the mime laments. "It's my nose, I tell you! Five minutes to showtime and I've misplaced it!"

"That's what all the yapping's about!? For the love of..."

Without flinching, the carny yanks his own nose off, slapping it onto the mime's face.

"I expect to see that back before I go on! Capeesh?!"