A/N: Hello anybody who thinks that a Kane Chronicles and Night at the Museum fic is possibly a good idea (It totally is and that why I wrote this fic duh). I'm sorta obsessed with NatM and I was struggling to find any fics that caught my eye and then I though hmm… what if…. Kane chronicles crossover.. and then I thought about it more and I was like….. Cleo is a babe so she'll be one of the main characters. And Ahkmenrah will be another MC too bcus…. I luv him….. and so… this was born! I hope you like it, and remember: I live for constructive criticism! Also u do not know how long I took trying to think of a chapter name IT WAS NOT EASY.



Our Plan Goes Horribly Wrong

I was scrolling down the screen on my laptop, my eyes scanning through the words at a rapid pace. I had an array of books spread out across the wooden table I was hunched over. The books had words in both Hieratic (which was a simplified version of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs) and English.

I was tasked to find out all I could about the Tablet of Ahkmenrah, and to find out about its current whereabouts, so we could stage a siege and, well, for lack of a better word- steal it.

I could only hope that we weren't too late to do it, otherwise everything we had fought to do 2 years ago would have all been for naught, when Sadie and Carter Kane had figured out how to defeat Apophis, or the literal embodiment of chaos itself, who would have eaten the sun and destroyed everything in the world, if the Kane siblings hadn't destroyed him first.

And now, we had got wind of a minority Apophis' old followers are planning to use the Tablet of Ahkmenrah to bring him back to life, and my current research had just confirmed this, or at least, confirmed that it does have to power to bring the dead back to life.

I had news about the location of the Tablet. A couple of days ago, the mummy of Ahkmenrah was transported from the Museum of Natural History, all the way to the British Museum.

I shut my laptop and exited the library, I walked up the three-story long flight of stairs to the first floor, and kept traversing my way up to the third floor, where Sadie's and Carter's bedrooms were.

I knocked on Carter's door, who let me in. He was wearing his linen clothes, which contrasted against his dark skin, his was still as skinny as ever, but had grown a lot in the past few years. Carter was taller than me, 17 years old, and was the most mature out of everyone who trained at the House of Life. Even more mature than me, and I was the oldest.

"Cleo! Have any news yet?"

I nodded, "Better let your sister in here before I say anything though."

"Sadie! Get in here!" Carter shouted, and the door adjoining Sadie's room to Carter opened up.

Sadie came in, a few years ago she used to have colored streaks in her once naturally blonde hair, now she went all out and dyed her hair completely in electric blue, which made her blue eyes so much more vibrant. Unlike her brother, Sadie was light skinned, taking after her dead mother, while Carter resembled his father, also known as Osiris, king of the Underworld… It's a long story.

"What's going on?" She asked, combat boots stomping into the room, with her hands on her hips.

"Cleo found us some details."

"Oh, goody! So where is the Tablet?" Sadie asked.

"The British Museum, and the Tablet does bring the dead back to life as well. So, all we need is to get there before Apophis' followers get there first."

Sadie and Carter shared a look.

"Uh-oh, the Museum isn't going to be happy to see us…" Sadie said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Last time we were there, we… uh… sort of caused an explosion." Carter said.

"It was all dad's fault, of course." Sadie said matter-of-factly. "But I'll be so pleased to see Gran and Gramps again!"

"You would." Carter grumbled.

Sadie rolled her eyes. "Come on Carter, they'd be delighted to see you as well. You did help save the world, after all."

"Not if these rebels bring Apophis back to life. We need to stop them first." Carter looked at me. "So, we need to get to the British Museum, and hope that they don't recognize Sadie and I, otherwise we won't be able to get in, and we need back up as well, so I suggest calling Felix and Alyssa and Jaz all back here, as well. And we should open a portal to get to the museum as soon as possible. I just hope that the rebels don't get the Tablet before we do."

"You worry too much, brother. Walt is on the task of tracking them down, and no doubt he'll tell us if something has gone awry."

"Right, but still, what if something has gone wrong?"

"Well, we'll still know, won't we?" I said, interrupting them. "I mean, Walt is hosting Anubis, right? So he's essentially possessed by a god, and I'm sure if something was wrong Anubis would contact you somehow, through your ba, or"- I looked to Sadie, -"You're still scrying for him, right? We would know if something was wrong."

Carter sighed. "You're right, of course."

