A/N-This is the last chapter. As promised I am closing some stories about to begin other stories. Enjoy this epic ending...

So much had changed in almost two years. They had all arrived safely in California. They were now a family of six, and in a couple of months they would be a family of seven.

Although Nadia graduated high school in England she wanted to have her to have her graduation party in California. She had made a ton of friends through tennis, and most of her friends at school had American ties. Most of their parents were business executives who had homes in both countries.

Olivia had spared no expense on the party. She wanted Nadia to be celebrated. It was going to be her day, and she hoped it was one that her daughter would never forget.

She smiled at the house that her husband had purchased for them. Since it was a new construction he made some modifications that she requested, and to accommodate the two additions to their family.

The home still had eight bedrooms, but they had added two additional bathrooms. She loved the high ceilings when you walked through the door. Since they loved movies so much the house included a theatre. Fitz modified the home to include an indoor pool in addition to the outdoor pool. They also had a sauna.

They had a tennis court, a basketball court, and even a putting green. They had purchased several homes together since being married, but this one was her favorite. She could see the love that her husband put into this home so that it would be perfect for their family.

As she sat here looking out at the pool she could only smile. He was enjoying himself as he played with their six children.

Nadia was now 17, and in a couple of months she would be heading to the U.S. Open to play in the Juniors. She was currently the number two junior, and if she won the title she would take over the number one ranking. Scouts loved everything about her game. She had gotten better as she got older, and she never stopped working. She was good enough to turn pro, and many had tried to talk her into doing it. She promised her parents that she would get a college degree, and then turn pro so that she would have a back-up plan since she couldn't play tennis forever.

After some discussion Fitz & Olivia sat Nadia down. Although they wanted her to go to college. Her happiness was more important to them even if that meant she went pro now. Nadia appreciated the support, and said she would decide after the tournament was over.

Alaina was now 13. She continued to thrive. They made sure that she had the best prosthetics on the market, and it allowed her to enjoy several sports, but soccer remained her favorite. Grayson was about to turn three. He was a perfect likeness to his dad inside and out, but was very much a mama's boy. He was quiet and reserved, but smart as a whip.

Finally, there was Danielle and Daniel. Both played tennis at the same school as Nadia. The reasons that they were with them was sad, but with time and love they were now thriving 16-year old's.


Nadia came home after school which shocked Olivia because normally she had practice. She assumed it was because earlier in the day there was a terrorist attack where six people lost their lives in addition to the suspects.

The attack was not near the school, but maybe they thought the kids needed a break.

Olivia smiled at her daughter, "Hi kiddo. Everything okay?"

"Coach cancelled practice."

"Was it because of the attack?"

"Kind of. Do you remember seeing the twins that are on the team?"

Olivia nodded.

"Their mom was one of the victims. She works near where the attack was, and she was killed while she was out for lunch."

"Oh no. I am sorry to hear that. How are they doing?"

"I am not too sure. I know that their dad died when they were younger. Dani & I talk a lot. She said they don't really have a lot of family. I feel bad, because I think they are going to have to go into foster care. Not sure if it is better here. Even if it is the truth is that their age makes them unlikely to be adopted. They will more than likely have to change schools. "

"How about I check on them? Would that make you feel better?"

Nadia smiled and nodded, "It would. I know that you can't do much. Being put in foster care at any point in time is not easy, but especially after losing their mom feels like they are being doubly punished."

"I agree."

Olivia went into her office, and with the help of Quinn found out that the children were indeed put in foster care. Huck found out that their dad was killed when they were five. Although the mom didn't have a lot of family the dad did, but the family had refused to take them in because they were mixed. They had never acknowledged the children, and time had not changed their position.

Olivia had not shared what she found out with Nadia. She was heartbroken for these children. Not only had they lost their only surviving parent, but they were rejected by family because of the color of their skin. They were about to lose everything, because of some terrorist. She couldn't let that happen.

She was so consumed with her thoughts that she didn't hear her husband come home, and greet everyone.

When he walked into her office he could tell something was wrong. He closed her door, and walked over to her. When he pulled her in his arms she fell apart? His heart broke to hear her sobbing especially when he didn't know the cause of it.

When she finally calmed down she told him everything. When she finished he looked at her, "We can't leave them in foster care. I don't know them personally, but we didn't know Nadia and Alaina personally either. We can afford to take them in, but I think we should talk to the kids. Although we get final say I don't want to throw this at them."

Olivia agreed.

They decided to talk to Nadia alone first, and bring her up to speed. Not only because she was the oldest, but because she knew the twins.

She was happy that her parents were willing to take them in, and told her parents that she thought with time they would adjust.

During dinner, they talked to the girls who also agreed that their parents should help the twins.

The next day the couple went down, and spoke with the appropriate parties. They filed paperwork to become their foster parents, and would give the twins the choice for them to adopt them. Within 24 hours the couple had them in their home.

The twins were in disbelief that the couple would basically rescue them. It was clear that the couple who had taken them in were more interested in using their loss for their personal gain.

The first night they were in their home the couple sat down to discuss how the twins wanted to handle the funeral arrangement for their mom.

Olivia asked, "What would your mom have wanted?"

Daniel who was the oldest by three minutes said, "I use to always hear her say that she didn't want us to spend money on a funeral. She always put us first. I don't want to bury her here. I want her always with us. Do you know how much money we have to work with?"

Fitz said, "Money is not a problem. What would you guys like?"

Dani said, "I would like a memorial service to honor her memory, and then cremate her so we can have her wherever we go."

Olivia said, "Then that is what we will do."

Daniel asked, "I don't want to come across and insensitive. I appreciate all that you and Mr. Grant have done for us thus far, but I need to ask how long are we staying with you."

Fitz looked at the young man, "As long as you want. We are going to be headed back to California soon. Although you are still children you are old enough to have a say which is why we agreed to be your foster parents and legal guardians which means no one can take you from us. I can tell you that we don't want you to leave you behind, but if you are not comfortable then we understand."

