A/N: I've always wondered what happened that night.

Summary: What happened after Anna Norbergs party that made Emily cringe at the sight of Buffalo Chicken and Ranch pizza?

"Come on Em, just one bite."

Emily shook her head, lips pressed shut as she leaned away from the very unappetizing slice of pizza Paige was offering her. She held up her own slice, and sure it was a chaotic mess of pepperoni and vegetables but it was tasty and healthy, or as healthy as pizza could get, and it looked a hundred times better than the oily mess that was Paige's.

"I think I'll stick with mine thanks." She bit off a piece, smiling smugly at Paige as she chewed.

Paige narrowed her eyes, slouching back into the patio chair and taking a bite of her pizza. "I tried yours." She muttered as she chewed. "Why won't you try mine, it's good!"

"Buffalo chicken and ranch."

"It's good!" Paige insisted stubbornly.

Emily rolled her eyes, taking a swing of the beer they took from Anna Norbergs' house when they decided to ditch the deafening party and head back to Paige's house. "Whatever you say."

Paige huffed. She was going to do whatever it took to get Emily to try her pizza, and get her to admit that it was good. Because it was. It was spicy and creamy and damn it why won't Emily just try it.

She chewed thoughtfully, staring at Emily's pizza as she tried to come up with some sort of plan.

"You're freaking me out."

Paige blinked, glancing at a smiling Emily. "You're going to try my pizza."

"I don't think so." Emily smirked. She sloshed the remaining beer around her bottle as she stared challengingly back at Paige.

"I'll race you."

Emily frowned, "What are you talking about."

Paige tilted her head towards her pool. "Race. I win, you try my pizza. You win, I'll stop bugging you about it." She quirked her eyebrow when Emily laughed.

"You're drunk." Emily shook her head.

Maybe it was Paige's competitive streak, or the fact that for some unreasonable reason she needed Emily to try her pizza (maybe she was drunk) but she put down her own bottle of beer and stood. Emily stared at her as she started taking off her clothes.

"You're serious." Emily deadpanned.

"What made you think I wasn't?" Paige asked seriously as she unzipped her jeans.

"Paige, we just ate, we're more than a little buzzed, and it's cold." Emily stood and grabbed Paige's arm. "We're not gonna race."

Paige just smirked and taunted, "Scared?"

If there was ever a time Emily wished she wasn't so damn competitive, it was now. She stared at Paige, at the toned muscles of her bare stomach, and shook her head in defeat. "Fine. We'll race." She took off her clothes, goosebumps raising along her skin. "You're crazy." She muttered under her breath as she stood along the edge of the pool in her underwear, Paige a mirror image of her.

"Yeah but you love me."

Emily rolled her eyes for the nth time and crouched into position. Paige copied her, muscles tense and ready to spring.




"Emily Fields, are you backing out of a bet?" Paige waved the slice of pizza at Emily. She was shivering and dripping wet but seeing the slouch of Emily's shoulders as she took the slice of buffalo chicken and ranch pizza in her hand made Paige grin.

Emily stared at the slice in her hand and felt her stomach stir. She took a bite, chewing the salty bread slowly. She swallowed, cringing slightly as the acidy taste of the ranch stung her tongue. Paige was grinning like an idiot and it made Emily want to smile despite the fact that the pizza was not good, but she felt the familiar queasiness that came with having too much to drink clawing up her throat and she dropped the slice of pizza, clamping her hands over her mouth as she stumbled towards the bushes.

She felt Paige's warm hands on her back, and then her hair was being pulled aside.

"Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good idea." Paige mumbled apologetically.

Emily wiped her hand over her mouth, took a deep breath and sank down to the ground. "You're lucky I love you."

Paige sat next to her and bumped her bare shoulder against Emily's. "So…was it good?"

Emily settled for glaring at her.

A/N: I had various ideas of what happened that night but I went with this one.