I smiled, pleased. "Alright, so I suppose I should contact all the Scribes, then."

"Go ahead." Sadie said. I exited Carter's bedroom, and walked down the hallway, to my own bedroom, 4 rooms down on the right hand side. I picked up my mobile phone off my bed where I left it charging this morning.

I scrolled through my contacts, and sent a message to Jaz, Felix and Alyssa, the magicians who used to train with me at Brooklyn House, when Apophis had tried to destroy the earth. Now we had all grown up, and became fully fledged magicians, or the politically correct term: Scribes.

'Need you to come back to Brooklyn house. We have a new mission. I'll fill you in on the deets when you get here.'

I sat down on my bed for a few minutes, waiting for anybody to reply.

Almost immediately, I got a reply back from Jaz,

'I'll be there in a sec.'

I walked out of my room with my phone in my pocket. A doorbell rang, echoing throughout the house, and I heard Khufu grunting in baboon, and a door opening.

"Khufu!" I heard a feminine voice say.

"Agh!" Khufu said, which roughly translated into 'Jaz! I am very happy to see you!'

I ran down the steps to the first floor as quick as I could.

Jaz had changed a lot since the last time I saw her. She had cut her long blonde hair to a short pixie cut which framed her face beautifully. She was wearing a touch of makeup on her eyes and her lips, and she was wearing light skinny jeans and a black t-shirt, with a red plaid jacket tied across her waist.

She was leaning forward a bit and patting Khufu on the head. "Nice to see you, Khufu." She said. Khufu raised his hand to tug on her hair.

"I got a haircut! Isn't it great?"

"Jaz!" I exclaimed. She turned around to me.

"Cleo!" She stepped forward a couple of paces and embraced me in a hug. Carter and Sadie came down the stairs, and she ran over to greet them as well.

"Nice haircut." Sadie complimented her.

"Nice colour!" Jaz said, fluffing Sadie's hair. "Hey Carter." She hugged him as well.

When we all had our go at greeting Jaz, she looked around to me.

"So what's going on? Have you found out about the Tablet?"

I nodded. "We need to get going as soon as possible, but you're the only who's arrived so far. When everyone is here, we'll explain everything."

"Alright. Everyone should be here soon-"As if on cue, the doorbell rang again, and the door opened, and Felix stepped in.

He had grown taller, now 12 years old, and his hair had grown a lot. "Hey, guys. Alyssa should be coming soon."

"Excellent." Sadie said.

"Yep. So what's going on? Are we going to get the Tablet?" Felix asked.

"Yes, we are." Carter said. "As soon as Alyssa gets here, we'll explain things to her, and we'll get going."

Just then, Alyssa walked through the door, not bothering with the doorbell, which was all well, she had been the only one other than Carter, Sadie and I who had lived here all year round.

"Hey everyone, what's going on?"

"We're going to get the Tablet." Sadie said.

"As soon as that? And the other guys don't know that we're going after it as well?" Alyssa asked, she had known all about the Tablet, after helping me research for it.

"As far as we know, they don't," Carter said.

"Hang on," Jaz said. "I thought all of the rebel magicians were brainwashed, or something. Who did we miss that wants to bring Apophis back? Why would anybody want to after what had happened?"

Carter hesitated. "Well, actually, what they are going to be using it for is just pure speculation. We don't know if they are going to use it to bring back Apophis, but we do know that they used to be Apophis' old followers. What else would they use it for?"

"Do we know who it is?"

Carter nodded. "Yes. You remember Petrovich?"

"No." We all said at once.

Carter rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Well, what I think, and by that I mean, Sadie, Cleo and I, we think that Chaos is still conscious, and is whispering things to the most vulnerable, to bring him back to life, and giving Petrovich instructions to bring him back to life. We have Walt on his track, delaying him however they can, with the help of Anubis. But we haven't heard a word from him in a while."

"How long have you had him on Petrovich's case?" Jaz asked.

"A little under 2 weeks." Sadie said. "So we should get going right? We don't know how much time we have, and we should get the artefact before they do." Sadie said. She checked her watch. "I can open a portal now, if we get going."

"Better to be safe than sorry," Felix said.

"Go ahead, Sadie." Carter said.

Sadie started muttering a chant, and touched the black marble statue of Thoth, which was the closest representative of Egypt, which could be used as a gateway.