Dani said, "Nadia talks about how you adopted her. Mr. Grant had volunteered, and fell in love with Alaina. Mrs. Grant found about her, and refused to separate them."

Olivia nodded, "They were sisters. They belonged together. I didn't care about her age just like I don't care about yours. That terrorist took your mom. He doesn't get to take away your life too."

Daniel asked, "We were going to school on a scholarship. I know that you make good money looking at this house, and the cars you drive. You have done a lot by taking us in. I understand if you want us to go to public school."

Fitz shook his head, "Absolutely not. You are not the red headed stepchildren that get treated differently than the rest of the children. We expect you to follow the same rules as the rest of the children. Help with the chores, and continue to do well in school. You will remain at the same school, and continue to participate in the same activities. My aunt who is like my mom, and the kid's grandmother helps us. She is traveling right now, but we talked with her. She is looking forward to meeting the two of you, and will help."

Both twins were overwhelmed, and for the first time since they were told their mother was killed they broke down. The couple consoled the twins.

As promised the family was there for them. They arranged a nice memorial service, and as requested they had her cremated. Some of her ashes were put in a necklace for Dani, and a bracelet for Daniel. The rest were put in two custom urns that the couple bought for the children.

The school was incredibly supportive. Although the couple could afford to pay for their tuition the community stepped up, and paid for their tuition for the next two years.

The money that was left for the twins was placed in a trust.

They struggled at first with the loss of their mom, and having to continue to see her face on the news and social media, but they put them in therapy. Between therapy and the love, they received from their new family they found the strength to move on.

Six months after losing their mom they decided they wanted the Fitz & Olivia to adopt them. Olivia would never replace their mom, but it felt good to be loved by someone who was just as good as their mom. With their dad dying when they were so young they never had a male figure until Fitz so it was nice having a dad especially for Daniel.

The terrorist might have taken their mom physically, but she was with them in spirit. More importantly he didn't destroy them. Love had won.

End Flashback

Karen walked into the kitchen and smiled. She always knew her nephew would be happy with Olivia, but she never expected the life they built. Despite how wealthy they both were they never let it change them. Adoption is such a selfless act especially for them since they can have biological children.

Right before coming to California the adoption was made final, and it was emotional. They had gained more children, and announced they were pregnant with their seventh. The older children adored their younger siblings, and would often volunteer to take them off their parent's hands to give them time together.

Technically she was the aunt and great-aunt, but those days had long passed. She was only called Mom, Mama, and Nana. After some encouragement from the couple she agreed to marry James. She didn't see a need at first, because of her age, but she realized she deserved love and she felt like she had a lot of years left to live.

She missed her sister every day she wakes up, but she kept her promise to her sister. She took care of her son, and made sure that he didn't end up like his father.

Olivia looked up, "Hi mom"

"Hi honey. What are you looking at?"

"Fitz and the kids. All six of them are ganging up on him, and he couldn't be happier about it. In a couple of months, we will have a seventh."

"Well he loves being a dad."

"I know that I am bias, but he is the best. I never understood when women would say they would fall in love with their significant other all over again when they see them in dad mode. It sounded weird to me, but watching him in the pool with them makes me fall in love with him even more. I have some regrets, but falling in love with my best friend was never one of them."

"As it shouldn't be because you two belong together. Is this your last baby?"

"Fitz asked me that the other night. When I first found out I said yes, but as I sit here and look at my family I can't honestly answer that. I think that I am going to allow God to make that decision. God sent me four of my babies, and my heart aches at the circumstances they had to come to us. Yet, I can't see my life without them. I just want them to know I love them so much."

"I assure you they know."

"Thanks mom."

"I was just coming to tell you that everything is coming along well for Nadia's party. The planner said there are a couple more vendors that have to come, but everything will be ready for tomorrow."

"Thanks mom for overseeing the setting up with the planner."

"That is what I am here for. I know your hands are full."

Olivia smiled. She heard the doorbell. Olivia stood up. Karen made her sit down. A few minutes later she came in with the pizzas she ordered for lunch.

She headed back out to check on the vendors while Olivia went to the pool to get her bunch out for a late lunch.

She walks over to the pool house, and she grabs a stack of towels. It takes them a minute to notice her. Grayson sees his mom and he gets excited, "Hi mommy…"

"Hi my sweet boy. Are you having fun?"

"I am. Daddy put me on his shudder, and Dani help me beat daddy when we race."

"Good job buddy. Guess what mommy got you?"


"Pepperoni pizza"


One by one they climbed out the pool each greeting their mom. She told them to take a quick shower, and head to the kitchen for lunch.

Fitz climbed out the pool last, "Hi…"

Those words still sounded sexy to her after all these years. She leaned up and kissed him, "Hi…"

"How are you feeling?"

"Good, mom is handling the vendors, and you had the kids so I just relaxed."

"You need it like the doctor said. I should have helped more."

She kissed him to stop his panic attack, "Baby G and I are fine. The move was a lot on them, and I was just trying to do too much. I wanted to get here so the kids could get settled before camp, and you would have time to relax before starting your new position. I was trying to make sure that Quinn had everything she needed before I left. It was too much, but it is behind us. We are both okay, and I plan on relaxing for the rest of this pregnancy."


Fitz went to take a quick shower before joining his family for lunch.

It was the day of Nadia's graduation party. The first half of the night the family would be participating in, but later Olivia had arranged a surprise for Nadia.

Olivia was ecstatic when she walked into the tent, and saw the final product in front of her. Their daughter deserved this and so much more.

Around the tent were photo wreaths of Nadia from the time they adopted her until now. Every milestone picture was on display. Her senior pictures were in a wreath right behind the table she was sitting at.

In the corner was a photo booth where she and her friends would be able to take pictures to remember the night.

The tent was decorated with white silk fabrics, and she had hired a light designer. Throughout the evening the room would switch from blue to pink to purple. Some lights were brighter than others.

