Standing there watching her cheer, knowing he was in the crowd watching her too was so bittersweet for me. You see I wanted him to be down here on the field with me, but this was the way he wanted it. It was a surprise for her and man is she going to be so shocked when she sees him!

I look around trying to spot him in the stands, but I can't see him anywhere. I can feel his presence though. Carlisle went to the airport to pick him up at 2 PM, but I have not been able to see him yet. Carlie would have asked me all kinds of questions, questions that I had no answers to.

Oh, I guess you're wondering what's going on right? Well, My husband, Sergeant Edward Anthony Cullen has been gone for 9 months. He is a Sergeant in the Army and has been stationed in a secret location that Is not privy to anyone besides the military.

It has been a very difficult and extremely long 9 months to say the least.

We have corresponded via email and sporadically through phone calls when time allows.

I miss my husband and when I get him home this time I am not letting him go.

The squad is finishing up their last cheer and I am following along in my head.

I will be singing about 'going bananas' for a while after tonight.

I wait for the MC to come over the loudspeakers with baited breath. They are going to announce the cheer squads one by one and the parents names as well. They know that Edward is here and to call his name last.

One by one they have gone through the girls and the parents in the announcements. All they like is Carlie's name being announced.

"Next we have our little Carlie Ann Cullen. She is in the 4th grade this year. She is the daughter of Bella Cullen And Sergeant Edward Cullen" The MC announces.

Carlie steps out to accept her rose. I walk up with her and hold her hand. I put my arm around her tiny shoulder and whisper in her ear.

"Look over there baby girl." She looks up at me with beautiful green eyes that are so much like her fathers.

"What mommy?" She asks obviously confused.

I take her by her shoulders and turn her around. There stands Edward with tears in his eyes watching us with nothing but pure love written on his face.

Edward drops to one knee and opens his arms and I can read his lips. 'Baby girl'.

My hand flies to my mouth in order to try to control the sob that wants to escape because Carlie is trembling in my arms. She has yet to make a move to her father.

"Carlie, Are you all right?"

She hasn't taken her eyes from Edward, but she nods her head yes.

"Do you want to go to your daddy?" Before I could even get the words completely out of my mouth she was screaming, running into Edward's arms.

Their embrace was so tight it looked painful and they were both openly crying and didn't care who saw them.

The stadium erupted with applause, cheers and I even saw people wiping tears from their eyes. It was absolutely a beautiful moment between them.

I walked over and wrapped my arms around the two most important people in the world to me and held them close. This is what life is all about.

Edward held Carlie on his hip and had his arm around my shoulder.

He kissed her cheek and turned to me with glassy eyes.

"You ready to go home sweetheart?"

"I've been ready to have you home for 9 months Edward. Are you ready have a normal life now?"

He kisses me softly on the lips and smiles.

"More than you will ever know."

"Good, Let's go, get started on Forever then."

Edward smiles that crooked smile that I love and shakes his head.

"Forever, My Bella"