"W'peh" She said. Open.

The portal opened, and we all stepped towards it, then we were plummeting through the darkness- through the Duat- and in a matter of seconds, we had come out into freezing cold air. It was nighttime, snow covering the ground, streetlamps paving the way before us. I pulled my jacket tighter around me, not prepared for it to be this cold.

I looked around, Sadie, Carter, Jaz, Felix and Alyssa were all standing up. Alyssa looked freezing, only wearing jeans and a tank top, and Jaz was pulling her plaid jacket on. Felix was grinning, and I could only hope that he wouldn't try to summon a penguin here.

Carter and Sadie looked grim. They were looking up at something behind us, and I turned around and saw what they were looking at. The portal we had exited out of was located at Cleopatra's Needle.

"We'd better get going." Carter said, looking uncomfortable.

"Yeah," Sadie agreed. "It'll take around 20 minutes to get to the museum as well, if we walk. Not to mention that we'll have to break in."

"Cool!" Felix said.

"It'll be fine." I said. "Let's get going."

So, we traversed out way through the almost deserted streets of London.

There were a few restaurants open late, and we passed a couple of bars. We followed Sadie, who, since she had lived in England for 6 years before she came to Brooklyn house, seemed to know her way around.

It was nearly 20 minutes of walking before we arrived at the museum.

We looked to were the night guard's stall, which was empty. I thought this was odd, but if it made the break in all the much easier for us, then I didn't have a problem with it.

We crept across to the entrance. The door was locked, but that was no problem.

"Hold on." Carter said, before Sadie said the words to blast open the door. "Do you hear that?"

"What?" Sadie asked.

"Listen." He said.

And we did, and it sounded like there was some kind of party going on in the museum. The noise was incredible, but the strange thing was, it didn't sound like some kind of normal party. There was music playing, and now that I had noticed the sounds, light's flashing out of the window. Mingled in with the loud music was the sound of animals making noises. I heard the unmistakable sound of an elephant trumpeting, and monkey's grunting, and even a horse neighing, and other noises that I could not even put a name to.

"What in the name of Geb is going on?" Alyssa whispered.

"Only one way to find out." Sadie said, and before anyone could stop her, she muttered the words "Sahad!" The door was unlocked, and Sadie opened the door, and ushered us all in.

When we stepped inside, all the training I had at Brooklyn house could not have prepared me for this.

Inside, what should have been stationary exhibits, they were well… not stationary.

"What in the name of Ra?" I pondered out loud as a marble statue of a lion prowled past.

"I have got no idea." Carter said. "But we'll have to worry about this later. We came here for the tablet, so that's what we'll get. They don't seem to mind us anyway."

I nodded, although I was still a bit hesitant. I looked around and noticed that I wasn't the only one who was thinking run!

Nevertheless, we plundered on to the upper level of the museum, up the white marble stairs, searching for room 62 and 63- where the mummies lived, and where the Tablet of Ahkmenrah would be.

A couple of times we had almost got caught by the blonde, plump night guard who was trying to stop the exhibitions from breaking anything, which was good for us, since she was distracted from burglars trying to steal from her museum, but we quickly hid behind a marble column before she could see us, just in case.

Searching for the room of the mummies was easy. Getting in would be the problem.

Somehow in the midst of the shock that the museum exhibits had come to life, we had not realised that all of the museum exhibits had come to life. And that included the mummies.

Except they weren't like rotting corpses. These mummies looked as if they would have been in life, some thousands of years ago.

Carter cursed under his breath. 'Hide!" He hissed, and we back tracked down the stairs and his behind the wall where the mummies could not see us.

I looked towards Carter and Sadie, who had the most experience of stealing things from museums.

"So, what now?" I asked. "I suppose they won't just let us through if we said that we wanted to steal the Tablet of Ahkmenrah."

"Well, if they're Egyptian, maybe they'll have to acknowledge me as their Pharaoh, and do what I say?" Carter said, though he sounded as uncertain as everybody else at what to do next.

Sadie rolled her eyes. "Come on. They're mummies. What can they do? Besides, they probably don't even know what's going on around them, notice how the other exhibitions didn't even spare a glance at us? They probably don't even know that we're here."

"Hold on." Carter said, grabbing Sadie's arm as she started to make a move towards the entrance of the mummies. "What if they do know what we're up to? We need to make a plan to make sure this all goes through smoothly. We can't just barge in all reckless-like."