In addition to the lightening Olivia had given them a set of pictures, and throughout the evening the guests would get to see various pictures of Nadia.

Olivia kept the tables simple. They went with long tables so the guests could enjoy each other more. They knew that Nadia wouldn't want anything over the top so they kept the decorations simple. There were small rose centerpieces put on the table in addition to graduation cap centerpieces.

Nadia didn't want a sit-down dinner, and asked if she could have carnival food. Her parents had no problem with that, and arranged for several food trucks to be at the party.

The guests had a choice of hot dogs, sausage dogs, pizza, hamburgers, fries, nacho and cheese, chicken, cotton candy, and candy apples.

Nadia was excited about her graduation party. At first, she didn't want a big party, but her parents insisted that she deserved it. Once the planning got under way she got really excited especially when she found out that they could do it in California so all her friends could attend.

Between school and tennis, she didn't have a lot of down time, and today she was looking forward to relaxing. She had decided on a teal blue Monique Lhuillier sequined guipure lace cocktail dress.

She was about to turn eighteen, and wanted a more mature look. Her mom had been more than happy to take her shopping. If she decided to turn pro she knew that she would have to attend events, and she didn't want to appear immature.

As she looked in the mirror she smiled. She never thought this is what her life would look like when she graduated from high school. She wasn't even sure that she would make it through high school. She knew that she was wealthy, and that she wanted for nothing, but that wasn't what made her happy. It was the love that her parents had for her. They supported every little thing she did, and made sure that she had everything she needed to make her dreams come true.

They used their money and resources to make sure that she achieved her goal of becoming a great tennis player. She knew that they desired her to get a college education so she would have a back-up plan, and she was more than willing to do that for them. Then they surprised her by telling her that they would support her if she decided to turn pro now. She thought that hearing that would make her decision harder, but it didn't. She had pretty much made up her mind, but she decided that once she competed in the U.S. Open Junior she would make her final decision.

She was even surprised when her dad approved of her boyfriend. His name was Chad. His father had expanded his business, and they met in a shopping center. Ironically, his dad's company was based out of California. They were friends for some time, and then decided to take their relationship further. Chad had even talked with her dad first. She expected him to be all cave man, but Chad said they had an honest man to man conversation.

Olivia had long put her on birth control. She wasn't sexually active, but they decided they would start her before she made that decision. That way if she got caught up in the moment there was a back-up plan.

Olivia walked into the room, "Honey, everything is set. We are just waiting on you."

Nadia nodded, "I'm ready mom. Thank you..."

"For what..."

"Loving me. Becoming my mom. The list goes on and on."

"The honor was all mine."

The party was a success. The first part of the night included the family. After dinner, the couple surprised Nadia by moving the party to a second tent.

The couple sent the kids inside to shower, and told them they would meet them in the theater room to watch a movie.

Before they left they wanted to give Nadia her graduation present. First, she was taken over to the club tent, and she was amazed at what she saw. She really felt like she was in a club. From the monogrammed floor to the lounge chairs it was perfect.

They had even hired a bartender to make non-alcoholic drinks for the guests. They also had a pizza bar, hot dog stand, candy bar, and soft drink stand to enjoy for the rest of the night.

Nadia couldn't believe that her parents did all of this for her. The D.J. gave the couple a microphone.

Fitz grabbed his wife's hand, "Nadia, we are really proud of you. As our oldest you have always set a good example for your siblings, and you have helped us to take care of them. We are proud of the young woman in front of us, and you deserved tonight and so much more. You have never given us a problem, and you never ask for anything. We felt that you deserved to not only be pampered, but rewarded for all that you have accomplished which is why your mom & I thought we would surprise you. If you look outside there is something waiting for you."

Nadia walked around the other side of the tent, and gasped in shock. She was trying to figure out how they even knew. She knew that Dani must have been playing spy for them.

In front of her was a 2017 Acura MDX Hybrid. They spared no expenses getting it painted baby blue which was her favorite color. She had all the latest technology inside the car. She was at a loss for words. All she could do is cry as she sat inside the car.

Olivia went over to her daughter, "Before you say you don't deserve it we won't hear of it. You graduated third in your class while handling your extracurricular activities. Between practice and tournaments, you still found time to spend with your brothers and sisters, and you volunteered on your own free will. I love that you aren't spoiled, and don't expect anything from us, but you are ours. You have earned the right to be spoiled every now and again, and we know that it won't go to your head. Now enjoy your night. You have earned it."

Nadia shared a long embrace with both of her parents, and thanked them for everything. Not just the party and the truck, but adopting her. Not just adopting her because they had the money, but taking her into her home and loving her. Nurturing her into the young woman in front of them. She promised them that she would try and never let them down. In turn, they tell her that if she tries her best, and was happy then she would never let them down.

The couple headed inside and enjoyed movie night with the rest of the kids while Nadia enjoyed her party. The D.J. kept the party going until the end of the night. As a final gift to Nadia they had prearranged for her closest friends to stay with her for the weekend.

The couple handed her the key to the other guest house on the property that they had set up for them to stay in so they would have some privacy. Olivia informed her that they had already stocked the house with food.

The following week was a busy week for the Grants. All the kids were going their separate ways for the next month.

They would all be meeting back up in August in New York for the U.S. Open. They were all big tennis fans so they were looking forward to enjoying the tournament as well as vacation in the city as a family. Also, they would be supporting Nadia when the Junior tournament began the second week of the main tournament.

Nadia & her boyfriend were going to make the cross-country drive. She still had a week before she had to be in New York, and she wanted to relax before she had to meet with her coach to begin final preparations for the tournament.

Fitz made sure that she had all the information on the car, information should they need roadside assistance, and her final graduation gift was a new card.

Fitz handed her a new debit card. Nadia said, "Dad, I didn't lose my card."

"We know. During the tournament, you will turn 18. This is your credit card. Your debit card still works. The statement includes the new balance. You will receive the same amount when you turn 21, when you graduate college and it doesn't matter what age, and when you turn 25. We will only receive statements until you turn 21. You are now responsible for maintaining your car."

