Today's started a great deal better than yesterday. I don't know whether it was from the fact I still felt a tad giddy from my adventure with Merlin last night, or the fact I stayed in character all through breakfast, earning an invitation from Arthur for a picnic lunch, or maybe just simply when I walked in the room this morning, Merlin smiled at the sight of me. To normally be cursed when walking into a room, a smile means everything.

However my head continued to ache, but that didn't even put a damper in my mood.

Now I sat in front of the vanity in my chambers, staring intently at myself in the mirror. These light eyes suddenly made my face look pale and my mess of curls looked like a small, furry creature. I lifted a chunk of hair up and dropped it, not having the slightest idea what to do. I ran my fingers through it to possibly smooth it out but it remained just as wild.

I groaned. How was I suppose to attract the Prince's affections if I couldn't make myself look beautiful? I didn't have much else going for me. Normally I didn't bother with the kohl around my eyes or my hair. Normally I braided my hair back and I never looked in a mirror, as I was already reminded quite often how heinous I was. Why add another way to remind me I'm worthless?

I played around with my hair for quite a while with no avail. The strands of hair kept slipping through my fingers or once I was finally able to pull it back, it was too lose, and slid out. I momentarily considered giving up on this whole thing and running away from the Sidhe—maybe I could find a nice Druid family to take me in? They have always been known as kind people…

And it was then there was a knock on my door and a beautiful, dark-skinned women entered the room. Her hair was pinned up nicely, with a few strands falling out from working, and she had a pleasant smile on her face.

"Hello, my lady. I have come to change your linen, please pardon my interruption," She bowed slightly, a basket full of clothe in her arms.

"Oh, thank you," I said immediately in response, and a slight look of surprise passed over her face.

"It's my pleasure, my lady," the maidservant replied, bowing her head this time. She made her way over to my bed and began pulling off the sheets.

"Please, call me Deirdre," I corrected gently, "What's your name?" I added with a question. I bit my lip, thinking. If she can do that to her hair, perhaps she could do it to mine? Would it be rude of me to ask? Then a cold realization came over me: I could ask whatever I like. Rather than just having the title of a princess, I was actually one. I ask for whatever I liked, and I got it, no questions asked.

Another look of surprised crossed her face as she glanced back. "Deirdre, my name is Guinevere. You may call me Gwen if you please," She answered me as she replaced the old linens with new ones.

"May I ask you a favor?" I asked hesitantly, sucking in my lip in nerves. Even with the mindset of a princess, how could I ask someone to do this for me?

"Of course, Lady Deirdre," Gwen replied, turning back to me to see what I wanted.

I let out a breath, "So, my maidservant has always done my hair," I began with a lie, "And I've found my fingers truly don't know how to do much more than a simple braid, and I would very much like to impress the Prince today. I noticed how pretty your hair was and I was wondering if you could possibly do the same," I finally finished, watching her reaction, and to my surprise, her face lit up with excitement.

"Of course! I am always doing Lady Morgana's hair. I would be honored," She exclaimed as she placed the basket by my bed. Gwen approached me and eyed the supplies I had laying out on the counter—some ribbon and a few pins.

She grabbed my brush and told me to look straight ahead.

Gwen's slender fingers did wonders with my hair and in no time it was pinned back into a loose bun with a few strands framing my face, and the front pulled back like a crown around my head. She even brought me some light colored powder to put on my eyelids, and a darker color to define them more. Slight lines of kohl surrounded my eyes, causing the blue to be bright, and red blush was added to my cheeks to give my pale skin life.

I thought I could possibly make myself look beautiful, but I never thought I could actually feel beautiful, and I surely did in this moment.

"Oh my goodness, Gwen… thank you so much! It is… it is perfect," I told her in awe. I put a hand to my cheek and watched as the mirror-me did the same. Maybe I could do this after all. I finally look the part, at least.

"It was my pleasure. You look truly beautiful," Gwen replied with a bright smile that suddenly turned thoughtful. She added, "You didn't need all of this on your face for Arthur to fall for you. He is good at seeing what's underneath as well, and it will be your sweet soul that he will fall in love with. Just be yourself."

I paused before replying, because I truly didn't know what to say. "Thank you, Gwen," I said with too much emotion, and I had to turn away to hide the tears that burned my eyes.

Gwen suddenly exclaimed, "Oh look, Arthur is all ready for you." I turned to see her looking out the window. I walked over and stood beside her.

In the courtyard, three horses stood prepared, and Merlin was strapping a wicker basket to one of them. Arthur stood a little ways off with his head tilted, looking at the manservant with dubious look on his face.

"Oh, what has Merlin done now," Gwen laughed softly, before saying, "Anyways. Your lunch awaits! Good luck with wooing the Prince."

"You look stunning," Arthur complimented as I walked towards with. The pieces of hair that fell out swayed in the slight breeze, and I looked down, blushing.

"Thank you, sire," I muttered, still unable to look at him. I felt Merlin's eyes on me as well and the blush turned into embarrassment as the first part of our night played across my mind.