"Of course we can, Carter. That's what we always do." Sadie said.

"And most, if not all of the time, we almost get killed. We need to do this safely this time." Carter said, his voice teetering on a dangerous tone.

Sadie sighed in defeat, though she looked like she wanted to press the matter further.

"He's right, you know." I said. "What's your plan, Carter?" I asked.

"Well… I was thinking that… well, we do actually ask them about the Tablet. Except not that we're here to steal it. We talk to someone about it, and well… while they're not looking, we take it from them."

"Well, supposing that they are aware of what's going on around them, there's still the fact that it'll be a bit suspicious when they see 6 people walking up to them supposedly interested in the Tablet, out of museum hours, and… not to mention… that these are actual living mummies, and that the museum has appeared to come alive! Like, is nobody else freaking out about this?" Sadie said.

"Of course we're freaking out, Sadie, but it's not like it's the strangest thing in the world. Remember how Freek came to life?" Carter said. "We came here for one thing, and we're going to get it, no matter what strange things may be going on around us. So that's why we're going to do this carefully, and that's why only two of us will be going to get the Tablet."

"Two of us?" Jaz asked. "How?"

Carter sighed. "Well, like Sadie said, it will be suspicious if all 6 of us go to the exhibit, so we'll only need two of us. One of them will be me, since I'm the Pharaoh of the House of Life, the mummies will have to listen to me, and another person, who will go and get the Tablet, while I am distracting them."

"Who's that gonna be?" Felix asked.

Then he said the name of the person who we all didn't expect.

"Cleo." Carter said.

I almost yelped. "Me?" I asked.

"Yes. You're the least suspicious out of all of us, plus, you helped to find the Tablet. You're smart and you can talk your way out of anything, you know… just in case you do get caught."

I groaned. I would have to pull through with it though. I was no longer the 17 year old girl who didn't want to be caught in conflict, and I had learnt that sometimes it's unavoidable. And that sometimes you have to take risks. My mouth tasted metallic, but I tried to keep myself calm and collected.

"Right. So, you're… what, going to announce to these Egyptians that you are the new pharaoh of the House of Life, and then I'm going to get the Tablet?" I asked.

"Exactly. But if they haven't been caught up with what has happened with Apophis two years ago, I'm going to tell them about that too. Just so they know what they could be caught up in if this all goes horribly wrong."

I felt bile rise up in my throat, and my face was probably turning green right at that very moment.

"Not helping, Carter." Sadie scolded. "Cleo doesn't have to do this if she doesn't want to."

I sent a smile her way. "It's okay Sadie. It's right time I do something for the good of the world rather than just studying up on artefacts."

Sadie looked like she was about to say something, but Carter interrupted her. "Great. Let's do this. First, I'll go and distract them, then you go, while everyone is distracted, and get the Tablet."

Carter reached his hand out and it disappeared into thin air, and I knew he was reaching into the Duat. He pulled out his crook and flail, symbols of a pharaoh, and took a deep breath.

He looked at us, his eyes locking onto mine. "If anything goes wrong, use the boundary spell. You know- Drowah- the light will alert all of us and we'll sneak around to come and help you." Then Carter stepped forward into the exhibit.

We looked around the corner, peering into the exhibit, Carter had started talking, his words booming. He was quite a confident public speaker.

"Egyptians!" He called out. "Listen up. My name is Carter Kane, and I am the pharaoh of the House of Life."

He paused.

"Who says?" Someone called out.

"I do. You see this crook and flail; the symbols of a pharaoh. I am the Eye of Horus, and the Blood of the Pharaoh, descendant of the first pharaoh: Narmer and Ramesses the Great!"

"You upstart!" Another person called out.

Carter kept talking, and everybody's attention was drawn on him. His words did not seem to be very convincing, but it was only a matter of time before they would all believe him, and he would prove that he was the pharaoh.

With my back to the wall, I edged around the doorframe, and into the exhibition. All around was an Egypt scholar's dream. Sarcophagus were display, the cases were awry, as the mummies had supposedly crawled out of them. Jewelry, art and artefacts were showcased in glass cases, and right at the very back of the room was the 24 carat gold Tablet of Ahkmenrah.