She looked at the paperwork, and saw the balance. She knew there was no need to argue the fact that she didn't need that much money. She knew the day was coming when she would inherit money, and she promised herself that she would be like her parents. She would enjoy nice things, but make sure that she paid it forth. She already had some plans.

She thanked her parents, and promised to check in with them throughout the trip before she took off.

Next up was Alaina who was going to a soccer camp in Florida. One of the parent's had to fly to Florida for business, and had agreed to fly all the kids down on their private jet.

The couple made it to the private air strip to drop her off.

Fitz watched as his daughter jumped out the car, and he couldn't be prouder of her. He knew from the moment they met in the hospital that she could do anything she wanted. He just never thought he would be her dad until Olivia opened his eyes.

They went from no children to three girls in a matter of months, and it was the scariest but most exhilarating experience of his life. It was the beginning of a journey, and their family was still growing. As he looked back he wouldn't change a minute of it.

Alaina ran over to her parents.

Unlike some of her friends she knew what it was like to not have parents. Even when she was upset with her parents she never wished anything bad on them. She never wanted to be without them. She had been down that road, and was grateful that she never had to experience it again.

Like her sister she was scared when she was told that Fitz & Olivia wanted to adopt them. After all they weren't parents that couldn't have children. They had a baby on the way. She was scared that things might not work out, but she chose to enjoy it while it lasted should they send them back.

Not only did they last, but they thrived. She knew how fortunate she was. She wouldn't lie, and say that she didn't enjoy the nice things that she was afforded by her parents, but she was blessed that what she got more than anything from them was love and support.

They never looked at her as their daughter with a disability. She was treated like the rest of her siblings, and it allowed her to thrive outside of the home.

She worked hard to get into the camp that she was attending this summer. Her dad helped her practice, and her mom would swim and work out with her to make sure that she was in good shape. Now it was time to make that hard work pay off.

After sharing a few moments with her dad, she went to her mom. When her dad started teaching it was clear that her mom had the more demanding job and erratic schedule. Some cases she would work days at a time, but no matter the case she had one missed only a hand full of games. The ones that she missed were just regular games. She had never missed any of her tournaments. With the move, back to the United States her scheduled had slowed down.

She made sure to spend time with each of them, and for the first time Alaina realized how much she was going to really miss her.

Olivia read her mind, "Don't question your decision. You need to do this. Go show them who you are. Mommy is not going anywhere, and I promise that we will do some girls things together and we will do something just the two of us in New York. I promise you."

She looked up at her mom. She knew when her mom made them promises that she kept them. She didn't make them often, because she knew that promises could be broken and she never wanted to hurt her children.

Alaina nodded, "I love you. Make sure that you tell Baby G I love them until next month."

"You know we will, and I love you too. Call us when you land and get settled."

"I will…"

When the couple made it back home Grayson ran to them telling them that his bags were packed. All the kids were close to Karen, but Grayson shared a special bond with Karen and John. The other kids understood that Karen was technically their great-aunt, but Grayson only saw them as his grandparents. He loved his Nana and Pops fiercely.

When the couple found out that the older kids would be away at various camps they decided to take Grayson off the couple's hands. They planned to take him places that he wanted to visit, and with it just being him it was easier.

0livia had went out and purchased him a set of "Cars" luggage, and he was on cloud nine. He was still very much a mama's boy so he held onto Olivia longer when it was time to say good-bye.

Olivia handed him the cell phone that she had bought for him that had all their numbers programmed into it. She had also downloaded his favorite games so he wouldn't monopolize his grandparent's phones.

Olivia kissed his forehead, "I want you to have fun with Nana and Pops. Take lots of pictures on your phone, and check in with us okay."

"I will mommy. I love you."

"Love you more honey."

He looked at Fitz, "Daddy, can I still call you if I have a bad dream?"

"You can call me anytime you need to bud? We will always answer."

Grayson was satisfied, and he was on his way.

Two days later it was time to drop the last three kids off. They were all staying in California, but wanted to stay at the camp to get the full experience.

The last couple of years Addison took an advanced computer class, and fell in love with technology. She had spent some time with her aunt and uncle who had finished medical school, and had decided to work for a prominent doctor in California for two years before opening their own practice. She showed them different technology that would help them not only be efficient when it came to taking care of their patients, but it allowed the office to run smoothly.

It would allow them time to get their business plan in place as well and build up clientele. One of the doctor's talked to Addie when she was visiting her aunt and uncle about a camp that daughter was attending. She talked with her parents, and they had no problem allowing her to attend.

Fitz had brought all her items to her dorm room. They met the parents of Addie's roommate. They found out that she lived in the same neighborhood as they, but with the houses not being close they had not met.

Before the couple left Addie looked at her parents, "Would you be mad at me if I really loved this, and decide I really want to be a computer geek?"

Fitz looked at her, "Why would we be mad?"

"You guys are both lawyers. I have friends where their parents expect them to follow their same career path. I don't want to let you guys down. You do so much for not just me, but all of us."

Olivia grabbed her hand, "I will never be disappointed in any of you as long as I know that you are happy, and that whatever you are doing is not intentionally hurting anyone. Your aunt and uncles are doctors, and I am a lawyer. I think that you would make a cute computer geek like your Aunt Quinn. Find what makes you happy. If technology is it then fine, but as you get older if you change your mind that is fine too. Your daddy and I will never diminish your hopes and dreams."

"Thank you. Not only for being the best parents ever, but giving me the best family ever. I am glad that you gave me all my brothers and sisters. They think we've saved them, but I think in a weird way we all saved each other."

Fitz kissed her forehead, "We love you more, and I agree with you lady bug."

The twins were going to a sports camp. Both enjoyed all kinds of sports, and were both athletic. They both wanted to find a sport that they focused on especially Daniel. Even though they now had parents who could afford to send them to college they wanted to do it on their own if possible. They hoped by the end of summer they could decide.

