I do not own Fairy Tail or any characters.

Welcome to Fiore High, a remarkable school with a wonderful programs in academics, athletics, and the arts. The school is famous for it's guild system, which divides the school into six 'guilds', or teams. The guilds participate in competitions throughout the year, and are each known for certain traits in their members. Blue Pegasus is known for their beautiful and handsome members, flirtatious girls and chivalrous boys. Lamia Scale became known for their willfulness and fighting spirit. Quatro Cerberus, the all male guild, are literally party animals, while their sister guild, the all female Mermaid Heel, prizes dignity above all else. Sabertooth holds their heads high, mostly comprised of the children of the rich and powerful. And finally, Fairy Tail. A strange assortment of misfits who somehow fit together, even if they destroy school property on a daily basis.

The only problem is… well, the amount of problems. Almost every student at Fiore High had some tragic past, terrible secret, or normal teenage issue. Every guild has a teacher who doubles as a guild leader and counselor, and a student advisor. But even with two people to go to, many students were simply unwilling to ask for help.

And then one day tiny blue origami cranes started appearing all over the school. In desks, on lunch tables, even on shelves in the library. And one day, someone opened one.

On the paper, written in neat, slanting cursive, was the message, 'If you need help, call a friend!', and a phone number. The student happened to be in a bad situation, and after a particularly bad day, called the number. The kind girl on the other end gave them some helpful advice, and all she asked for in return was that they didn't try to find or repay her. Following the girl's advice, the student was surprised to find that their problem was soon solved.

The student told their friends, and the story quickly spread. More students called, and almost every time, their problems were fixed. As people trusted the girl more and more, they revealed more information about themselves, and often found their problems already dealt with when they went to fix them.

The girl remained anonymous, and so people called her 'the bluebird of happiness'. She evolved into not only an advisor, but a helping hand, turning abusive parents in to the police and telling teachers about self-harming friends.

Sometimes she was nothing more than a listening ear, and sometimes she took matters into her own hands, sometimes telling adults who could help, and sometimes doing the helping herself.

Through it all, everyone wondered the same thing; who was this girl who seemed almost like magic?