"Call me Arthur," He said, and my eyes snapped up to him, trying to avoid catching Merlin's.

"Thank you for inviting me. It's such a gorgeous day out," I commented, trying to seem like I knew how to make conversation, but I was grasping at thin air.

"Truly it is. Shall we?" Arthur asked, motioning to a chestnut gelding.

"We shall," I grinned, and pulled myself up. Arthur and Merlin followed suit, the latter trailing behind us. The sun warmed my skin and I looked up to the clear sky. It almost felt… wrong to be enjoying myself right now. But Father would be okay with it, because it strengthened the act. He would be happy with the progress.

"I hope you have rested enough from your long travel yesterday. I was sorry to hear you were feeling ill last night," the Prince said. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Merlin perk up, awaiting my answer.

"Yes, I have, Arthur. Thanks for asking," I smiled at him, though the movement sent a shot of pain through my head. I resisted the urge to massage my forehead, as the pressure was the only thing to relieve it momentarily.

We traveled a short distance, as Arthur and I prattled on with petty conversation. Merlin stayed quiet behind us, seeming content to just listen. Perhaps he was waiting for me to slip up… I must always be on my guard with him.

Finally, Arthur whoa-ed his horse in front of a shallow stream, and Merlin quickly went to unfold a blanket on the grassy bank. He began to unpack our lunch as I gazed around the clearing.

"This is so peaceful," I murmured. Anxiety began rolling off my back as I started to relax. I could do this.

"That it is. I come here to think more times than not," He replied before gesturing for me to sit.

"I can see why," I said as I settled down on the edge of the blanket.

Arthur joined me. "So, what do you think of Camelot so far?"

"Camelot is spectacular, Arthur. I'm very impressed with the architecture of the building—my room is beautiful! And all the servants seem to genuinely like their job. Gwen and Merlin have been nothing but sweet to me, and Gwen was the one to actually do my hair!" I answered excitedly.

"Oh, you've met Guinevere…" A troubled looked crossed his face before he shook it off with a smile, "She is one of the best we have. Merlin, on the other hand, is the worst servant I have ever seen."

"Hey!" That said servant cried in defense, speaking for the first time during this picnic.

"No way!" I replied in disbelief. He always seemed to be doing his job to me!

"Oh, yes, Deirdre. He is an odd one too! I often find him doing… interesting things, and poor him, has a weak heart. First to run in the sight of danger," Arthur continued on.

"I do not!" Merlin said indignantly. "Deirdre, really, I do not," He added, turning to face me.

"Then how come when we're under attack, you're never around, Merlin?" the Prince asked him with an eyebrow raised.

"You're just not paying attention. I've saved you loads of time," He answered forcefully, but Arthur just snorted. A slight smile formed on my face; their banter was rather endearing.

"Atleast he's interesting, is he not? My maidservant is unexciting and has her face scrunched up like a frog all the time. Sounds like one too…" I said, laughing slightly, and they chuckled. I've never been able to say that about the pixie that raised me, however much true it was.

"Merlin's definitely not boring, that's for sure," Arthur replied, and his friend grinned, taking that as a compliment.

He added, "Well, I'm famished. I had the cook prepare us the finest lunch this afternoon," as he began unpacking the basket filled with food.

Goodness, Arthur was correct! What a selection. There was dried beef, fresh baked bread, and a variation of fruit among other things.

I've never seen anything like it.

Father will be pleased with the progress today, I know it, I thought to myself as Arthur yet again teased Merlin about something. The sun has worked it's way around the sky and was beginning to hide itself over the mountains, causing the blue sky turn colors of pink and orange and gold. I laid on my back watching the sky change, thinking of the past afternoon, and the laughter and smiles and acting like I never thought I could be.

The only thing that was weighing on me was my head. The longer the day went on, the more heavier my pain got. For the most part, I could hide it, but it's what has brought me to silence as the boys banter back and forth.

Finally Merlin took notice. "Deirdre, are you okay?" He asked, eyebrows knitting together in concern.

"Hmm? Yes, of course," I said quietly, but there was no denying the lie in my voice then. I felt like my brain was replaced by a brick and I could barely keep it up. Merlin crawled over to me and looked with a purpose at my dazed eyes and gently touched my forehead with the back of his hand.

"Arthur, we need to get her back," The servant announced with an edge of urgency in his voice.

"No, no, I am fine. Don't worry about me, please," I tried weakly, but then my brain turned from a brick to fire, and I let out a cry, grabbing my head in my hands.

"Deirdre!" Arthur exclaimed, close to my face now as well. "Merlin," he commanded him with a single word, but the boy knew what to do.

I felt arms close around me and lift me up. I went limp in them as my vision began to fade and darkness took over.

And then I knew no more.

if you thought I was never going to update this again... that makes both of us! I lost feeling for this for a bit and was focusing on Anywhere, and now things have been reversed. hopefully now that I have gotten this out of the way, I can return to that one now. please let me know what you think! thanks for all the reviews and follows and all! xx Anna :)