They sat in the back seat, and both were in their own world as they headed to the camp. It was hard losing their mother, and especially in the way she died.

They knew life as they knew it was over, and expected bad things to happen to them. They were not prepared for their adopted parents, who cared and loved them. They were never expected to forget about their mom. They helped them give her a proper send off, and ways to remember her by.

Whenever they wanted to talk about her they were free to do so not only with them, but anyone in the house.

Surprisingly their life remained pretty much the same other than they had nicer things. They didn't expect to see their adopted parents around a lot. Not only were they rich, but both had demanding jobs especially their mom. They were wrong. Olivia was like their mom in a lot of ways. She worked a lot, but she never put her job before her children. She would miss things here and there, but never anything important.

Some days were harder than others, but they knew that their mom would want them to live. She would have loved their adopted parents, and wanted them to make them proud. They had all intentions of doing just that. Making their parents and their mom proud of them.

They arrived at camp, and got checked in. They were taken to their rooms. They were saying their goodbyes to their parents and the baby.

Olivia looked at them, "Your mom would be proud of you, and I know if she was here she would be doing the same thing that we are doing. She would support anything that would make your life better. The camp might not have been as fancy, but you would have been in one. I didn't get to know her personally, but it is an honor to finish the job she started. I know that she is looking down at us, and she is happy. Happy that you are moving forward, and happy that her babies were not left in the cold because of someone else's poor decision."

Both twins hugged Olivia at the same time and whispered, "I love you mom."

"I love you too."

Fitz walked over and gave them one final hug, "Call us when you have time."

Daniel nodded, "We will. Love you dad."

"Love you too son…"

The couple made it back home where they relaxed for the evening.

Olivia woke up the next morning to empty her bladder. Normally she would turn and find her husband still knocked out, but she was surprised to find his side of the bed empty.

When she put her hands on the sheets they were cool, and she realized that he had been up for some time.

After doing her morning routine she was headed out to find him when she saw luggage. She had pregnancy brain, but she didn't recall her husband telling her that he had a trip.

Before she could leave the room, he walked in with her breakfast.

"Fitz, what is going on. I don't recall you telling me that you had a trip."

"I didn't."

"Then why is your luggage at the door."

"Because I had to pack for the both of us. Your luggage is already downstairs. I knew you would be up soon so I stopped to fix you breakfast."

"Where are we going? I thought we agreed we wanted to stay close to home just in case anything happened with the kids."

"I told the kids that I was taking you on a trip once they all left. We didn't really get to celebrate our anniversary with the move, and all the kid's activities. Also, we will be in the United States. We are going to New Mexico."

Olivia looked at her husband in shock.

He grew nervous, "What?"

"Every time I think things couldn't get any better for us they do. After ten years of marriage you still find ways to surprise me, and show me that you love me."

"You are my world Liv. You rarely stopped for yourself. Whether it is taking care of me, or the kids, or supporting our siblings you put yourself last. It is my job to make sure that you are first. That you get a moment to just relax, and enjoy yourself. You have given me three wonderful children naturally, and we have adopted four wonderful blessings. I don't know what I did to deserve all of this, but I am grateful. I also know it all starts with you, and I never want you to get lost in the shuffle."

Olivia sat down on the chaise, and Fitz sat her tray down. She was speechless. Fitz could tell that she needed a moment so he decided to go ahead, and take his bags downstairs.

He had called a car service to pick them up so they wouldn't have to store their car.

As he walked out she said, "Thank you for taking care of me. I know I get lost in the shuffle. Between work, being a wife, mom, daughter, sister, boss, and friend. I wouldn't have it any other way, because the only reason I can do all of this is because I have you. Even when we have problems you always see me. I am the woman that I am, because of you. My husband and life partner. You give me the strength and courage to be who and what I need to be on any given day, because I know that if I fall you will be right there to pick me up. I love you Fitz. So much."

"Love you too babe."

That evening the couple arrived at the Four Seasons Resort Rancho Encantado. The couple were escorted to their casita.

Their two-bedroom casita including a living room. Their bathroom had a soaking tub which he knew his wife would enjoy.

Olivia smiled, "I love it. I feel relaxed already."

Fitz smiled, "Good"

The first couple of days they just enjoyed what the resort had to offer.

On their third day Fitz planned a special day planned for them.

The day started at the spa where Fitz had arranged for them to enjoy a mountain spirit initiation. Reverence for the earth inspired this purification ritual by Native Americans.

The couple started out with a smudging of sage followed by an adobe clay body mask. Next, they enjoyed a scalp and foot massage that is supposed to connect your energy to heaven and earth. After their mask, they enjoyed a nice hot shower together. Finally, they enjoyed a juniper-sage massage using hot stones.

Olivia was in complete bliss when their spa date was over with. She could not have been happier if she tried. They had heard from all the kids who were all enjoying themselves.

She had to admit that she was happy to have one last vacation with just her husband before the baby arrived. She knew that when they were in New York they wouldn't have a lot of time to themselves, and they were okay with that. That was what family vacations were all about.

Later , that night Olivia slipped on a white Anya white maxi dress. The flowing skirt allowed the baby plenty of room to move.

When she stepped into the living room Fitz smiled at his wife. She was glowing. Age had only made her more beautiful in his eyes.

"You look beautiful honey."

"Thanks, I have this hot husband who has excellent taste."

"He is a lucky man."

"I am the lucky one. He puts up with all my crap, and after all these years he still loves me."

"He feels the same way."

Fitz escorts his wife to the restaurant. He made reservations at a restaurant named Terra. He had reserved a private table on the terrace for them to enjoy dinner.

The couple enjoyed a bowl of chowder to start their meal. For her entrée Olivia ordered their Colorado lamb with grilled asparagus and heirloom Yukon potatoes. Fitz decided on grilled beef tenderloin with spiced butternut squash puree and pearl onion Brussel sprouts.

They enjoyed their evening, and enjoyed having an adult conversation.

