
Pairing: Steve/Tony/Bruce/Clint/Thor/Natasha/Harry

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, The Avengers, or any of the characters associated with the books or movies and I never have and never will make any money from the writing of this story.

Prompt: Prompt 22: Alcohol

WARNING(S): Threesome/Moresome

Waking up after a night of unhealthy drinking with his new teammates as a way to get to know one another with all six of those teammates, naked and cuddling, Harry knew it was going to be an interesting start to the day.

Rubbing at his throbbing head, he carefully extracted himself from Bruce's tight hold and slipped his leg out from under Clint's head then climbed out of bed and wrapped his robe around himself before escaping to the kitchen where he instantly started a pot of fresh coffee brewing...he had a feeling they'd all need it.

He was sitting at the table, nursing a cup of coffee a few minutes later when he heard movement starting in the bedroom, followed by a few loud thumps and yelps as some of its occupants fell to the floor. Snorting, Harry continued to calmly sip at his coffee, wondering who would be the first ones out of the room.

The first two out of the room were Clint and Natasha; Clint went right to the coffee pot and started to get two cups of the steaming coffee while Natasha sat next to him, leaning into his side, her red hair tickling his neck.

"Interesting night, huh?" Harry asked her, turning to look at her.

"You could say that. Steve and Tony looked like they were going to start arguing, Bruce was getting dressed and Thor was still snoring away when Clint and I slipped out of the room."

"Don't they always argue? I don't see what the difference is."

"Oh no difference...unless you count the fact that they looked ready to jump right back into bed together." Clint said with a snort as he handed Natasha her mug before dropping down on the chair on Harry's other side.

"They're already back in bed." Bruce said as he came out of the room, Thor following behind him."

"Let them enjoy. If they tried to drag me back into bed with this hangover I'd probably kill them." Harry said, rubbing at his head.

"I'll get the first round of Tylenol. Anyone else want any?" Clint asked, as he headed for the spare first aid kit in the kitchen.

"A round for all of us normal humans who still get hit with hangovers." Natasha said, watching as Bruce started pulling out things from the fridge.

Moving into the kitchen, Harry gave Bruce a playful hip bump, and said, "Move over I'll help you whip up breakfast. We all know once Steve and Tony finally join us they'll be hungry...well Steve will and Tony will want the coffee pot."

"Blackmail him into eating. Hold it hostage until he agrees to eat something." Clint said as he handed out a few of the packets filled with Tylenol.

"Good idea. Thor you want to guard the coffee pot?" Harry asked the god.

"It would be my pleasure." Thor said with a nod as he ran a hand down Harry's back in a caress before going to stand in front of the coffee pot with his arms crossed.

Grinning, Harry worked with Bruce to whip up breakfast, and glanced back at Natasha and Clint who were practically sitting on one another with how close their chairs were. Maybe all that alcohol wasn't a bad idea if it brought all seven of them this close together.

****END PROMPT****

IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the one and only prompt that will be posted here. It is to let you all know that I've started posting over on Archive of our own. The link will be in my profile if you are interested in following up on the future prompts in this set of prompts.