My palms sweating, I walked over towards it, I could still hear Carter talking, taking a long time to describe all the events of what had happened from the day he exploded the Rosetta Stone two years ago with his sister and father.

I reached out my hand to grab it, but before I could even touch it, an arm took hold of my shoulder and spun me around, pushing me back into the wall. I let out a gasp of pain, and looked at my assailant.

"What do you think you are doing?" He spoke in an intimidating, harsh voice with a British accent. He had brown skin, though lighter than mine, and large green eyes flecked with brown. He was dressed head to toe in clothes I had only seen in pictures, except they were so real and so intricate that they might as well have been completely different types of clothing.

He wore a long kilt that fell this feet, called a shendyt. The majority of the crinkled fabric was mustard yellow, but the bit that hung in the front was a shade of lapis lazuli, which was embroidered at the bottom in golden thread. Above his kilt, he wore a wide golden and blue patterned belt. His chest was bare (and mind you it was a very nice chest), except for a layered collar, which was decorated with lapis lazuli, and coral (the gemstone, not the reef). He also wore a golden fabric that wound around his forearms and also somehow doubled as a cape, falling to his feet.

My eyes kept travelling upwards, he was half a head taller than me, and I locked my brown eyes with his. He wore a golden helmet, which covered his head, leaving only his features on display. He looked quite young, maybe in his 20's, like me.

I looked away quickly, his intense gaze frightening me to death. "Um- Well… I was going to…" I looked around. What was that that Carter had said? That I was good at talking my way out of tight spots…

"Steal the Tablet?" The man asked.

"No!" I exclaimed. "I just wanted to… study it. See, my friend, Carter, you know, the pharaoh, we uh… just wanted to study it, you know. Read the hieroglyphs, and stuff. I mean, pictures only give you so much details, that we wanted to see it in person!"

"And you couldn't wait until morning?" He asked skeptically, he wasn't leaning over me anymore, but gave me some distance. He had his arms crossed over his chest, although he was still in ridiculously close proximity.

"Um, no? Well, I'm here with Carter and his sister and last time they were here, they sort of caused and explosion at the museum… so you can see how it would be… problematic to get into the museum during the day. We had to sneak in." A half-truth. Half-truths were good when trying to talk your way out of something.

"Well, as the protector of the Tablet, I must ask-"

"Wait, there's a protector of the tablet?" I asked. Nothing in the books said anything about a protector.

"Yes… I, Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king, was given this Tablet by my parents to protect and guard the secrets of it."

I swallowed. "I-I see. So if there was someone who would steal it, to just say… bring a very deadly monster back to life. One that would swallow the sun and destroy the world, just say, you would not let anybody take it?"

"I would not allow anybody to steal the Tablet under my guard." He said.

I nodded. "Right. That's good to know. Also, does this Tablet have anything to do with the reason why all the museum exhibits have come to life?"

"Indeed it does." He said.

"Cool. Right, so I should be going now, so if you'll let me through-"

And then there was a bright beam of light shot up through the air.

"You're magicians?" Ahkmenrah demanded.

I cursed under my breath, and without waiting for him to move out of the way, I pushed him and ran towards were Carter had just performed the boundary spell.

Ahkmenrah grabbed my arm before I could go a step further.

"What?" I demanded, looking around helplessly where Sadie, Alyssa, Felix and Jaz were. Jaz was dragging Carter- who was unconscious- back behind the marble pillar.

He released my arm. "If I ever see you back here, I won't be so lenient."

I nodded, and I wouldn't have been surprised if I was turning green right at that very moment.

"Don't worry," I said shakily. "I'm not planning on it."

I turned and ran behind the pillar. Carter was sitting down on the ground, leaning on it.

Jaz looked up at me, while the rest of the group finished defending us from the ancient mummies.

Sadie looked at my empty hands. "What happened? Why don't you have the Tablet?" She asked.

Jaz pulled a vial out of her bag which carried all her precious healing potions and spells. She uncorked it and tipped a small portion into Carter's mouth, whose eyes opened immediately, and started coughing.

"Eurgh, disgusting." He commented. He looked around at me. "Did I hear that right? You don't have the Tablet?" He asked, eyebrows knitting together.

"No," I said. "But I think it'll be okay. I'll tell you about it when we get home."

Carter stood up on shaky legs, leaning on Jaz for support. "Alright. We had better get going then. The sun is almost up."