When they made it back to their room they talked with Nadia who was settled in New York. Fitz had rented a penthouse for her and her team to stay in. They spoke with her team who assured the couple they would take care of Nadia.

The couple knew they would. Their team were the children's official godparents. Once they knew how serious Nadia was about tennis they hired her a coach, a hitting partner, a trainer, and a nutritionist to make sure that she remained healthy despite having diabetes. They had become her unofficial godparents. They were just as invested in Nadia's success. They pushed her, but never forced her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with.

Once they got off the phone with Nadia they got comfortable. They headed outside to sit on their balcony. Fitz brought over two gift boxes, and set them in front of Olivia.

She caressed his cheek, "This trip was more than enough honey. Not only am I happy, but it seems that Baby G is enjoying it as well. They have been calmed since the moment we arrived."

Fitz laughed, "Then it must be another boy. Grayson always seems to go with the flow."

Olivia nodded, "I think I have to agree. Listen you have four daddy's girls. I am entitled to my second mama's boy."

"That you are. The first gift is from the kids. Before you open it, I want you to know that they saved their allowances for some time, and pooled their money to get this for you. All I know is that they did some snooping, and found out you wanted this."

Olivia opened the box and was in shock at what she found. She went shopping with the girls one day, and saw this necklace in a window.

It was at a vintage jewelry store so she knew the kids must have told Fitz, and he purchased it before someone else could buy the necklace and the kids paid him back.

Olivia looked up at him. Fitz smiled, "Yes, I purchased the necklace, because it is not like they could save the money and order it. I didn't lie. They gave me the money back. I took the money, and donated it to a couple of the charities we work with."

The gift was an antique old mine cut diamond necklace. The necklace featured 57 old mine diamonds, and was set in 14 carat white gold and silver.

Inside was also a card. It read: "Mom, happy anniversary. Every day you wake up, and take care of all of us. We couldn't be who we are without you. Each of us loves you for so much reasons, but the one thing that we all can say is that you are the best mom in the whole wide world. No matter what client you were trying to save it always felt good to know that if we needed saving that you would always put us first. On this very special anniversary we wanted to take a moment to give back to you. Nothing we could say or buy would begin to cover what you give to us on the daily, but as you look at the gift we hope it is a reminder of how much we love you."

Olivia looked at her husband in tears. He held her as she cried. They were fortunate. They had good kids who rarely gave them problems, and were understanding. They tried to never miss anything, because they didn't want to be like their parents. Still at the end of the day they were human. Sometimes things came up that were out of their control, but fortunately it was never the both of them. Most of the time it was his wife that had the last-minute emergency since his class schedules were set, and she always gave herself a hard time. He was glad that the kids let her know they understood.

Fitz slid his gift over to her. She kissed him before she opened it up.

She smiled when she saw what was in the box. For their five-year anniversary, he had purchased her a diamond emerald necklace.

Now she was looking at a stunning art deco diamond and emerald platinum bracelet.

"I love it. You spoil me. You do realize we have a lot of years let."

"I do, and I plan to continue to spoil you."

She held out her hand, and he put the bracelet on her wrist.

She stood up, and slipped out of her dress. She whispered, "I need you…"

He stood up and walked over to her, "You have me."

"I need you inside me…"

He picked her up, and took her over to the bed. He finished undressing her before he undressed himself.

They didn't music or lights to set the mood. Just the two of them together was enough.

Olivia looked at her husband, "Touch me…You know you want too…"

Fitz leaned in and kissed her so gently she had to think if he had touched her, but she didn't have to wonder if he touched her breasts. He began to massage and tweak her breasts loving the sounds that came out of her mouth. They never got old.

He pulled her closer as he began to play with her clit. The pleasure was overwhelming.

Olivia whispered, "I'm about to cum…"

"Let go Livvie. I got you baby. I always got you."

Olivia threw her head back as her orgasm took over.

Fitz sat up against the headboard, and just enjoyed looking at his wife. As she looked at him she smiled.

She entwined her hands with his as she sank down on him. They just stared at each other for a couple of minutes.

Fitz began to thrust up, and Olivia just enjoyed the ride that her husband was giving her. Pregnant or not she always felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. Times like now when she looked like a whale her husband made her feel like a runway model.

She moved her hands to the headboard for leverage, and began to meet him thrust for thrust. A song of moans and groans was all that could be heard.

She began to nip his ear knowing how much it turned him on. His thrusts got harder and deeper just the way she wanted it, "Harder baby. I want to feel all of you."

Fitz grabbed her waist, and began to thrust hard and deep hitting her spot. Olivia was in bliss. She held on and enjoyed the ride. The ride was so good she didn't want it to be over.

Fitz gently sucked on her neck, "Let go Livvie…"

She shook her head.

"We have time baby. It is just us. We have the rest of our lives."

That was all she needed to hear. She gave in, and a few thrusts later Fitz was right behind her.

Olivia held onto him for dear life. Tears were falling down her face. She wasn't sure where the emotions came from, but Fitz held her and talked to her until she calmed down.

Before she could say anything, Fitz kissed her, "Don't ever apologize for feeling the way you do. I am here for you. I have your back, and if you just need to cry then cry baby. Plus, I know the last part of the pregnancy is always the hardest on you."

She leaned in closer to him, "I am so lucky…"

"What makes you say that?"

"I got to fall in love with one of the most amazing men that God has ever created. I fell in love with you first as my best friend, and then as my soul mate. I love you with everything I am, and I thank God that he blessed me with you. You allow me to be better, do better, love better, see better. If anybody told me they didn't believe in God I would tell them to look at me."

Fitz was momentarily shocked. Over the years she had become more open especially as they had and adopted kids, but she always seems to keep her emotions in check. Lately, she was complete open and honest with him. She didn't hold back, and it took his breath away at times. He was happy with their marriage, but as he listened to his wife he realized that they had both gotten a little complacent. Lucky for them it didn't do any damage to their marriage, but he wouldn't let that happen.

He pulled his wife closer, and they spent more time talking and making love. They reconnected with one another, and made promises to each other.

The couple enjoyed their time in New Mexico. Each night they talked with at least one of their kids, but the rest of the time it was just them. They realized how much they really missed each other.

When they arrived in New York they were rejuvenated. In addition to spending time as a couple they took time out for themselves.

A friend of theirs was selling their penthouse in New York. The couple was unsure if they wanted to buy again in New York so they agreed to allow them to rent it for two months, and from there the couple would decide if they wanted to make the investment. They knew at some point in the future Nadia would be in New York for tennis. The commentators said she had the potential to be a future number one player in the world, but they all said for sure that she would be a top ten players. That meant she would be at the U.S. Open barring any setbacks or injuries.

The kids arrived a day after them, and it was a wonderful family reunion. They decided they wanted pizza and Chinese so they ordered. They spent the evening catching up with each other.

Karen looked around. Grayson was back under his mom where he felt safest. Addie and Alaina were under Fitz as they were daddy's girls. The twins and Nadia were laying on the floor underneath them. Olivia's head was resting on Fitz's shoulder, and his hand was resting on her baby's bump.

They were one big happy family, and the look of content on their faces was one that she would commit to memory.

The family was enjoying the U.S. Open. They were able to meet a lot of the top players. The juniors didn't play until the second week of the tournament.

Nadia had put in the work, and her team thought it was best if she just did light practice before the tournament.

Nadia was in the kitchen eating breakfast before she went to hit. She had hit with Venus several times since she had been in New York. Venus knew what it was like to play with an illness. She gave Nadia some great advice, and they had quickly become friends.

Nadia normally liked to wear Nike gear, but she saw a dress that she fell in love with when she looked at Venus's line. Nadia loved the dress. Not only did she look good, but she felt good on the court. The material flowed and breathed. It didn't stick to her body when she began to sweat.

Fitz went and kissed her forehead, "Morning kiddo…"

"Morning dad!"

"Now that you have moved up to the big leagues who are you hitting with this morning?"

Nadia looked at her dad and smiled, "If I have any chance of winning then I need to go back to my roots."

Fitz nodded, "I understand that."

"Good, that is why I need you to hit with me for the next couple of days."

Fitz looked at his daughter, "Honey, you are the number two junior player in the world. You have been hitting with some of the top players in the world. You have a hitting partner on your team."

"I know, but I am who I am because of you and mom. I fell in love with tennis because it was our thing, and when I wanted more you supported me. Even when you had back to back classes, and had papers grade you were there for me. I don't care how famous I get, and that I can afford the best. To me the best starts with you and mom. I want to win, and I feel like my best chance is to put aside all the glitz and glamour. Just go out there and be a Grant. If I do that then I will win."

Fitz pulled her into her arms, "If this is what you want…"

"I do…"

He nodded, "Let me go change."

He headed out of the kitchen. He turned around, "How long has your mom known?"

Nadia looked at him surprised.

He smiled, "You have my temperament, but you have fire like your mom. That was an Olivia Grant speech. Which means you talked it out with her to determine what you wanted."

Nadia shrugged, "I can neither confirm nor deny…"

He laughed, "You are your mother's child."

"Proud of it…"

Fitz smiled, "Me too…"

Nadia's practices with her dad for the next couple of days were productive. She was prepared.

The tournament began, and Nadia was in her element. She was easily beating her opponents. She was quickly rising to fame, and had done several interviews.

As predicted Nadia made it to the championship match. Her family had not missed a single moment. Surprisingly she wasn't nervous.

Before every match final her mom had always gave her a kiss for every family member before putting on her charm bracelet. Each charm correlated to each family member. Today's final was no different. Olivia added a baby charm to signify her unborn sibling. They would make it more personal in the future.

Before Olivia walked out she looked at her daughter, "Win or lose you are still our daughter. You are still a Grant. Now go out there and show them who you are."

Nadia did just that. Her opponent hung in there the first set, and took it to a tiebreaker. Nadia ended up winning the tiebreaker 12-10. The second set started out tight. She was down a break, but she looked up in the stands and saw her parents. Right behind them were her grandparents, and siblings. Normally she thinks about the match, but today all she saw was how great her life had turned out. She went from nothing to everything. She was going to win it for them.

After the timeout Nadia only lost three points. She took the set 6-3, and won the championship. She was also now the number one junior play in the world.

Nadia normally keeps her emotions in check, but today she let it all out. The tears fell, and after shaking her opponents hand she ran to her family.

She jumped in her dad's arms and sobbed. He held her as his own tears fell. She did the same with her mom. She had a group hug with everyone else, and promised more time with them after the ceremony.

After the trophy ceremony Nadia headed to her interview. Normally, they don't do an interview with the Junior champions, but everyone wanted to know whether Nadia planned to turn pro or go to college. She had made her decision, and winning today solidified it. Now it was time to share it with her family and the world.

Fitz and Olivia insisted they find out with everyone else to take the pressure away from her.

After congratulating her John McEnroe asked the million-dollar question, "Today, you proved why you are the number one junior. Many including myself believe that you will eventually be the number one player in the world. Did today's win change your mind about turning pro?"

Nadia looked over to the side where her parents were standing. She could tell that no matter what she did they would still love her.

Nadia looked at the cameras, "Normally, I don't talk about my personal life. Not, because I have anything to hide I just believe that is why it is called personal. It is public record that I am adopted, but what I have never shared is that my sister Alaina was the one that my parents were planning to adopt. In the process, my mom found out about me. My parents weren't adopting because they couldn't have children of their own. As a matter of factor my mom was pregnant at the time she took us in. My mom came to visit me at the group home I was living in. She was loving and kind from the moment we met. I asked her to take care of my sister who was in the hospital, because they had to amputate her leg. They refused. They kept us together. I didn't always make it easy for them, but their love only grew. When it became clear that tennis was more than a hobby for me my parents sunk in time, money, and energy into me. As my game got better my parents only asked that I go to college. My parents being the loving people they are came to me, and said that although they desired for me to go to college they would support me if I decided to go pro. As of right now they don't know my decision. Today didn't solidify my decision. It was made the moment my parents adopted me. The only requirement they have ever had of their children is to give their all. We have always been able to be who we are, and the least I could do is give them the one thing they want me to have which is an education. If I am good now then I will be better a few years down the line. Fame and fortune isn't everything. I had a wonderful conversation with Venus, and she has kind of taken me under her wing. I plan to be back here, and play on Grandstand Stadium. Until then I will win some championships in college."

She finished her interview, and ran into her parents waiting arms. It was a no brainer for her. Although her parents would support any decision she made she wanted to give back to them, and that started with an education.

Five years later

Everyone was back in New York for the U.S. Open. So much had changed in five years. Nadia finished college in three years before turning pro. As she had predicted she had brought several championships to the college for the team as well as individually. Six months after she graduated she had married her Chad in a small but lavish ceremony.

College had made her an even better player, and she quickly rose through the rankings. Heading into the tournament she was right outside the top ten, and if she advanced through the second week she would become a top ten player.

Alaina went to college, and continued to play soccer. Although she had the opportunity to turn professional she decided that she wanted to work for her mom. Everyone nicknamed her Little Huck. Her computer skills were out this world. Not only could she hack into a computer she could build one with her eyes closed. She had interned at some of the largest and most prestigious companies in the world, but she wanted to be a part of the business that her parents started.

Addie was headed to college soon, and she was smart as a whip. She was truly her parent's child. She had the best of both. She had decided to major in pre-law. She didn't want to be a crisis manager. She wanted to be a civil rights attorney. Olivia wanted to pass the firm to the kids so she suggested just finding someone to run that division when the time came, but she would let her make that choice when she decided to retire.

Fitz & Olivia picked on Dani & Daniel all the time saying it must be a twin thing. Their brother and sister were successful pediatric surgeons. They had successfully built their practice, and for every paying patient they would perform two to three surgeries for free. They were passionate about taking care of domestic violence victims, and that struck a chord with the twins except they wanted to take care of adults. In a year, they would both be going to medical school. Jayden & Jasmine were so proud of their niece and nephew, and they agreed that they would create a larger practice down the road to keep it in the family.

Grayson was a perfect likeness to his dad inside and out. He was the quietest one in the bunch. He was very intelligent, and had already skipped a grade. He loved building all kinds of things. For his last birthday, the couple had purchased a shed to match the one that Fitz had purchased himself. He had gone back to woodworking like he did in New York as a hobby. With Grayson getting older they decided to give him his own space. They purchased some furniture, and a couple of tools, but they gave him a large gift card that would allow him to fill the shed the way he wanted.

Whenever Olivia wanted to find them especially on the weekends she knew they would be in one shed or another. He was still very much a mama's boy, but he enjoyed doing projects with his dad.

Lucas Theodore Grant was their youngest. He was spoiled because everyone doted on him, but he was still humble for a little boy.

Lucas looked just like his mom, but was very much a daddy's boy. He was most content doing anything with his dad. Olivia was okay with that since Addie was now more of a mama's girl as she got older.

With seven kids Fitz and Olivia had their hands full. They had been married for fifteen years, and each year it got better.

They were a tight knit family so while they were spread out everyone's main residence was in the West Coast.

Olivia wasn't ready to retire, but she no longer worked long hours. She left that to the rest of their team. Once the kids finished college, and were ready to take over she planned to retire.

She didn't take any cases during the summer. The boys were extremely close to their siblings especially Nadia, and they loved tennis. The summer time is when a lot of tennis is played. For the last two years Olivia traveled to every tournament she played in with the boys.

Fitz had become the Dean at the law school, and everyone loved him from the professors to the students to the cleaning staff. He brought a laidback approach to the table. Fitz didn't believe in micromanaging which the Professors loved. He also believed in making sure each student had a chance to succeed. He had been known to have a baby in his office while a student was in class.

His staff stepped up to the plate to allow him to travel a lot during the summer. With the boys being out of school he enjoyed taking big vacations, and spending quality time with the boys and his wife.

They were now in New York where their daughter was one of the favorites to win the coveted U.S. Open title.

Just like when she competed in the Junior's championship she would always practice with her dad a couple of days before she began competition. It had become their thing, and it calmed her.

The couple were sitting on the balcony in their master suite. After discussing it as a family they had decided to buy the penthouse they rented five years ago. Once the kids had children of their own they would need to find something larger, but they planned to keep it for the kids to use especially Nadia.

Olivia was snuggled up to her husband. He kissed her forehead, "How is my sweet baby?"

"She is very happy and content."

"That is what I like to hear."

"I know. Did you imagine your life to be like this?"

"No, because I never pictured being able to marry my soul mate. Mom saved me that day in the church. Not only from marrying Mellie, but from being a miserable bitter man like my dad."

"She saved us both. I am glad to see her enjoying herself."

"I agree. I remembered when I was young how devastating it was when she realized she would never have children of her own. She had always spoiled me, but she went into overdrive. She enjoys her role as Nana."

"Family is everything…"

"It is. I love hearing the noise. All the joy and laughter that our kids bring. I always wondered when the kids got older would they need us or want us. I have seen so many kids become adults and never look back. I want them to live, but I wanted them to still want me around."

Olivia snuggled closer to her husband, "I'll admit that I was a little nervous, but then I realized that we raised them right. The difference between us and those parents is that more than likely they suffocated their kids. They never allowed them to grow, and as soon as they got a chance they ran."

"You are right. I am happy with the life that God has blessed us with. I wouldn't change a thing including the ups and downs."

Olivia turned and looked at him, "I agree."

She leaned up and kissed him. When they pulled apart she smiled and said, "That's what happens when you fall in love with your best friend."

A/N-I am closing my first story since joining the FF world. It is bittersweet, but I am proud of myself. I think that 30 is nice number to close on.

I have added a new story. I hope you enjoy.